View Full Version : switching over to cast in my 30-30

02-27-2011, 01:00 AM
I'm switching over to cast on my Marlin 336ss 30-30. I ordered the lapping kit and a box of boolits (173 grain .310") from Beartooth. I'm headed to the city in a few days and need a recommendation of what powder to buy???

What is the Cast Bullet Gas checked powder standard?? for full power loads??

For a plinker, I'll use trail boss.

I have blc-2 and H4350.

The blc-2 WAS my powder with jacketed.

thanks, Jeff

02-27-2011, 02:20 AM
My 30-30 shot my gas checked CB's well (Lee 160 gr) with 3031 then I tried 5744 and haven't looked back. Problem with 5744 is that it is hard to find so buy two cans whenever I find it.

02-27-2011, 02:31 AM

Firelapping is a technique that can be used to treat certain barrel flaws, but usually isn't necessary for for most guns. I have a 336 and have firelapped it, but it had rough spots from rust in the bore that didn't smooth out until I firelapped it.

What IS absolutely necessary before shooting cast in your gun is GET ALL THE COPPER OUT. EVERY LAST BIT OF IT. I highly recommend the Outers Foul Out system, or take your time and use a quality copper remover like Sweet's 7.62 or similar. Lead will stick to copper fouling and create more and more lead fouling, so you need to get all the copper completely out each time you shoot cast. This is one of the reasons I don't use copper jacketed bullets anymore in anything I own.

Next thing I can say is your 4350 is way too slow for the .30-30 with any boolit. Ball C two is also a bit too slow, I woudn't go any slower than 748, and it is marginal until you get up into the upper range of load data. You can get into trouble using the really slow burners in small cases where they won't make enough pressure to burn correctly.

.310" boolits will probably be ok, my micro-groove guns like fat boolits. My 30-30 prefers .311" boolits and dies modified to give them the correct tension, since most factory dies are set up for .308" jacketed bullets. The .002-3" can make a big difference in brass life and accuracy.

For plinkers, Trail Boss should be fine, as are Red Dot and Unique. 2400 is really tough to beat for midrange loads,upper midrange sees 4198 in my guns, and top end stuff works best for me with RX7 and 748. 3031 works well but has never been as accurate for me as the other two.

There is a really good article by Glen Fryxell at lasc.us on loading and shooting the micro-groove guns.

Hope this helps,


02-27-2011, 08:12 AM
I had good luck with RE15 a couple years ago but it is a bit slow,used it because I had lots on hand. The 30-30 is a cartridge that works with so many powder that you are bound to get lots of answers. I have used H335 with good results too. You might try 4895 as it does well with reduced loads also.
I will say that Gears suggestion of RE7 would be tough to beat as it will allow almost top end velocity but also allows you to shoot at lower velocities with good results also. Many of the best powders for top end loads are poor performers at mid range loads. RE7 works well almost all along the velocity chart.


02-27-2011, 08:40 AM
I REALLY like AA5744. I've used it from the 32-20 to 45-70, and my current "go to" loads for 30-30 and 30-06 are with that powder. I'll use 5744 before trying most anything else.

H322 is another powder that I really like. I checked my notes and see I was having pretty good results with it in the 30-30, 30-06, and 7.5x55 (30-06 capacity). H322 will be better from 2/3 to full power loads in the 30-30.

02-27-2011, 08:47 AM
Have had decent results with most powders I've tried with the 30/30. 4198, h335, 4064, but also have settled on 5744. Unique and 2400 for light stuff.

02-27-2011, 09:44 AM
I use Alliant 2400 for 90% of my cast .30/30 shooting at about 1,750 fps. For full power stuff, RX7.

My Marlin likes them best at .311 diameter.

02-27-2011, 11:39 AM
cool, what's that, like 3 votes for 5744,I'll look for that one.

I have about 12 jacketed bullets left and then it's all lead, assuming they work well for me.

the h4350 is for my 270, just sayin'

02-27-2011, 01:00 PM
4198 is my "go-to" powder for cast .30-30 and many other cast rifle loads. 22 grains should give you right about 2000 fps.
Some guys just love 5744..........I don't, it burns a little bit cleaner than BLACK but not much

John C. Saubak

02-27-2011, 01:57 PM
Oh, I see... the truth always comes out. 5744 is like the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's followers didn't tell me that part :veryconfu

ordered 2 pounds of citric acid for cleaning, that should help.

02-27-2011, 06:20 PM
I've had excellent results with the Lee C312-155-2R mould and 4064.

02-27-2011, 07:57 PM
AA5744 will leave some unburned powder at low pressure levels. I generally use 17-19gr in the 30-30 with 175gr for moderate loads, but unburned powder hasn't been a problem. I run 29gr in my 30-06 with the 200gr Saeco #301 and its pretty stout.

02-27-2011, 08:59 PM
AA5744 at 22grs. with Lee 160 or 180 cast with gas checks

02-28-2011, 12:22 AM
Great, thanks for all the info. I'm happy I asked. It seems like 5744 is pretty popular and economical too. I never considered it until now but I'm kinda new. I also have some H335. that should be a good one for this application.

02-28-2011, 12:51 AM
I cast with the Lee 170 grain GC mold and water drop. I use Lee Liquid Alox and the ranch dog dip method ( have to dip twice). I load it over 28 grains (I think, I am away from home at the moment) of 2520. This gives me 1 inch groups at 100 yards, no leading and jacketed velocity from my winchester 94.

Suo Gan
02-28-2011, 01:46 AM
It wont hurt to follow the Bear Tooth instructions and fire lap your barrel IMHO, you need to start the lapping with a clean bore then go slowly. As to powder and 170 gr. boolits, start with 20 grains of 3031 and work your way up, 25 grains works well for me in my Marlins. Max is listed as 26 grains (better double check that). Get yourself the CB 4th ed. and use data for 311041 for your boolit. Red Dot is great to have around too for those cat sneeze loads and more, just be careful to avoid a double charge.

02-28-2011, 03:53 AM
I used Unique with a 311041 my first attempt, it worked nice, and was very accurate.


02-28-2011, 10:57 AM
I do plan on doing a super cleaning, in and out before making the switch. 3031 seems to be a classic 30-30 powder.

02-28-2011, 11:21 AM
I am with Sao Gan.

Follow the directions and go SLOW!

You read the Beartooth book carefully and see just how methodical the technique can be. As you are slugging your bore watch for tight spots ... in a rifle a tight fitting sight in a dove tail can raise cob with you cast boolits and lapping these out can make a dramatic difference. Thread constriction where the barrel screws into the frame in either rifles or revolvers are also biggies.

Get some cast boolits down range and some accuracy standards BEFORE you even start to fire lap.

Have your copper chore and Lewis lead remover handy and see how much it leads. I have not had to fire lap anything yet but I have a few candidates. Thus far, I have gotten by with USP bore paste and light hand polishing.

Just like the book says just fire lap a little.

Re-run your accuracy test.

Back and forth ........... it will take significant time but you are hardly stripping the guts out of your bore this way. IF your groups stop shrinkng ........ QUIT!

If your groups don't shrink ........... QUIT!

So long as the grease with the abrasives does not dry out you can always re-visit your fire lapping project ..... nothing is written in stone that it all has to be done all at once nor should it.

Three 44s

02-28-2011, 12:26 PM
My go to load in 4 .30-30s is RCBS 30-180 FN with 35 grains of H-414.

02-28-2011, 07:41 PM
as far as loads for the 3030 all of the powders people have listed work fine, some a bit dirtier than others. i would recommend making a list of the powders that are capable of what you want. that way when you get to the counter and the guy says "we dont have that" then you can get something else. i use imr 3031 for the full house loads and unique or 2400 for plinkers. but those are just my favorites

IMHO the firelapping process should only be done if necessary, a good cleaning, and go shoot you might just be surprised at how well that rifle will do without lapping. if you decide to fire lap the barrel follow all instructions to the letter as you could just as easy ruin what was a good shooter.

03-01-2011, 12:35 AM
I'll heed y'all's advice on the fire lapping and see if i actually need it. I'm leaning towards IMR 3031, it seems the numbers "3031" have something to do with the charge weights with 150 or 170 grain bullets. 30 for 170 and 31 for 150.???

03-01-2011, 01:05 PM
I'll heed y'all's advice on the fire lapping and see if i actually need it. I'm leaning towards IMR 3031, it seems the numbers "3031" have something to do with the charge weights with 150 or 170 grain bullets. 30 for 170 and 31 for 150.???
I'm not sure but I think the numbers have to do with the diameter and length of the powder granules? 3031 for the 30-30 is just a coincidence.

Suo Gan
03-02-2011, 04:10 AM
I'll heed y'all's advice on the fire lapping and see if i actually need it. I'm leaning towards IMR 3031, it seems the numbers "3031" have something to do with the charge weights with 150 or 170 grain bullets. 30 for 170 and 31 for 150.???

Jeff, Those are max, maximum loads for a 30-30. Don't start there by any means. Just build your way up, and it probably wont be 30 grains either, which is a hunting load and not normal target load. You will need to have a perfect alloy, lube, etc. to run it that hot. There is no real reason to run your target loads that hot all the time anyhow. Besides 3031 also consider 4895, Super Vel No. 2 (just kidding), 4198, and RL-7, all have had good results for me. Using true blue for reduced loads and stiff plinkers now and I really like it.

Jon K
03-02-2011, 10:08 AM
don't lap the barrel unless it has a rough spot. MG is very shallow to begin with....Why make it less???

Fit the Boolit to the barrel....SLUG THE BARREL.


03-03-2011, 02:53 AM
I tried several loads ranging from 18 to 21.5gr of H4895 today under the 165gr bullet from Magma Engineering sized to .311". In my 336ss, I didn't have any leading but there was *a lot* of unburned/smoldering powder in a long trail down the bore. Accuracy was barely minute-of-deer at 50 yards. 10.5gr/Unique shoots well but gave some leading with the same bullet/gun.

Another novice subscribed to this thread following intently!

03-05-2011, 07:44 PM
Saeco #315 for 150 grain
Ranch Dog 165 grain designed for the Marlin chamber, it's weight and wide meplat are perfect
RCBS 180-FN THE heavy bullet for the 30-30. Large meplat as well.

25-27 grains of Reloader 7. clean burning and VERY consistent

My own load is ANY of the above bullets, cast soft, then heat treated to 21+, lubed and checked through a .312 die, over 26 grain RL-7. For hunting, this combination just works....

Smoke-um if you got-um
03-07-2011, 12:41 AM
Since you have BLC-2 powder you might as well load some at 30-31 grains and give it a try. I have one SS 336 that shoots it excellent while the other two shoot better with 748 at 29 grains. This is with Ranch Dogs 165 and liquid alox lube. This bullet is well worth getting for your 30-30 regardless of what powder may end up doing the job for you. Good luck,
