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View Full Version : 7.65 Arg makes venison

11-21-2006, 09:53 PM
I took the Krag up hunting yesterday and yesterday evening I passed on a shot at a decent mulie buck, couldn't find the sights in the dim light. So when I left today I took the 1891 Arg along to keep the Krag company, the Arg is scoped and figured i would carry it this evening if nothing showed for the Krag to take a poke at in mid-day. The only ammo I had for the 7.65x54 was the daughters plinking ammo, 185 Lee RN @ 1600 fps and the rifle is sighted on at 100 yds with this load. Late this evening I spotted some mule deer crossing the trail infront of me as I headed back to my pickup, one was a forked horn with some decent size to him, looked the rest over and they all appeared to be does and fawns, so I thought I would take a poke. I leaned my forearm against a small fir for a rest, put the crosshairs behind the ear onto the neck, sqeezed and he dropped in his tracks. The boolit passed clean thru, dragging him back his neck felt pretty rubbery, looks like that bone didn't stop that 17 bhn cast boolit. What ever the case I'm sure he will be fine eating!

11-21-2006, 10:17 PM
.........just like a .32-40 would have done for your fore fathers ah.

Good skills.

I often chuckle when I see letter's to the "experts" in magazines asking if lead bullets are OK for hunting. Don't people have short memories.

Keep it up.

11-21-2006, 11:32 PM
No kiddin', no jacketed stuff needed tonight! just got done skinning him out, sure is nice when there are no holes in any eadible meat! Funny looking little guy, neck is swelled like a real buck, he's got quite a little fat on him and a 2 pt rack that is 16 inches wide x a foot tall, heck the back tines on the forks are over 8 inches long. All I had to do was twist his neck around backwards and cut some muscle, spine was blowed in two. The meat is starting to fill that big void in the freezer, 4 pronghorn, 1 elk, 1 deer- that should keep us eating till mid-summer!

MT Gianni
11-22-2006, 01:30 AM
Good going, The bucks we got off the Jefferson River both had over an inch of fat across their tail. It was a pretty good year. Gianni.

11-22-2006, 10:18 AM
The meat is starting to fill that big void in the freezer, 4 pronghorn, 1 elk, 1 deer- that should keep us eating till mid-summer![/QUOTE]

GEEEEZ you must have a big family, that's a bunch of meat, and it's only going to last 6 months. I still have a little burger left from last year from 1 1/2 deer. Somehow those good cuts and sausage disappear first.


11-22-2006, 11:59 AM
I shot a buffalo last March and it is gone! We don't buy meat unless absolutely necessary, turkey every now and again.

11-22-2006, 03:42 PM
no wasted meat

11-22-2006, 04:29 PM
Dandy forkhorn congatulations...not ecactly what I mentally pictured by forkhorn...our forkhorns..whitetail version usually means just that...the size of a large table fork oe BBQ fork at best...good job...aaah ain't it fun...

11-22-2006, 06:19 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys. I just got done smoking a large elk rump roast, 6-7 lbs, gave it 45 minutes in the smoker, half and half hickory and alder chips, set it on the counter and rubbed both sides with cooking oil and some coarse ground pepper, it's stashed in the fridge until tomorrow morning, it will go in the oven a couple hours after the turkey, man my mouth is watering already!

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, God Bless.