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View Full Version : Has Top Shot confirmed any thoughts you have on Shooting Disciplines?

03-18-2011, 09:55 AM
I'm curious. As the 2nd season started and I've been watching I was wondering if any of your suspicions of certain disciplines have been confirmed? For me, and I know I might catch some grief for this, but it appears that most IPSC people on there mostly don't get the job done. They can be fast but most seem to have lacked accuracy. Now, I know guys like Jerry Miculek and Rob Latham and others are accurate as they have proven themselves in countless disciplines with accuracy being a must.

Anyway, to me it seems like the IPSC guys turn out to be fast but not necessarily very accurate. When people with not much handgun experience are getting it done with a handgun and the IPSC guys don't in both seasons then the flash of running and gunning has been greatly diminished in my eyes. How about you?

03-18-2011, 11:23 AM
I think the producers may have been more interested in hiring the "Top People Likely To Look Good On A "Reality" Show Who Can Also Shoot Without Injuring Themselves", rather than the actual "Top Shot"s from those who auditioned.



03-18-2011, 11:49 AM
I'll give you some grief.

There is already enough tension between shooters of different disciplines in our little corner of the world.

Such snobbery ends up as range time allocation, range improvement expenditures, and sour feeling between folks that ought to be supporting one another on behalf of shooting sports in general.

Every one who is actively involved in the shooting sports (except collecting and competition for grand champion keyboard operator) should be supported, encouraged, and celebrated.

The whole world is not a reality T.V. competition. Damn it.

03-18-2011, 02:03 PM
I participated in the old Smith & Wesson "Masters" from 1986 (the very first "Masters") through 1997. For those of you not familiar with the course of fire, it consisted of three events: (1) an Olympic-style .22 event, (2) a 3-stage, IPSC-style "action" event, and (3) a IHMSA-style long-range event out to 200M as well as both rifle and shotgun "sidematches". While I shot in the "Sportsman" (amateur) class, over those years, I had the opportunity to observe and become acquainted with some of the best "pros" of the day...fine folks like Kenny Tapp, Brian Enos, Rob Leatham, and Jimmy Clark Jr...and, let me tell you, while their strong suit might've been IPSC/action-style handgunning, every one of those guys was, at least, competent in multiple shooting disciplines. Believe me, watching Jerry Miculek on tape doesn't hold a candle to standing in the next shooter's box while he cleans a 5-plate shotgun stage in 2.6 seconds...with a 870 pump!


03-18-2011, 02:37 PM
I'll give you some grief.

There is already enough tension between shooters of different disciplines in our little corner of the world.

Such snobbery ends up as range time allocation, range improvement expenditures, and sour feeling between folks that ought to be supporting one another on behalf of shooting sports in general.


Competition does funny, and often bad things to people. I shot a LOT of IPSC back in the late 80's and started out enjoying it. My primary gun was a 4" S&W 686, only lightly modified, but not enough to keep me from declaring it as a stock gun.

When you start beating the semi-auto guys and their race guns in the "D," then "C," and then "B," classes, the competition becomes less fun and more "whatever it takes to win."

My and a few other wheelgun shooters watched the semi-auto guys start laying out courses in which a six-shot revolver would be seriously handicapped versus an eight shot semi. Subtle, but the handicap was there. Then there were barricades in which the course "rule" was only the last two inches of the barrel could be exposed--knowing good and well the wheelgun shooters would get cylinder blowback. . .

Little things like that.

Finally said to hell with them and to hell with firearms competition. IPSC was the last straw.

So as far as stuff like Top Shots goes, I've never had any interest in watching it whatsoever. My own personal opinion is that competition "reality" shows are a heaping mountain of bravo-sierra. Survivor proved that after the first episode when the exposés started coming out.

The whole world is not a reality T.V. competition. Damn it.

Agree, but we may be the last handful of living Americans who know that.


03-18-2011, 02:50 PM
I do not think it is an accurate interpretation of the actual disciplines that these people are trying to emulate. It is just another trauma drama.

03-18-2011, 08:06 PM
It's just TV. A lot of the personal "situations" seem contrived. We are not all the strong young cannibals seen on the screen. It's no more real than any other show, in fact reality is so boring that they have do do something to juice up the show. I enjoy watching the competitions, and devising versions to put my kids through. We use smaller targets, though...

03-18-2011, 08:20 PM
They cut & paste, edit, and mix up conversations to build FAKE DRAMA on these so called " reality shows"

I wish they'd stick to the shooting.

I've shot with guys like Matt Burkett, and Todd Jarrett.

They can SHOOT

Same goes for Miculek, Leatham, Enos, Koening, etc.

There are some VERY HIGHLY SKILLED IPSC shooters in this world

...but blowguns and tomahawks ! ? ! ? !

What the hell

03-18-2011, 08:35 PM
I haven't watched any of the second season as I thought the first season was pretty bad.

Suspicions Confirmed:

1. It's pretty tough to pick up any gun that you haven't determined to be sighted in and hit much with it, unless you have a consistent background that shows your hits, and enough time and rounds to get yourself on target.

2. Shooters with a lot of experience will generally outshoot shooters with less experience, particularly at longer ranges. A guy with some high power type experience will whup up on a bench rest style shooter when you start mixing up ranges out farther than a couple hundred yards using iron sights.

3. TV has very little, if anything, to do with reality.


03-18-2011, 08:45 PM
Reality TV has nothing to do with reality.
I watched a couple of episodes, no need to watch more. I find it to be sort of silly in all reality.

03-18-2011, 09:55 PM
On the other side of the coin it is better than most of whats on the TV.
Many of the shooters do have a good track recode in their kind of shooting sport/game.
It puts them out of their comfort zone, good, shows the need to be more than a games-man.
The show is drawing viewers.
If that turns non-shooters/non-gun owners into shooters/gun owners that's good.
I would like to see some more hunting oriented challenges on the show.
All in all right now , I think it is a good P-R, show for us.:Fire::Fire:

03-18-2011, 10:46 PM
I think the producers may have been more interested in hiring the "Top People Likely To Look Good On A "Reality" Show Who Can Also Shoot Without Injuring Themselves", rather than the actual "Top Shot"s from those who auditioned. Regards, Stew


I've worked in the TV industry for 34 years and I assure you that AZ Stew's comment is 100% accurate.


03-19-2011, 09:00 PM
is a Marine and a Deputy Sheriff. He shoots offhand as well as I shoot from a bench. He is the one to beat here locally. He was nominated to be on the TV show. He declined saying that he is too mean and set in his ways to put up with the BS. I think he should have done it.
I did beat him once at a pin shoot, I was lucky.
I don't think I could handle playing to a script though I can throw a tomahawk and knife fairly well.
I prefer scoring groups as opposed to reactionary targets.
I about laughed myself silly watching last seasons shows. Some entertainment value. Too much fluff.
Maybe there is a place for a TV show where the skill of shooters in several disciplines could be shown without the drama and backbiting.

Life is good

03-20-2011, 11:19 PM
I fear the glory days when we could occasionally see the Bianci (SP) cup or a cowboy action shoot on T.V. are gone ,SADLY.:Fire::Fire:

03-20-2011, 11:39 PM
I watched my first episode tonight, a rerun of the blowgun/tomahawk episode. After the first fifteen seconds Mrs. Geargnasher and I looked at each other with a mutual eye roll. She said "Top Drama". I couldn't agree more.


03-21-2011, 01:34 AM
At least it's better than the other main gun show on cable, "Sons of Guns"! I wouldn't own a *** built by those guys on a bet.

03-21-2011, 07:20 AM
IMO they have good shooters that are good in one kind of shooting but spend so much of there time pratcing & shooting in that type of shooting that they lack the skills or pratice to shoot well in other types of shooting games. not well rounded shooters.
IMO bullesey shooting is the springboard for all other types of shooting sports ! get this down pretty well and all the other shooting games fall into place with some pratice in that shooting game .

03-21-2011, 08:47 AM

I agree with the bullseye statement. I think if people had at least some time shooting bullseye they would be a lot better shot as a result of the trigger control taught. Many won't do it because for most action shooters it is like watching paint dry. I grew up in bullseye and wouldn't trade the skills learned for anything. The only problem I see some of them having with there transitions in action shooting is they think they have to shoot an xring on every shot instead of using advice I saw Jerry Miculek make, "I'm as accurate as I have to be". Meaning if you are wiping a line of steel plates down you don't have to hit them all perfectly centered. Nonetheless, it should the bedrock of anyone's shooting skills. IMHO.

Land Owner
03-21-2011, 11:37 AM
The question has to be asked, what are you guys and gals watching the TV for in the first place? I am usually making boolits, reloading cases, or cleaning the guns in the evenings.

There used to be a show, in the 70's I think, called "Celebrity Shoot" (is that right?) where shotguns, a dark sky, "fluorescent" colored skeet, and a concentric numbered "net" for scoring was used. Didn't get much Network exposure.

If the show generates interest in shooting sports then it is all good, "drama queens" or not. I can tolerate some new and innovative ways to "spice up" target shooting.

03-21-2011, 11:41 AM
Blow guns at balloons last night. Caught about 2 min and that was all I could take. It is a farce!

03-21-2011, 12:38 PM
For reality sake I wish each team was required to have a half crippled crotchity old guy who makes fun of those young know-it-alls.:-P

03-21-2011, 01:20 PM
For reality sake I wish each team was required to have a half crippled crotchity old guy who makes fun of those young know-it-alls.:-P

Teams? What "teams"?

I have been on several team events at several National Championship matches and have never seen anything the likes of this show.

The very first thing they do is choose teams, ok fine.

The second thing they do is sit around deciding who they will "vote off the island". Say what? Teams? What "teams"? That IS NOT a team! A team lives and dies together. The "team" wins or loses.

For reality sake? The one thing this show has absolutely none of is reality. It is nothing more than zero-reality for the brain dead masses that plain and simple don't know any better, but then that is the target audience. For anyone that can actually think a full episode would be very difficult to sit through. The entire purpose of this show is to get episodes on the air and fill a time slot as dirt cheap as possible. As the costs of producing a 1 hour episodic series this show is about as cheaply done as possible. Their entire budget would barely cover the cost of the coffee on a serious TV production.

Top shot? Hardly, the last thing they want is a "top shot". One of the best all around shooters I know auditioned for season 1, he has won numerous long range handgun International and National Championships in several categories. He was turned down . . . Their reason, not dynamic enough. So what does an ability to shoot have to do with this show?

The completely scripted plot is so lame that it doesn't even qualify as entertainment and has nothing in common with any of the shooting sports.


03-21-2011, 01:51 PM
Teams? What "teams"?

Teams in the modern corporate sense, where "We are all in this together (right up to the point where I perceive some personal advantage to throwing the rest of you under a bus)".

Get with the times. :wink:


03-21-2011, 03:40 PM
Hey, it's guns(mostly) going off at targets and I can't do that at night when the show's on, neighbors might dial 911 ! And it IS better than the taped soaps the bride is watching on the other TV...
The only part that's interesting is the shootoffs to see who goes home - funny how they gripe about being in the shootoffs where they can now win a $2000 Cabela's card - you'd think a GOOD shooter would WANT to be in every shootoff !

03-22-2011, 07:06 AM
I have done alot of different types of match shooting with handguns, shotguns and rifles and have allways done good to excellent .but with some elses gun ? this is a toss up ! i know for a fact with iron sights this is critical .
With another type of weapon , bow , knife , blow gun , sling shot ect , I would probley do poorley as i havent praticed enough with them to be any good with them .
But to me when you say Top Shot, its about firearms ! not the others weapons

03-22-2011, 08:15 AM
Early in the first season a "Marine Sniper" fired numerous round with a 03A3, with a spotter, and never scored a hit. Come on guys, lets put a little reality in your reality show.That was the first and last time I tuned in.

03-22-2011, 06:46 PM
My interest peaked last season. No such thing as reality on REALITY TV. Reality is going to work every day and barley making enough to pay the doctor bills. No one is going to watch. The masses have to be entertained. MTV used to be a music video channel. The History channel used to be a history channel........... AMERICA USED TO BE THE HOME OF THE BRAVE. You are just watching the dumbing down of America.

03-23-2011, 12:21 AM
HATED the first 1.5 episodes last year, quit watching it. Just 'glanced' at one tonight,
and got interested. They were doing 'trick shots' which were weird stuff, but pretty tough
shots, and stuff like shooting two guns at the same time, that I have never even tried.

Turned out pretty good to me, esp since they treated each other with respect and acted
like adults. The childish backstabbing and whining of the first season, which TOTALLY
turned me off seems to be gone. I don't know about blowguns or tomahawks, but the
SHOOTING that I saw tonight was difficult and wierd, I enjoyed it and did NOT expect to,
figured I'd see that same whiney c**p and change the channel pronto. I was pleasantly

As to IPSC shooters, after 30 yrs of competition I an tell you that while some cannot shoot
real well but real fast, many of us are really pretty decent shots besides doing the fast and
furious stuff, too.


03-23-2011, 10:14 AM
It's not perfect but I watch it. Better than a lot of other stuff on TV.

03-23-2011, 10:34 AM
I watched it last night a well and was pleasantly surprised. There were some good shooting scenarios there.

Also, I am in no way saying that all IPSC shooters are bad shots. There are definitely many great shots there but there are many who think they are good shots but IMHO are more track stars than they are good shots. Many develop extremely bad trigger habits with the way much of it is set up.

03-23-2011, 10:40 AM
I wasn't intending to watch it at all, but since the DVR recorded it, I sat and watched most of the episodes one evening when I didn't feel like doing anything else. It really boils down to being an everyman (or woman). The guy who won last season was a C rated USPSA shooter and I think he is a 3-gunner. Military background which means he's handled a lot of different things over the years. To win on that show you kind of have to take a back seat and pretty much be able to handle the pressure of the cameras, and ignore all the drama. This year's show is better than last IMO.. Some of it was kind of silly, but the shooting the arrows through pipes was kind of interesting..

I'm kind of looking forward to the hanging upside down stuff or the hanging from a rope stuff. There have been some interesting courses of fires at some of the various matches over the years.. a zipline, a roller coaster, and various other really interesting scenarios.. It all boils down to being able to use a firearm or system unfamiliar to you, and be able to pick it up quickly while doing something outside of your comfort zone. People who are specialized as we are finding out (USPSA Open GM's for instance), are at a serious disadvantage unless the goal is to "go fast".

03-23-2011, 06:33 PM
The only part that's interesting is the shootoffs to see who goes home - funny how they gripe about being in the shootoffs where they can now win a $2000 Cabela's card - you'd think a GOOD shooter would WANT to be in every shootoff !

I told my son that I would vote for myself for every challenge. Heck, If I could have done the tommy gun challenge I would have walked away with a grin on my face so wide I would wind up with a divorce. Win, lose or draw. Kick in the $2000 gift card and the greedy would come out like you wouldn't believe.

Yeah, I watch it with my son and we usually skip through the drama. Ain't DVR's great?

03-23-2011, 07:26 PM
Maybe I'm just old and paranoid but does is seem strange that theirs so much interest on firearms on tv lately .The last top shot where they spin the guy around to get him dizzy then have him shoot upside down . I would have told them to - off not safe firearms handling .Then one guy shoots the stage single action the other double action what with that looked like a DQ to me .Then again what do I know .

03-23-2011, 11:16 PM
I've seen TS exactly twice and the only thing it convinced me of was that some people will do anything to get on TV. Maybe the first few shows, the contestants didn't know the truth of the matter.

05-30-2013, 09:40 PM
Anyone watching the new season? Looks like they got rid-of the drama

05-30-2013, 09:51 PM
Top Shot is just another reason I don't watch TV. Only good point was that a good all-around shooter would always beat a top-ranked comp shooter in the long run. Most stages were designed for TV visual appeal, I'm guessing that's pretty hard to do without getting silly.

05-30-2013, 10:19 PM
Not interested doesn't describe it.

Scripted garbage

Ed Barrett
05-30-2013, 11:19 PM
I don't watch "reality shows" period.


05-30-2013, 11:40 PM
Well said, Ed. We all know "reality show" is an oxymoron.

05-31-2013, 07:33 AM
Well it's better then lots of other **** on TV, I enjoy watching guns and people shooting them. I will say I have been Unimpressed with the drama they had in the past, now it's just shooting, no teams, no voting, no BS just Competitions. They didnt get new shooters this time they are using shooters from other seasons as "all stars"

05-31-2013, 07:46 AM
Still not watching. Reality TV has a lot of things but reality is rarely one of them.

I enjoy shooting guns. I have no desire to watch a bunch of egos run around and shoot them.

05-31-2013, 08:12 AM
I must be blessed . . . I didn't know that crapolla was back.


05-31-2013, 08:43 AM
Until now I didn't either Rick. I didn't know it was still on, now I wish I still didn't know.

Garbage with guns is still garbage

05-31-2013, 09:24 AM
I could have sworn that they said they would no longer going to run the program after Sandyhook thing,

I support shooting shows, it shows the average idiot the guns are not dangerous, I can't stand red jacket but I'm glad it's there ;)

Mal Paso
05-31-2013, 10:04 AM
I pulled the plug when O'bummer started the Tobacco Horror Commercials. At $70/mo I should be able to watch what I want, it's supposed to be Recreation. I watched my mother die of lung cancer won't pay to be reminded. It was weird for the first few months but, like quitting cigarettes the benefits become obvious. I have DSL and could probably get "Top Shot" but after this excellent revue I think NOT. I've got ammo to load and I promised to be at the range by 1 pm. No time to waste.

05-31-2013, 10:50 AM
Is there an organization like AA for TV addicts? Maybe I should start one!:kidding:

Seriously, how do those of you that have quit TV get your news? Or when there's weather approaching, how do you get severe weather bulletins?

One of the most important,(to me at least), things about being retired is I get to see the programs I used to miss. I always worked nights, so I couldn't see most of the shows. The advent of the VCR helped, and lately the DVR also helped. What about baseball?

As far as the show top shot, I've watched it from the beginning. Yeah the drama was like watching a soap opera, but the shooting was good. By good, I mean for the general shooting sports aspect. We should embrace the positive as a good thing.

Some of the targets were pure genius, who the heck dreamed some of them up? I have the first show recorded, haven't had time to look at it. Who said you have more time once you're retired??¿:coffeecom

gray wolf
05-31-2013, 11:32 AM
Julie has the radar on the puter, we don't have ANY TV, don't want it, don't miss it, don't need it.
As for the news ? give me a break--please-- I wouldn't watch the propaganda, I don't care what channel it was on. It's a joke with a capital J, scripted for your pleasure but not your enlightenment or edification.
There are some very good alternative news net-works on the net. also some very good forums that get the news before the Gov. ****sss on it and re-writes it. Sure it takes a little work when something doesn't sound correct and you need to double check it out. As for the other programs ?
(programming being the key word) it's TV folks it's there to numb your brain and dumb you down
it's also a great tool to form opinions, I hear people talk all the time and it takes about 3 seconds to see they are Polly-ing back to me what they listened to on TV without any knowledge of what they are talking about. Thanks but no thanks. Sorry to be so blunt, but I find the whole thing rather amusing.

Smitty's Retired
05-31-2013, 12:55 PM
It's confirmed I still hate Reality Shows. Even though it seems that's what all programing is going to.

05-31-2013, 02:01 PM
It's all about the ratings! Whatever will sell the most soap, deodorant, etc. And "Reality TV" is an oxymoron!

AZ-stew is right on the mark. They are not as interested in shooting good as they are "looking good while shooting!"