View Full Version : Out of context but strange

03-05-2011, 11:04 PM
I took my two dogs out, one is black, no larger then a rabbit. My other, Mai, goes on a leash. I also left the garage dogs into their pen, large fenced area.
I was out back with the little ones and I could not find Spencer anymore. She is the little black one. I seen her head to the dog pen so I told Mai, my Pekingnese that we have to find her. we headed to the pen and garage door and I called over and over. We went around the pen but no Spencer so I needed to get a light and take Mai in.
Spencer was in the garage! I did not let her in and the wife did not let her in.
I have retraced every step and Spencer was with us in the back. I did not let her in.
Have I finally lost my mind? [smilie=1:

03-05-2011, 11:20 PM

03-06-2011, 12:29 AM
Oh man a classic case of Lead Fume Amnesia.

03-06-2011, 01:13 AM
Could be guys! :bigsmyl2:
But she was with us because I have to watch that she does not go to the road.
I have no idea how she got in the garage. I watched her going towards the dog pen and then she was gone.
I had to get a drink after! :veryconfu

03-06-2011, 02:28 AM
If your dog is rabbit size, do you have a drier vent hose that goes from the garage to the outside. Had a cocker spaniel in a panic almost crawl through one once.

03-06-2011, 08:32 AM
If your dog is rabbit size, do you have a drier vent hose that goes from the garage to the outside. Had a cocker spaniel in a panic almost crawl through one once.
No, only one door in when the big doors are shut.
This one is driving me crazy. Carol said it was probably my father, his ashes are in my woods! [smilie=l:

Lloyd Smale
03-06-2011, 11:09 AM
Is it possible she was fooling around at a neighbors that doesnt appreciate it and they put her in there?

03-06-2011, 01:36 PM
I have a little terrior, I have decided they know true magic!
Mine can pass through chain link, sheel iron, and solid walls,as long as I am not looking!

Doc Highwall
03-06-2011, 01:43 PM
Lose my mind no, I gave a piece of it away one piece at a time. But then again the lead fume theory has it's advocates.

03-06-2011, 01:58 PM
We have Kasey the Yorkie. I spend more time looking for her and most of the time she is right behind me looking at me like I am deaf, blind, and extremely DUMB!! Try to find a black dog at night who wants to play!

03-06-2011, 03:00 PM
Is it possible she was fooling around at a neighbors that doesnt appreciate it and they put her in there?
Neighbors are far, far away and some are never home.
I think it was a ghost! I keep them with me or in sight all the time. They never leave the yard. Our road is private with little traffic and when they are close to it I am with them.
I turn on lights at dark when I take them out so I can see them.
This is just crazy.
How can I get my boolits loaded when I am in bed? :bigsmyl2:
Here is the little poop.

gray wolf
03-06-2011, 03:55 PM
Your dog is a reincarnated drug trafficker and has a tunnel outside leading to the garage.
I would do a daily urine test and check for seeds near her bed.
My little dog is black also and impossible to see at night. We got her a little blinking LED light for her collar $4.00 very bright and very small, works great.

Lloyd Smale
03-06-2011, 04:05 PM
had to laugh one night. Well i wasnt really laughing at the time but the dog was outside and i told the old lady hed been gone a bit long. I started yelling for him and continued for about a 1/2 screaming. He never goes far and i was getting worried so i put my boots on and started down the road yelling. I didnt hear a thing for the longest time so i turned around and headed back. Just before i got back to the house i thought i heard a dog crying way off in the distance. All i could think of was a wolf or somethng got him I yelled and yelled and about every 5 minutes id hear a cry. I was PANICKED by then. I walked in the woods in every direction and as soon as i got in the woods couldnt hear a thing. Went back to the road and heard it again. He ended up being in the neighbors pole barn locked up. The neighbors just use the house for a snowmobile cottage on the weekends and they allways have treats for him. He must have went in the barn when they were working on sleds and they must have locked the door and headed back down state and didnt realize he was in there. Luckily i have a key for it and released him. He must have been in there crying for 4 hours. He about peed himself when he finally saw me. Stupid mut probably went in there while they were there and curled up in the corner for a nap.
Neighbors are far, far away and some are never home.
I think it was a ghost! I keep them with me or in sight all the time. They never leave the yard. Our road is private with little traffic and when they are close to it I am with them.
I turn on lights at dark when I take them out so I can see them.
This is just crazy.
How can I get my boolits loaded when I am in bed? :bigsmyl2:
Here is the little poop.

03-06-2011, 04:15 PM
A friend lost her lil dog ! it was missing for 2 days , although we put on a extensive search for the dog we did not find him ! we were thinking he got run over by a car ? Well we decided to make another search the next day ! well we found him alive stuck in a groundhog hole ! apparently he crawled in through the larger opening and made his way to the very small opening! guess he had no reverse to back out of the hole

03-06-2011, 05:23 PM
Small dogs are sneaky. They sneak up behind you and don't let you know that they are there. Our small dog is gray and only obeys when she wants to or food is involved. She will eventually come when called but I don't know it because she is behind me. Labs are easier to find.

MT Gianni
03-06-2011, 06:28 PM
2"-6" of snow will tell you a lot.

03-06-2011, 07:35 PM
had to laugh one night. Well i wasnt really laughing at the time but the dog was outside and i told the old lady hed been gone a bit long. I started yelling for him and continued for about a 1/2 screaming. He never goes far and i was getting worried so i put my boots on and started down the road yelling. I didnt hear a thing for the longest time so i turned around and headed back. Just before i got back to the house i thought i heard a dog crying way off in the distance. All i could think of was a wolf or somethng got him I yelled and yelled and about every 5 minutes id hear a cry. I was PANICKED by then. I walked in the woods in every direction and as soon as i got in the woods couldnt hear a thing. Went back to the road and heard it again. He ended up being in the neighbors pole barn locked up. The neighbors just use the house for a snowmobile cottage on the weekends and they allways have treats for him. He must have went in the barn when they were working on sleds and they must have locked the door and headed back down state and didnt realize he was in there. Luckily i have a key for it and released him. He must have been in there crying for 4 hours. He about peed himself when he finally saw me. Stupid mut probably went in there while they were there and curled up in the corner for a nap.

If you wonder who loves you more, your wife or your dog, lock them both in the trunk of your car for an hour. When you open it up, you'll know the answer.

03-07-2011, 10:17 AM
If you wonder who loves you more, your wife or your dog, lock them both in the trunk of your car for an hour. When you open it up, you'll know the answer.
You made me bite my lip! :holysheep

white eagle
03-07-2011, 10:53 AM
I have a 107 # yellow lab(Jack)thats 14 mths old.
when walking on our land I will loose sight of him or he dissapears
while I am not looking.Naturally I will start yelling for him 9 times out of 10
he is standing within 15-20 yards wondering what all the commotion is about
Darn thing......

03-07-2011, 04:00 PM
My Egyptian Mau tries to get out every now and then. One evening when I was letting my old dog out I looked around for the Mau so I could short stop his escape attempt. I didn't see the Mau anywhere and had just started to open the door when I saw the tip of his tail and realized that he had walked along under the dog's belly to avoid detection.

03-09-2011, 10:38 AM
I find dogs are sneaky and can move from place to place without being seen.
Several years ago I had a dog I had raised from a pup.
He usually came when called, but sometimes he would lower his head and look around the corner of the house or garage.
All you would see was the end of his nose and one eye.
Like he was trying to hide or something.
Wonderful dog, I miss him.:sad:

Lloyd Smale
03-09-2011, 11:59 AM
sorry but theres no way id lock my dog in the trunk ;)
If you wonder who loves you more, your wife or your dog, lock them both in the trunk of your car for an hour. When you open it up, you'll know the answer.

03-10-2011, 12:17 PM
sorry but theres no way id lock my dog in the trunk ;)
I love you my friend! :drinks:

03-10-2011, 01:23 PM
Anybody interested in taking up a collection so James and Lloyd can get a room.:bigsmyl2:

03-10-2011, 07:24 PM
Anybody interested in taking up a collection so James and Lloyd can get a room.:bigsmyl2:
Now shtop that! [smilie=s:
Here is the real love of my life.

Doc Highwall
03-10-2011, 07:26 PM
44man, batteries or windup?

03-11-2011, 09:51 AM
44man, batteries or windup?
[smilie=w:Never figured it out. But she is a leaf mop. I take her out and spend a lot of time picking leaves from her and still find them in the house.

03-11-2011, 10:29 AM
Now shtop that! [smilie=s:
Here is the real love of my life.

That cat is damn ugly!

03-11-2011, 02:41 PM
That cat is damn ugly!
ARRRRGGG, CAT? ARRRRGGG, thems fighting words! :bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2:

03-11-2011, 02:45 PM
My lab has bigger chew toys than that cat.:groner:

Did I mention your cat was butt ugly too.:p

03-11-2011, 04:58 PM
I will command her to EAT your lab---RUFF!
Can she ride on your dog's back?

Matthew 25
03-12-2011, 01:20 AM
bbs70, that is a fine looking boy, I'm sure he was a good friend.

03-12-2011, 02:36 PM
We have a younger and older Lab. When we call them in the older one takes her time and the younger one gets to the door as fast as he can. We let the younger one in and check the door on the way past for the older one.

On several occasions I did not let the older dog in, but she was in the house. I just figured my wife let the older dog in. One day I was on the way to the door and caught the younger dog opening the door for the older dog to come in.

45 2.1
03-17-2011, 01:37 PM
Can she ride on your dog's back?

The problem would be the dog, which is very well fed and energetic, staying still long enough for anything like that to happen.
I've seen that dog run around and play............ your "cat" would need long claws to stay on.

03-17-2011, 02:57 PM
The problem would be the dog, which is very well fed and energetic, staying still long enough for anything like that to happen.
I've seen that dog run around and play............ your "cat" would need long claws to stay on.
Mine is so lazy it is funny.
The important thing is that you love dogs and will always be my friend!
You can make fun of my little girl but she is on her pillow right under my seat now.
I have only one complaint. Why did God give dogs such a short life?

03-17-2011, 11:50 PM
Maybe you have an alien disguised as a dog? And there is a transporter in your garage.
"Beam me up Scottie..."

03-18-2011, 09:05 AM
Maybe you have an alien disguised as a dog? And there is a transporter in your garage.
"Beam me up Scottie..."
My house never gets really cold all winter and my friend says it is the alien spaceship under my house! [smilie=w:
Just maybe???

Four Fingers of Death
03-18-2011, 09:14 AM
Shoot both, get decent sized dogs, problem solved! :D

03-18-2011, 09:32 AM
About 45 years ago my Boston terrier went missing my mom and I looked everywhere for him. My neighbor found him in someone’s rabbit cage locked up. We called the cops it just isn’t right for someone to try to steal another’s dog. I was about 10 and worried sick.

We went fishing he would swim out in the river to the chair my dad was sitting in. The dog was terrified of water.

He died when I turned 18 I still miss my first dog.

03-18-2011, 10:07 AM
And the next hit television series Are YOU SMARTER than YOUR DOG?