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View Full Version : Wyoming is 4th state to allow CCW without permit

03-03-2011, 02:38 PM

Wyoming's governor signed a bill to permit anyone that is legally permitted to own
a handgun to carry it concealed.

Alaska, Arizona and Vermont are the other states, with Vermont having the
unique distinction of being the only state that never outlawed carrying a concealed
weapon in the first place. It has ALWAYS been legal in Vermont. This
is the latest in a recent wave of loosening of restrictions on self defense.

Great news for civil rights! :drinks:


03-03-2011, 02:47 PM
YaeHooo ....!

square butte
03-03-2011, 04:00 PM
Start roooting for Maine and Colorado. I hear they both have bills to do the same,working thier way through the process.

03-03-2011, 04:30 PM
No we get to see what happens to the reciprocity on our permit holders.
Effective date is July 1, 2011.

Who knows where that may end up. We maybe limited to constituional carry only in our own state. But hey that is better than nothing.

To each issue there is a another sharp edge.

If you are interested in the specifics do a search for senate file 47 by Senator Jennings ang Jaggi.

03-03-2011, 04:34 PM
As far as I know, AZ allows ANYONE who can legally own a gun to carry, openly or concealed. C'mon down!

Even Pat Marlin could come over here and carry concealed. As everyone knows, east of the Colorado River a person can be trusted with a gun, but as soon as he crosses to the west of the river he becomes completely incompetent with a gun. I wonder why that is??



03-03-2011, 05:04 PM
Yup, great news! They are making things as they should be.

03-03-2011, 05:08 PM
You can in Nv also ,conditionly. Open carry in all but 2 cities ,though Reno may not have rules , Vegas is just about a little Ca only with legal gambling everywhere.

03-03-2011, 05:11 PM
As everyone knows, east of the Colorado River a person can be trusted with a gun, but as soon as he crosses to the west of the river he becomes completely incompetent with a gun. I wonder why that is??



If you refer to the Colorado river that forms the boundary between Arizona and the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, the assumption probably is anyone who crosses the river headed west is per se incompetent.

Suo Gan
03-03-2011, 05:27 PM

Wyoming's governor signed a bill to permit anyone that is legally permitted to own
a handgun to carry it concealed.

Alaska, Arizona and Vermont are the other states, with Vermont having the
unique distinction of being the only state that never outlawed carrying a concealed
weapon in the first place. It has ALWAYS been legal in Vermont. This
is the latest in a recent wave of loosening of restrictions on self defense.

Great news for civil rights! :drinks:


That is great! Its kinda funny because those four states are in my top ten favorite states anyway.

Suo Gan
03-03-2011, 05:35 PM
If you refer to the Colorado river that forms the boundary between Arizona and the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, the assumption probably is anyone who crosses the river headed west is per se incompetent.

I live in California, and my family has for many generations. I served my country, as well as all of my California buddies and cousins. My uncle died in Viet Nam, my other uncle died in Korea, my dad spent over 700 days on the front lines in N. Africa and Italy and all were Californians. I pay my FAIR share of federal income tax too. I have always tried to live like a boy scout. Go to church, and you oughta see the size of the new church going up in town. I am not sure that me living in California makes me less incompetent than anyone living in Texas. How would you like to have your perfect little farm that was passed down from your great grandad be in a state that was taken over by a bunch of left wing loons? I have thought about it, I could not stand to think about someone owning this farm other than me, the idea is like someone else sleeping with my wife. Do any of you understand this kind of thing or are you too dense to get it? I have allegiance to the past, and the future. I am not some coward that will run when the going gets a little tough.

Why is it that every time something like this gets brought up, it turns into how friggin dumb Californians are? It makes no sense to me.

There now, I feel better. :holysheep

I get the feeling that some folks think that everyone except a few people in California have pink hair and drive a prius. The population centers are for sure, but the coffee shop is filled with average folks, and if you did not know you would think you were in Texas. Its a pretty darn big state, like Texas, I been through Austin BTW...are they more incompetent there than say folks from Brownsville? This splitting hairs and being more of an American just by geographical location is pure stupid in my book.

03-03-2011, 06:41 PM

I lived in CA for 8 years of my adult life. My family was essentially thrown out of CA 27 years ago for my "crime" of Second Amendment participation and advocacy (long story). I believe my experience allows me to say anything I want about your stupid legislature and laws.

That is EXACTLY what I was talking about. The legislature and laws. I never said the people themselves were stupid or incompetent. It is the stupid laws made by the stupid legislature that make a person "incompetent" with a gun after crossing west across the Colorado River from Arizona. If you don't believe me, just ask a member of the legislature, a police officer or a lawyer. They'll tell you right off the bat that what you can legally do in AZ (open and concealed carry, loaded carry in a vehicle, purchase and take home the same day, high-cap magazines and others too numerous to mention) are NOT legal in CA. They're telling you that since you're on the west side of the river, you're incompetent and can't be trusted.

I was making fun of your legislature and the stupid laws it writes. I was using an absurd statement to mock CA's absurd laws. Without intending to offend, I think you need some skin thickener.



03-03-2011, 06:49 PM
No we get to see what happens to the reciprocity on our permit holders.
Effective date is July 1, 2011.

Who knows where that may end up. We maybe limited to constituional carry only in our own state. But hey that is better than nothing.

To each issue there is a another sharp edge.

If you are interested in the specifics do a search for senate file 47 by Senator Jennings ang Jaggi.

It is my understanding that we will still be able to get permits that will allow us to carry out of state. I still have my Michigan permit, when I moved here to Wyoming I asked about getting a Wyoming permit and was told I did not need to worry about it until my Michigan permit was going to expire....I believe I will be keeping my Michigan Permit current because there are a few extra states I am allowed to carry in that Wyoming permit holders arent....dont ask me what they are I dont know off the top of my head, I rarely leave the Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado area.

There was also a bill stating if its made here (in Wyoming) and stamped "Made in Wyoming" it doesnt need to be registered with the feds...it got shot down, but I would really like to have a supresssor and not have to go through the extra paper work, oh well someday I will have the funds and time to have the tools I really want.

03-03-2011, 07:12 PM
Well said, Suo Gan!

I, too, am a native Californian and equally tired of the seemilngly constant bashing. I defy any basher to prove that they are more American than I am, or that their credentials are more conservative.

I'm glad that the bashers live in a country that guarantees their right to say what they want, and I fought the good fight so they are free to do so. However, after a while, the bashing starts to wear thin and it beocmes rather offensive.

03-03-2011, 07:44 PM
The Idaho Legislature has a similar bill that just passed in Wy. Looking forward to see how it turns out. We will keep our fingers crossed.

03-03-2011, 07:45 PM
Well said, Suo Gan!

I, too, am a native Californian and equally tired of the seemilngly constant bashing. I defy any basher to prove that they are more American than I am, or that their credentials are more conservative.

I'm glad that the bashers live in a country that guarantees their right to say what they want, and I fought the good fight so they are free to do so. However, after a while, the bashing starts to wear thin and it beocmes rather offensive.

The "bashing" occurs because craziness, incompetence, and stupid laws is what California is best known for. Don't take it to personally. Stupid laws that get forced through in California often set a precedent too potentially effecting the rest of us. Does that mean everyone in California is a nut? No, but you Californians as a whole DO let the fruits and nuts run your state and so you get criticized for that be it directly or indirectly. I understand completely that some of you might wish that were not the way it was, but unless the non-crazy Californians decide to split off from the rest of the state and form your own or somehow manage to get a semi-sane government elected occasional criticism is going to happen for the very simple reason that California's nuttiness hasn't done anything for it's popularity in much of the rest of the country.

white eagle
03-03-2011, 07:51 PM
There is a heaven

03-03-2011, 07:52 PM
We are stuck in this anti state for six more years.

03-03-2011, 07:58 PM

That is what our law now says, the issue in reciprocity cases is that hte other states laws (wyoming in this case) must be similar to the state's offering reciprocity. The slight change in our law coul d, and I stress could, make our laws not similar to the other states.

this happend a few years ago and Wyoming had to recind changes it made (the attorney general at the time had to make some changes) to be able to keep the reciprocity. We would have lost a little more than half of hte states with reciprocity.

It will be fun to see what happens. Not a big deal unless you happen to live on or near a border, I live near two borders and cross both frequently. It is a pain in the the butt to stop on the Wyoming side of the line remove the firearm from your person, remove the ammunition from the firearm, and lock the two seperate from one another. This could be the case again.

I am all for constitutional carry as that is a right we already had, it was not granted to us it is an in alienable right. But anyway we shall see what happens next.

I would prefer that we not even have to have a law that recognises rights that we already have.

Alot of the above is specualiton until we get responses from other states that have offered reciprocity in the past.

Paul B
03-03-2011, 07:58 PM
Suo Gan and 462. I'm not bashing Californians per se OK. I'd be bashing myseld as well up to a point. The big difference I was smart enough to leave in 1970 and once all the kinfolk were dead and buried, never went back. Now with that said, there's a very good reason Californians get such a bad reputation. Some of them when hunting out of state lose all control of the brains. A friend of mine who is no longer among the living was a Game Warden in Nevada while I was living there. We were walking along a trail when shots tang out and came close enough to clip leaves off the brush next to us. We hit the deck. The Russ, my friend spotted the shooters and working around came up and asked politely, "Get anything?" Both were from the L.A. area and one said we heard something so took a shot. BUSTED! Another prime example is when I was doing a deer hunt up by Jarbridge Nevada. I had my three oldest kids with me and we were using out VW bus as a camper. We ran into a couple of california hunters carrying .264 Win. mag. rifles and each one had, get this two Ruger Super Blackhawks in fancy cowboy holsters.
Well come nightfall they had their camp maybe a quarter mile from ours and we're trying to sleep while their drunken party went on into the wee hours of the night. Along about two in the morning I wake up to hear one guy hollering at the other to "Take you hands off my wife!" and then gunsgots galore. Guess nobody got hit as I never heard if anyone was shot or died. I just started up the old V-dub and we got the hell out of Dodge. One more and this one it the worst, believe me. I was camped out with a buddy north of Elko nevada on a deer hunt and we had just sat down to eat when this guy came running into camp hysterical as hell and said he just shot his business/hunt partner. You ever see what a .300 Weatherby does to a man's head. It ain't pretty. The shooter kept claiming he thought he was shooting a woodchuck but I never saw a woodchuck clothed from head to toe in blaze orange. It was judges an accident and he lost all hunting privleges in Nevada for 5 years. To this day I still think something stinks on that one. My point is there are way too many people from California that go into other states and do screwy goofy things and that's where the rep comes from. I could give you a few more but you get the point. Before you jump all over my backside, before I left Califorrnia I had many friends that were shooters. Some, like me left but others stayed. I wouldn't worry hunting with any one of them as I've already hunted with them.
So why did I leave? California's damned anti-gun attitude. Every time I would load up my car to go to the range, some of San Fran cisco's finest would be on my butt with guns drawn. Somebody called in a man with guns call. Lousy old lady across the street who didn't like guns and had nothing better to do than watch out the window and hassle me. Yes, I took very pesonal. I don't like looking down the muzzle of a gun everytie I go to the range. The cops even knew it was me after a few times and when I complained, their answer, "Get rid if the guns." So, when my girl friend moved to Reno, I moved too. We've been together man and wife now for almost 43 years. Nothing personal mind you but there is a good reason why people pick on your state. Between your draconian laws and the nutty hunters encounter from California are the reasons that reputation is there. I'm sure you're probably a safe hunter and shooter but there are others that should not even look at a gun.
Paul B

03-03-2011, 08:51 PM
I have several good friends that live in CA. I was born there. I have a couple of relatives
that are still alive in CA.

I like visiting parts of CA, but do it less often due to the inability to be armed. I was
in LA when the Rodney King riots went down and we barely made it out on our flight
that evening. I counted 56 individual fires from the airplane as we climbed out, many,
many more were merged together in the mass of smoke. After that experience, I am
pretty uncomfortable being in LA unarmed.

I do not think that all Californians are nuts or bad people, but the majority of voters
are against most of the things that I think are right and important. Many, espcially
in SF do things that I find morally extremely offensive, and regularly push their
weird ways in everyone's face. SF is pretty disgusting sometimes, completely aside
from their horrible antigun lunacy.

Best wishes to those good folks living in CA. I feel for you, and I really do feel sorry
for someone that has a wonderful place, esp one that has family history, and have been
surrounded by crazy people. Good luck, hope it works for you. No way would I move
there ever again - I can't imagine it being turned around in any realistic way.


03-03-2011, 08:52 PM
Montana is also looking good this session for the same law change.

Old Ironsights
03-03-2011, 08:53 PM
It is my understanding that we will still be able to get permits that will allow us to carry out of state. I still have my Michigan permit, when I moved here to Wyoming I asked about getting a Wyoming permit and was told I did not need to worry about it until my Michigan permit was going to expire....I believe I will be keeping my Michigan Permit current because there are a few extra states I am allowed to carry in that Wyoming permit holders arent....dont ask me what they are I dont know off the top of my head, I rarely leave the Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado area.

There was also a bill stating if its made here (in Wyoming) and stamped "Made in Wyoming" it doesnt need to be registered with the feds...it got shot down, but I would really like to have a supresssor and not have to go through the extra paper work, oh well someday I will have the funds and time to have the tools I really want.

My Indiana permit is a "Lifetime" permit... ;)

But if you read the regs for IN (and MI too) IIRC the "permit" is only valid if you are a current resident and is tied to your DL.

FWIU IF you want to get a WY "permit" you have to still follow all of the old rules - so reciprocity for those carrying a "permit" won't change. AND also IIRC if you want to CCW in WY but are NOT a resident, you still have to have a permit from your home State.

Bad Water Bill
03-03-2011, 09:09 PM
As far as I know, AZ allows ANYONE who can legally own a gun to carry, openly or concealed. C'mon down!

Even Pat Marlin could come over here and carry concealed. As everyone knows, east of the Colorado River a person can be trusted with a gun, but as soon as he crosses to the west of the river he becomes completely incompetent with a gun. I wonder why that is??



I guess I live in THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF ILLINOIS. :sad::sad:

The ONLY place in the continental U S A that you have NO constitutional RIGHT to carry in any shape or form. We must receive a F O I D Card before we can even handle ammo.

Now the Attorney General wants to publish ALL F O I D Card holders names etc.:sad::sad:

03-03-2011, 09:39 PM
good luck, Chicago rules and they are pretty crazy. Lots of family in
Illinois, not a chance I would live there, I even avoid driving thru if I can
due to their extreme gun unfriendliness.


03-03-2011, 09:47 PM
The problem with VT ( I lived there for 41 years) is that without a permit, it is hard to travel, as there is no reciprocity . . . yeah you can cross the river into NH and get permit, and that permit as a non-resident is only valid in NH . . . don't bother trying to get one from NY! MA is worse yet!

03-03-2011, 10:06 PM
I personally am not worried about what mexico's is like. I don't figure they will get their stuff straightened out in my lifetime, so I doubt I will ever go back.

I do think mexico would not have as big a crime problem if guns were allowed.

03-03-2011, 11:02 PM
I live in California, and my family has for many generations. I served my country, as well as all of my California buddies and cousins. My uncle died in Viet Nam, my other uncle died in Korea, my dad spent over 700 days on the front lines in N. Africa and Italy and all were Californians. I pay my FAIR share of federal income tax too. I have always tried to live like a boy scout. Go to church, and you oughta see the size of the new church going up in town. I am not sure that me living in California makes me less incompetent than anyone living in Texas. How would you like to have your perfect little farm that was passed down from your great grandad be in a state that was taken over by a bunch of left wing loons? I have thought about it, I could not stand to think about someone owning this farm other than me, the idea is like someone else sleeping with my wife. Do any of you understand this kind of thing or are you too dense to get it? I have allegiance to the past, and the future. I am not some coward that will run when the going gets a little tough.

Why is it that every time something like this gets brought up, it turns into how friggin dumb Californians are? It makes no sense to me.

There now, I feel better. :holysheep

I get the feeling that some folks think that everyone except a few people in California have pink hair and drive a prius. The population centers are for sure, but the coffee shop is filled with average folks, and if you did not know you would think you were in Texas. Its a pretty darn big state, like Texas, I been through Austin BTW...are they more incompetent there than say folks from Brownsville? This splitting hairs and being more of an American just by geographical location is pure stupid in my book.

Glad you feel better! I can relate to your situation in that I, too, am living at the home place I grew up at. I have 12.5 acres, and my brother has 20 adjoining acres, undeveloped. My next favorite place in the world was my Grandma's old house, which my Dad, uncles, and aunt sold. I was a wonderful old place. There were 2 Pecan trees by the house that were about 3 feet in diameter. I have a dream about that place, every once in a while.

I have been to California once, and saw some neat stuff. I appreciate the diversity of topography that California has. I would love to see the Giant Redwoods.

03-04-2011, 12:21 AM
I will have to agree with Sou Gan some Auistin tx is about as liberal and goofy as they come, as far as I know there are still flower children on some corners there.
The only saving grace for tx is the population of austin is small compared to the rest of the state, so they can't force there wishes on the whole state.

New mexico has sante fe and taos which is about as artsy and liberal as anywhere.

I suspect every state has at least one major population of 14 karot liberals.

It is just too easy to pick on cali as they have the majority of their population in about 3 areas that are overwhelming liberal, and no hope to change until their economy collapses to the point of no return. That said I can't remember anything I have left out their, so no reason to go back. lol

03-04-2011, 12:24 AM
California IMHO
I lived in CA for 18 years, 18 years old to 36 years old. I am now 66. In 1981 I moved to Oregon. I've rented the small house I've lived in for 28 years.
Oregon is much like CA. The state goverment is elected by the most populated areas, large cities or counties. Oregon's legislature is controled by the population of Portland, Salem and Eugene, all liberal. CA is controled by LA County, Bay Area, Sacremento, and the Central Coast,all liberal.
In both of these states, as in many others, there are citizens that are repulsed by their goverment, but their roots run deep and they have no option but to adjust their life and deal with whetever is placed on the table.
We can all hope for a "perfect" place to live but, it ain't that easy...

03-04-2011, 07:13 AM
Why is it that every time something like this gets brought up, it turns into how friggin dumb Californians are? It makes no sense to me.

There now, I feel better. :holysheep

I get the feeling that some folks think that everyone except a few people in California have pink hair and drive a prius. The population centers are for sure, but the coffee shop is filled with average folks, and if you did not know you would think you were in Texas. Its a pretty darn big state, like Texas, I been through Austin BTW...are they more incompetent there than say folks from Brownsville? This splitting hairs and being more of an American just by geographical location is pure stupid in my book.

Well it's like Hollywood. Everyone thinks California is Hollywood and San Francisco, like in the movies. And I'll tell you what- the old blame game and looking down on Cal is getting laughable and a joke more and more now when you take a look at what is governing in states like Montana and other states across the country where the insane people in public office reside, and were voted in.

California does not hold exclusive rights on wackos, taxes, and regulations any more.

I was just looking at a map of densely populated areas verses remote lands and countryside in California, and the whole west for that matter. The area that is populated looks so small in comparison you would think nobody lives in here.

03-04-2011, 07:21 AM
As far as I know, AZ allows ANYONE who can legally own a gun to carry, openly or concealed. C'mon down!

Even Pat Marlin could come over here and carry concealed. As everyone knows, east of the Colorado River a person can be trusted with a gun, but as soon as he crosses to the west of the river he becomes completely incompetent with a gun. I wonder why that is??



Now that would be based on the pretense that I was competent before I left... :mrgreen:

I could get a CCW anytime I wish, and it's always been like that in our county. It is encouraged. I just never saw the need. Everyone's armed anyway. Bad guys know they probably would be shot and killed here by an average citizen protecting themselves.

Law enforcement? Who has time to wait around for law enforcement?

03-04-2011, 07:37 AM
Here's one:


Not as strikingly accurate as the one I just saw in a magazine, but you start to get the idea. Many shaded areas in this map of California would be hard pressed to find 10 people per square mile even.

They show 50 per square mile in the north central part of the state which is the Yolla Bolla's wilderness and vast farm lands. No way there's even 10 per. There are vast areas with NOBODY, no homes, nothing, so I know this map is not close to being accurate.

03-04-2011, 07:44 AM
I think this one is more like it-


THe orange and red areas are like an infection... :mrgreen:

Lively Boy
03-04-2011, 01:39 PM
We had a robbery yesterday at a local check cashing establishment here in wyo and the first thing a person posted about the robbery was that the clerk should have been packing so she could have had a shoot out with the assailant. well that bothers me in as much as some people are a little gun ho about shoot shoot shoot. i will do what i need to protect my family and self but some people seem to not think. i don't know if i'm really making my point but lets not give the anti gun any fuel.......
Lively Boy

03-04-2011, 03:29 PM
There are definitely times when it is just about money and not worth the violence. However,
there are times when it is about life and limb, and there is a need to stop a violent
criminal from hurting or killing someone. We don't get to choose when that is happening,
the criminal chooses violence or not. We only can choose whether to be a passive victim
or whether to have the training, skills, mindset and tools to resist effectively.


03-04-2011, 03:39 PM
One also needs to consider the being a good witness when life or limb is not at stake. NO sense that one trying to do right should end up being the villian in the end if they can be a good witness.

Lively Boy,

Where are you located? 7200 feet, are you in Laramie?

Don McDowell
03-04-2011, 03:59 PM

That is what our law now says, the issue in reciprocity cases is that hte other states laws (wyoming in this case) must be similar to the state's offering reciprocity. The slight change in our law coul d, and I stress could, make our laws not similar to the other states.

this happend a few years ago and Wyoming had to recind changes it made (the attorney general at the time had to make some changes) to be able to keep the reciprocity. We would have lost a little more than half of hte states with reciprocity.

It will be fun to see what happens. Not a big deal unless you happen to live on or near a border, I live near two borders and cross both frequently. It is a pain in the the butt to stop on the Wyoming side of the line remove the firearm from your person, remove the ammunition from the firearm, and lock the two seperate from one another. This could be the case again.

I am all for constitutional carry as that is a right we already had, it was not granted to us it is an in alienable right. But anyway we shall see what happens next.

I would prefer that we not even have to have a law that recognises rights that we already have.

Alot of the above is specualiton until we get responses from other states that have offered reciprocity in the past.

The bill should not change the reciprocity. They mearly changed a few words in the first paragraph to allow basically residents to carry concealed without a permit, provided they can show proof they are legal to possess a firearm.
It looks to me like nonresidents will still need either a Wyoming permit or a permit granted in their home state for statewide carry to carry concealed here.
Mead said quite awhile back that he would not sign the bill if it did affect the permits and Wyoming permit holders ability to carry when out of state.

03-04-2011, 04:04 PM
I'm glad they passed this.
AFAIK it is for residents only. (I need to type faster, looks like Don covered this) I think this is bogus. Should be for everyone.
Now if they'll get rid of the stupid No guns at school law.

Lively Boy
03-04-2011, 04:18 PM
Ok, a couple things to clarify my earlier post. I am in favor of the carry law they just passed here in Wyoming! (Yep, manleyjt, and the wife saw this gal and her truck breezing into town that same morning that she hit the check cashing place...Just out of curiosity, where are you?)

What I don't like is the people who either seem so enthusiastic (OH, WOOHOO, THE GUN LAW PASSED, YIPPEE) about it that they come across as stupid rednecks, or those who sarcastically claim that they feel "so protected now that we can all carry". both of those sides make the legal, law abiding gun owners look like a bunch of idiots, simply because of the insensitive comments from a couple of people.

I tend to look at those people and wonder if they, too are actually going to be carrying...and some of those type of people scare me.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I agree with Mtgun44 wholeheartedly. I just don't write too purdy...

Bad Water Bill
03-04-2011, 04:45 PM
A quick question. Since I live in Illinois and do most of my shooting in Indiana I had to get a NONRESIDENT Utah CCW permit. Will that allow me to carry in Wyoming or must I be defenseless there as well as in the peoples republik of Illinois?

03-04-2011, 05:06 PM
Your Utah license should be fine here. Never seen anything to distinguish between resident and non resident.
Concealed carry is concealed on your person.Throwing a loaded gun under your front seat is just another way to transport.

03-04-2011, 05:11 PM
xr650 beat me to it but here is a bit .

Here is current wyoming reciprocity list


As it stands the Utah permit should be good in Wyoming and is as of today. Who knows what could happen in the future, but I wouls suspect recipricty to remain.

Utah also honors all other states permits. This is the way it should be if we have to be permitted. It would be better if we could use our right as it is supposed to be given, but alas we are not there yet.

03-04-2011, 05:29 PM
Yep xr650 is correct in that a loaded gun in the vehicle, even in the glove box or console, is not concealed. it is considered concealed only if on your person.

AND REMEMBER THIS IS NOT effective until the effective date in the promulgated bill. Which I think is July 1, 2011

03-04-2011, 05:32 PM
Lively Boy,

I am over the mountain to the east, Cheyenne area. Xr650 and Dk17kmr are west of you. A couple more are in our area, DanWalker is in Casper. Quite a few members in Gillette and Cody area.

03-04-2011, 07:05 PM
.....Yep xr650 is correct in that a loaded gun in the vehicle, even in the glove box or console, is not concealed. it is considered concealed only if on your person..........

It's amazing how different things can be!

Here in The People's Republic of Illinois, a loaded weapon anywhere inside your vehicle is considered to be the same as if you had it in your pocket: ......And since "Carrying a Concealed Weapon" is a FELONY in Illinois, it will get you the same five years in Stateville.

.......So be very, very careful when you leave the REAL United States, and enter one of the "Controlled Zones"!!


Old Ironsights
03-04-2011, 07:25 PM
Lively Boy,

I am over the mountain to the east, Cheyenne area. Xr650 and Dk17kmr are west of you. A couple more are in our area, DanWalker is in Casper. Quite a few members in Gillette and Cody area.

North of Cheyenne near Camp Guernsey.

03-04-2011, 08:03 PM
OI I forgot about you. Did you find a place near guernsey? Nice area. Not too bad of a drive to Torrington either.

Russ in WY is down here in Cheyenne also.

We almost have a large enough contingent to have a get together.

Old Ironsights
03-04-2011, 08:15 PM
Lingle actually, but I may be getting a job @ the Camp.

Lively Boy
03-04-2011, 08:47 PM
Well, my mom lives in Torrington, and the father in law lives in Guernsey...I agree, manley we almost have enough for a get together. Maybe when summer decides to pay us a visit...

03-04-2011, 08:53 PM
Hey! Don't forget me -- I'm in Glenrock! How about a get together in EARLY summer, before it gets too hot?


Don McDowell
03-04-2011, 09:36 PM
A quick question. Since I live in Illinois and do most of my shooting in Indiana I had to get a NONRESIDENT Utah CCW permit. Will that allow me to carry in Wyoming or must I be defenseless there as well as in the peoples republik of Illinois?

Your Utah permit is good.
But even without a permit, there has never been any provision against open carry here, except for Cheyenne has/had some goofy things in the 60-'s and 70's and Lyman tried to prohibit open carry in the 1980's.
The new law doesn't specifically prohibit nonresidents from concealed carry without a permit, but it does say that you must be able to proove that you are not prohibited from possessing a firearm.
So the best thing is for nonresidents to not flock here thinking the wildwest is alive and well, mind your manners and bring your permit to carry concealed and you'll avoid alot of headache should an LEO want to inquire about that bulge in your pants.

Lively Boy
03-04-2011, 10:03 PM
well summer in laramie is only a couple weeks long....so...

Bad Water Bill
03-04-2011, 10:06 PM
At my age the only bulge will be on my RIGHT hip.:bigsmyl2:

Cowboy T
03-04-2011, 10:51 PM
I have several good friends that live in CA. I was born there. I have a couple of relatives
that are still alive in CA.

Same here! The Internet sure does make the world seem smaller, doesn't it?

I like visiting parts of CA, but do it less often due to the inability to be armed. I was
in LA when the Rodney King riots went down and we barely made it out on our flight
that evening. I counted 56 individual fires from the airplane as we climbed out, many,
many more were merged together in the mass of smoke. After that experience, I am
pretty uncomfortable being in LA unarmed.

Yeah, I don't blame you one bit, either. The only stores that didn't get rioted were some of the Korean-owned stores where the owners were standing on top of their roofs with their CA-legal AR-15's. The rioters left them alone. Funny, that....

I want nothing--NOTHING--whatsoever to do with LA at this point.

I do not think that all Californians are nuts or bad people,

Cool! Thanks!

but the majority of voters
are against most of the things that I think are right and important. Many, espcially
in SF do things that I find morally extremely offensive, and regularly push their
weird ways in everyone's face. SF is pretty disgusting sometimes, completely aside
from their horrible antigun lunacy.

I find this part rather funny, actually, because many in the "Bible Belt" do things that I find morally extremely offensive and regularly push their nutso ways in the faces of others. But you know what? They do have the right to be nutcases, even though some of what they do is at best very inappropriate and at worst downright disgusting and despicable. But it's their right. One of the very few things I seem to agree with them on is the gun rights issue.

Best wishes to those good folks living in CA. I feel for you, and I really do feel sorry
for someone that has a wonderful place, esp one that has family history, and have been
surrounded by crazy people. Good luck, hope it works for you. No way would I move
there ever again - I can't imagine it being turned around in any realistic way.

Unfortunately, I've gotta agree with you on this part. The crazy people surrounding them are called "politicians" and count among their number Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Kevin de Leon, and even former Gov. Schwarzenegger (now *that* was a real disappointment, given that he's seen Communism/Socialism up close 'n' personal!). It's a shame, because they are ruining an otherwise terrific place to live.

Wyoming is looking better and better every day. And since Montana got mentioned, I'd *love* to see a Brian Schweitzer-type running California's Executive Branch. He's got a major clue bat that I can only wish he'd smack most CA politicians with, because oh, boy, do they need it.

BTW, I should also point out a lot of people mistake Democrats for Liberals. They are not the same at all. Liberals believe in freedom of choice and actually following the Constitution. Democrats (and Republicans, BTW) believe in the elimination of choice and the subversion of the Constitution. What you are seeing running California today isn't Liberals, but rather Democrats. I assure you, if actual Liberals were running the state, things would be much better than they are now.

- T

03-04-2011, 10:58 PM
.........So the best thing is for nonresidents to not flock here thinking the wildwest is alive and well, mind your manners and bring your permit to carry concealed and you'll avoid alot of headache should an LEO want to inquire about that bulge in your pants.

Good advice! .......In one respect, the wider issuance of CCW permits will require more attention from LEOs, ......simply because the will HAVE to verify that a proper permit is held!

…..And speaking of LEOs, I sure wish that some of the Law Enforcement Officers on this forum would have a little “Brother to Brother” chat with Illinois State Representative Edward Acevedo!! (http://housedem.state.il.us/members/acevedoe/)

In his bio, Ed lists his profession as “Chicago Police Officer”; …..And he is apparently a good one, having received several commendations including one for heroism.

……..But as a State Representative, he has authored some of the most repressive (…and absurd!) firearms legislation known to man! He currently has no less than THREE Anti-Gun bills in the works! (HB1294, HB1599, and HB1855)

……One of them would define your old Browning Hi-Power as a “Semi-Automatic Assault Weapon”, and any ammo .50 cal or larger would be defined as “High Capacity Ammunition”!!!!!!!!!

I have generally found LEOs to be sensible people, and I simply would like to ask this fellow “What are you thinking????”……And to point out to him that not EVERY Firearm Owner in the State of Illinois is a Gang-Banger strung out on Crack: ……….But since I am not from his district, my emails and letters go unanswered.

(Isn’t it odd that Representatives can push legislation that effects people in other districts, …..but those people have no right to comment BECAUSE they are not from that particular district???)

Maybe he would open up to one of his “Brothers in Blue”????


Bad Water Bill
03-04-2011, 11:58 PM
Illinois State Representative Edward Acevedo!

You can stop in his office Thursday and leave a personal message. He and ALL the other Chicago Nazi politicians will be hiding out in Rockford with the clowns from Wisconsin.

03-05-2011, 12:15 PM
Illinois State Representative Edward Acevedo!

You can stop in his office Thursday and leave a personal message. He and ALL the other Chicago Nazi politicians will be hiding out in Rockford with the clowns from Wisconsin.


He'd probably have me arrested for "Stalking"!!!:kidding::kidding:

.....All humor aside, I think that I understand his personal perspective and motivations perfectly! He is (or at least was) a Street Police Officer in one of the Top Three cesspools in the country. According to his personal history, he has faced "The Big One-Eyed Stare" at least once. He also knows LEOs who have been wounded or killed in the line of duty, and has responded to more calls involving a shooting than he cares to remember.

He wants to see the guns out of the hands of the Gang-Bangers, Footpads, and Morons; .......... And he is willing to throw all the Law-Abiding Citizens of Illinois "under the bus" in order to accomplish that "Good".

Representative Acevedo is simply subscribing to the Machiavellian principle "The End Justifies The Means":

.........I understand that Joseph Stalin was also a big fan of that concept!


03-05-2011, 12:21 PM
The republicans stand there and fight, eat cr**p from the democrats using every dirty scam trick in the book to shove health care down our throats, and as soon as the shoe's on the other foot- they cut and run like the cowards they are.

Dems should be so proud.

Sorry- rant off. Proceed with CCW ...:mrgreen:

Lloyd Smale
03-06-2011, 11:07 AM
Ive met some good people from cal. and some real yuppys from states like tx and my own state mich. We suffer from the yuppy syndrom up here even in the sticks of MI. Who do you think pushed to bring the fricking wolves back! Everyone picks on CA but theres other states like WI and ILL that have just as stupid gun laws and even MI although they allow ccw they dont under any circumstances even with a permit from the fed goverment allow for short barreled rifles or silencers. Luckily up here the weathers cold enough in the winter that the yuppys stay away for the most part but its slowly changing in that way too. Most yuppys like an easy life cause there basicaly lazy and thats why the congregate in states with nice weather all year long like CA. Only thing thats going to change it is global warming. As far as the GOOD GUYS in CA changing anything drasticaly there, I feel its just an uphill battle. One thing for sure though is i dont judge anyone by where they live. The yankees hate the south. The sought hate us yankees and everyone hates CA. Me i judge people by who there are not where they live. Most of the time that is decided when were born.

03-06-2011, 01:48 PM
You state it well Lloyd.

l was born in the liberal hellmouth Sacramento, which in the old days was a sensible conservative community at one time. Being a Californian all you can do is move to another part of the state to get away from the majority of wackos. We live in rugged country, not as severe as some mountainous areas of the US, but it ain't for the lazy faint hearted that's for sure.

I love California. Just do.

03-06-2011, 05:46 PM
California? I very much liked the desert and mountains. I even liked most of the people (there was one guy who worked at JPL who wished death on me and my family because I out-debated him on gun control, but...). I have a cousin who lives near Fallbrook. I go there on business every couple of years.

What I can't stand is the stupid laws. Every time I cross the border I feel like I have someone breathing down my collar, waiting for me to make a mistake. I have that feeling until I cross the river back into Arizona.

Freedom-hating politicians ruined a good place to live.



03-09-2011, 01:59 PM
Good news BUT, every time I hear something like this, my first thought is:


03-09-2011, 02:06 PM
Constitutional carry is coming folks, carry openly, and it will get here a whole lot faster.

See the link in my sig, then you can scroll down to your states forums.

Thin Man
03-09-2011, 04:16 PM
It really is comforting to see the winds of change traveling with us instead of against us on firearm carry and similar issues. Tennessee's previous governor was a Democrat, a good guy who was an avid deer hunter. He made several positive changes in the hunting and general firearms statutes. Now we have a new Republican governor. One of the bills advancing toward his desk would allow residents with a TN Carry Permit to immediately purchase a firearm without the instant background check and $$$ fees. When we started background checks, this state, like all others, could opt out of having the FBI complete the check and allow the state to run the transaction. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation completes these checks, and has made some serious income because of them! Odds are that this proposal will not be approved due to the continued need for funds at the State level, but we can always hope. A bit off topic, just happy to speak about the proposal.

Thin Man

03-09-2011, 10:35 PM
Constitutional carry is coming folks, carry openly, and it will get here a whole lot faster...............

Well…….., I’m sincerely happy that things are progressing elsewhere in the country! …..But speaking to you from one of the “Controlled Zones”, I’m here to tell you that until you stomp out this mental cancer everywhere, your war will not be won, ….and your rights will be in danger!

Here in “The People’s Republic of Illinois”, not only have NONE of the recent advances occurred; …….but right now, HB1294, sponsored by Representative “Eddie” Acevedo is coming up for a third reading in the Illinois House. This bill would impose an “Assault Weapon Ban” in Illinois that would surpass even the expired Federal Legislation!! ……It would ban even your old Browning Hi-Power as a “High-Capacity Assault weapon”!!!

If the major population centers like the New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles Urban Sprawls remain under the sort of totalitarian control that currently exists, the rights of those of of you in the rest of the country will be forever in danger! …….Just review ANY of the past national elections!! ………How many NATIONAL candidates or referendums were able to endure if they lost the New York, Chicago and California Population centers???

We have a long way to go!!!


Bad Water Bill
03-09-2011, 11:13 PM
Well…….., I’m sincerely happy that things are progressing elsewhere in the country! …..But speaking to you from one of the “Controlled Zones”, I’m here to tell you that until you stomp out this mental cancer everywhere, your war will not be won, ….and your rights will be in danger!

Here in “The People’s Republic of Illinois”, not only have NONE of the recent advances occurred; …….but right now, HB1294, sponsored by Representative “Eddie” Acevedo is coming up for a third reading in the Illinois House. This bill would impose an “Assault Weapon Ban” in Illinois that would surpass even the expired Federal Legislation!! ……It would ban even your old Browning Hi-Power as a “High-Capacity Assault weapon”!!!

If the major population centers like the New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles Urban Sprawls remain under the sort of totalitarian control that currently exists, the rights of those of of you in the rest of the country will be forever in danger! …….Just review ANY of the past national elections!! ………How many NATIONAL candidates or referendums were able to endure if they lost the New York, Chicago and California Population centers???

We have a long way to go!!!


Not if I can help it. I will be in Springfield tomorrow letting the politicians know what we the people that PAY their salaries demand.:drinks:

03-10-2011, 03:09 PM
The republicans stand there and fight, eat cr**p from the democrats using every dirty scam trick in the book to shove health care down our throats, and as soon as the shoe's on the other foot- they cut and run like the cowards they are.

Dems should be so proud.

Sorry- rant off. Proceed with CCW ...:mrgreen:

Rant seconded... Rant off 2

03-10-2011, 03:28 PM
For the most part, we all suffer from the same "political" situation. The large cities in MOST states are filled with people wearing wool and trough feeders voting their own welfare check. Add the HUGE numbers of illegal aliens that vote in every election here in the Peoples Republic and the problem becomes "almost" insurmountable. Here in the PR, registration doesn't require any documentation that you can't buy, right along with your SSN. We aren't allowed to force POSITIVE identification at the polling stations. The ONLY way the problem can be addressed is by "honest" redistricting. The districts currently look like an ink-blot and they need to look like a postage stamp. When that happens (IF), things will start to change because the "fruit-bar politicians" can't pick and choose which households will be in his district.

Or the whole state will swirl around the drain and end-up in the sewage-plant of failed states.

03-12-2011, 11:32 PM