View Full Version : Junk yard weight scrounging

03-03-2011, 01:22 PM
Yeah its hard work, I weighed my small bucket load at 35 lbs, after smelting, I got 30 lbs. of alloy. only 5 lbs of junk. when i bought WW's from a tire retailer the percentage of junk was way higher.
It was getting tiring lugging around that 35 lb bucket.
You could go a step further and cut all those battery cable connecters to add to your WW's.

Does anyone else go junk yarding for lead/WW's? have tips or ideas?

03-03-2011, 02:13 PM
I wish a local junk yard would just let me do this.

I will give you a tip though. Get a wagon. Even a kids little red wagon will work. I have a utility/garden cart I got at tractor supply with the inflatable tires. Works great for dragging buckets around in. After all, it's gotta be easier to pull a rolling cart than lift a heavy bucket.

03-03-2011, 02:52 PM
I was gonna say the same thing, get a wagon. No self respecting junkyard will have a problem with you bringing a wagon in. At the junkyards near me you are looked down upon if you don't have a wagon. Damn junkyard snobs. ;)

03-03-2011, 03:18 PM
The place where I turned in my cans yesterday had 59 pounds of various lead. I got it for $.60/lb.

This morning I melted it all (2 batches) and got 54lbs of ingots. 16lbs of unk/range lead and 38lbs of pure soft lead. :mrgreen:

03-11-2011, 10:22 PM
I wish a local junk yard would just let me do this.

I will give you a tip though. Get a wagon. Even a kids little red wagon will work. I have a utility/garden cart I got at tractor supply with the inflatable tires. Works great for dragging buckets around in. After all, it's gotta be easier to pull a rolling cart than lift a heavy bucket.

Yeah, a wagon might do just fine. This place is not your typical junk yard, those kind you're refering to dont let me in either.
This joint is a do it yourself type yard, its called "Pull-A-part" they charge you a dollar to get in,[that covers their insurance] they dont have a price for WW's in their comp. so they charge you next to nothing.
Hopfully they dont change their pricing :lovebooli

10 ga
03-12-2011, 08:42 PM
Wheel barrow. Same one I use to get my deer out and across the field! 10

evan price
03-14-2011, 06:04 AM
I am good friends with the owner of a large junk yard. They clean the aluminum wheels before selling for scrap- remove the center caps, valves and weights. I just provided a couple big buckets and they put all the weights in for me, and the battery terminal ends too. I provide a couple boxes of boolits for a couple guys there and they are always happy to see me!
I also, when terribly bored and at the junkyard, walk around with a pair of wheel-weight pliers and use my pocketknife to cut-back a gallon washer fluid or antifreeze jug to keep the handle but make a nice big mouth, then walk the yard for a few hours. This gets me 10 pounds or so but if I'm killing time anyway it's productive!

There were some cars before airbags that had a nice lead weight inside the steering wheel hub. Been awhile since I saw one but I used to grab them.