View Full Version : Scored some wheelweights, and now for the bad news

David LaPell
03-15-2011, 08:58 PM
I stopped at a tire shop today run by a buddy of mine and he gave me a large pail full of them, but it will be the last I see of them from there. Apparently starting on the first of this year New York State implemented a law where all wheel weights from now on will be made of steel. No more lead. So now I am going to try and go to a scrapyard and a couple other places to see if I can score some more lead weights before they are all gone. I hate politicians.

03-15-2011, 09:01 PM
Same here in CA.

I hate them like the plague....

03-15-2011, 09:20 PM
With all due respect, that is why I don't live in California or New York. Don't feel too bad though. Because California, Washington and apparently now New York have outlawed lead WW's, soon ALL of us will be stuck with steel WW's.

03-16-2011, 12:27 PM
We should have been trying to ban zinc and steel WW all the time. When was the last time you saw a kid gnawing on a car tire?

03-16-2011, 04:16 PM
I talked to one of the local tire shops here in Illinois and they said as of Jan 1 2012 lead WW will be outlawed.

03-16-2011, 04:22 PM
you still have some time to get them from your buddy - how many of his customers are going to run right in and get new tires/balancing of the wheels?

Just don't make him your only source!

03-17-2011, 02:02 AM
We should have been trying to ban zinc and steel WW all the time. When was the last time you saw a kid gnawing on a car tire?

Or an endangered condor ;-)

Centaur 1
03-17-2011, 11:07 PM
Even Florida is bad. The guy at Firestone told me that instead of outlawing them, the state placed an environmental surcharge on new lead wheel weights. He said that the charge is more than the cost of the weights. They're using strictly zinc because it's half the cost of lead.

03-17-2011, 11:46 PM
Cal outlawed lead weights but let garages use what they had on hand. My mechanic has used up all his stick on weights but still has clip on weights. Went in to pick up weights and clean up the tire area. The number of steel weights was so high that I did a preliminary sort as I put them in my bucket. As an estimate I think 75% of the stick ons were steel or zinc. most of clip ons were lead.

03-18-2011, 12:08 AM
Realistically, how long before the wheel weight manufacturers completely re-tool to produce zinc or steel weights? That is the big question. Once the manufactures go to steel / zinc its all over! Won't matter from what state you reside. Right?!

03-18-2011, 12:19 AM
Arer there pictures of the zinc weights on here somewhere, or could I tell by the letters and numbers on them?

03-18-2011, 12:31 AM
Arer there pictures of the zinc weights on here somewhere, or could I tell by the letters and numbers on them?

There's a couple of ways I check for zinc/steel. Some of them look different. Might have a rivet mark on the back. SOme of the steel weights have holes in them. Quickest way for me is to grab one and scrape it on some rough concrete. The lead weight will scrape easily, and the scraped metal will be shiny. The steel and zinc weights have a "tinie" metallic sound when scraping and don't get definative scrape marks. -- Also, when I process the weights, I melt them at a low temperature so I don't also melt the zinc. When it floats to the top, I quickly scoop it off. Seems to work...no contamination in my lead.

Good luck!

03-18-2011, 12:37 AM
Simple test,use a pair of dikes,side cutters.Zink or steel will not cut.Easy

03-18-2011, 01:57 AM
Simple test,use a pair of dikes,side cutters.Zink or steel will not cut.Easy

also hit a zinc wheelweight and it will tink a lead wheelweight will sound lower a dull tunk sound ... i inspect all of them after a while you can visually see the difference the lead is usually duller in shine ,heavier in your hand will bend,wont dent with pliars when tapped with metal a low dull sound ... zinc looks a little shinier, wont bend easily or not at all usually painted and has a zn on it somewhere, wont cut or dent with pliars , high pitch tink when hit ...... and steel is usually riveted on or has holes in it has a fe on it and i use a magnet to test the ends , if its magnetic it's iron .... hope this helps .... ps live in california been saving lead for years got @ 2-3000lbs , dont think i can shoot all that in my lifetime , best wishes badbob

03-19-2011, 08:13 AM
I bought 1800lbs of wheelweights 20yrs or so ago they have been gone for a long time.
I have a couple of friends trying to scrounge some for me not much luck yet.

03-19-2011, 08:34 AM
It cost NASCAR a fortune last time they went to Calif , had to remove all the lead from the cars, as well as the tire balancing and replace with enviro friendly metals.
Great budgetingthere spend millions on being "carbon footprintless" at the cost of a state budget thats seemingly always in the tank.
Next area I hear is New England trying to group together to eliminate lead, getting it from both coasts now.

03-19-2011, 09:04 AM
Have also heard that the ones on high are looking at all the ways possible to remove items that can used in the manufacture of ammunitions by the serfs,If primers end up with a 6mths shelf life,you will eventually find that the case quality will become so poor that they will only last for a couple of reloads before splitting,which is what we are finding with some of the original eastern european cases.