View Full Version : Local Gun Show

03-06-2011, 04:54 PM
I went to our annual local gun show this weekend and it was probably one of the better ones we have had in the last couple of years. I noticed alot more variety of rifles, pistols and revolvers for a change. They had alot of guns that 2 years ago you could not find at very reasonable prices, i.e. S&W 642, Rugers SP101 etc. I even picked up a brick of lg pistol primers for 19.00 and a couple lbs. of FFg for 15.00 each. Last 1lb can I picked up at our local gun shop was 21.95 including tax. He gave a good quote on buying by the case and he has relatives that live here in town so he would give me a heads up next time he is coming to visit which would save me on frieght and such.
Anyway, nice to see things are returning to normal again.

Lively Boy
03-06-2011, 05:03 PM
I went to the local show this weekend also....primers at 28$ to 38$ per 1k and powder was 25$ + per pound but did score my enfield a new mag for 5 bucks so not to bad. glad yours are getting better mine here seem to be going backwards...

03-06-2011, 05:36 PM
I went to a local show yesterday. Wasn't that great to me. It was a good size one. I didn't have gun money to spend so I was looking for small items and there wasn't much of that, that I needed anyway. I just ended up buying a cheap scope and some targets. It's so expensive to get in that I feel I have to buy something to justify going and I had to walk through twice(which I do anyway) to find that. It cost $18 with parking. I've noticed it doesn't really matter if the show is big or small. If they have stuff you can get that you need at a reasonable price, it's a good show.

03-06-2011, 06:39 PM
The admission fee to ours is 6.00 plus the first 350 get their choice in a high quaility " Trophy Calendar". That just about pays for the admission if you need another calendar for the man room !:)

03-06-2011, 06:51 PM
I'm waiting for April for the Tulsa Arms Show http://www.tulsaarmsshow.com/frames.html it is one of the largest in the country, 11 acres under one roof. They hold this show two times a year and I have not been able to go to the last two. This year I'm retired and nothing can stop me. Hope to see some of you there.


03-06-2011, 06:55 PM
$18.! There is just no way! I have been griping that the show we go to went from $2 to $5 at the door. I have noticed more stuff for sale as $$ is tight for a lot of people. There are never good prices except on used personal items once in a while. I can buy most of my needs online and pay shipping and still get it cheaper.
I used to like just being around so many gun people. Last year a show was very crowded. I ran into a couple of pals and stopped to say hey. A fellow behind me shoved me pretty hard and walked on by. I am crippled by pain but was ready to take this putz out right now. Luckily my pals stopped me and the S.H. moved on. I wanted to "talk" with him in the parking lot but I calmed down after a while. A few years back it would have been done on the spot! The older I get the less I like most people! Ooops, rant off.
Last show I did pick up a Lyman 450 with TP and .452 die with a Midway heater for $25. Very rare to find anything associated with casting in these parts.