View Full Version : Home Made Rubber Grip?

03-25-2011, 01:56 PM
I have a grip problem with my SBHH Bisley. That problem is that Hogue or Pac doesn't
make a rubber grip for it. I wondered if anyone has done such a thing (make a hard
rubber grip for a gun). No, I don't want those gorgeous wooden grips as I need
something for my hand to hang on to as those Ruger grips just don't cut it.

04-08-2011, 05:53 PM
Try some self-vulcanizing tape wrapped over your stock grips? It's neat stuff! Soemtimes sold as "wonder tape" on Home Shopping Network and shown repairing everything including currently leaking radiator hoses.

I have found the rubber grips are generally worse than wood if you're shooting something with serious kick.... but there are exceptions - .500S&W would be one.

04-08-2011, 05:58 PM
Years ago read article on "casting" your own grips. Hobby stores or craft stores have all kinds of stuff. I think it is called :Easy Cast" All differant materals even an expoxy base. It seems pricey to me Check the net. Need to made a clay mold of the grips

Von Dingo
04-09-2011, 02:29 PM
FastCap My Grip. Good stuff, american made, about exactly what you are asking for. They have the RAT grip line, same sorta stuff, aimed at the tactical crowd. Good stuff, American company.