View Full Version : ghost pepper jerky phase #2

02-25-2011, 01:25 PM
heffleymills sent me some death peppers (bhut jolokia)a while back.
these muthas are hot!
i used one in some elk jerky
and while it was good i kinda screwed up by going overboard on soy sauce.
this time i didn't marinate at all
6 lbs. London broil
1 med. ghost pepper
all following ingredients to taste
garlic powder
crushed red pepper
hot Hungarian paprika
black pepper
onion powder
liquid smoke
soy sauce
i put all the dry ingredients in a small food processor
and chopped fine until i had a coarse powder
added the liquids
and mixed by hand
put thin sliced meat and powder/paste in large bowl and mix it all up by hand
(i wore rubber gloves to keep the pepper oils from killing me.)

this is the best jerky making tip i have.
fry a hunk and taste it to see if you like what you are doing.
if you go overboard with anything.
rinse the meat and try again.
(i didn't have to)

this jerky is REALLY spicy!

this is the perfect thing to go with beer*

* in my case root beer.
BTW bhut jolokia peppers are the hottest on earth.
there is one hotter experimental variety but it isnt available as far as i know.

02-26-2011, 11:39 AM
i might as well start wearing a dress.
i thought i was eating he-man peppers.

(hangs head in disgrace)

these are only a measly
401.5 times hotter than tabasco sauce

02-26-2011, 08:35 PM
I am not even sure I can say that. lol

I like mine spiced a little warmer than a lot of folks, but nothing extreme.

Suo Gan
03-15-2011, 02:46 AM
I can drink a bottle of tobasco sauce down in one big gulp, I can eat moutfuls of jalapeno's, I grow seranos and eat them like candy. I tried a ghost pepper one time, that's my limit!

03-15-2011, 06:25 AM
I can drink a bottle of tobasco sauce down in one big gulp, I can eat moutfuls of jalapeno's, I grow seranos and eat them like candy. I tried a ghost pepper one time, that's my limit!

Well,I can't do all that, but I like my peppers.:p
I wouldn't mind trying some of those Ghost Peppers myself.

03-15-2011, 06:33 AM
Geez I'd try that in a second. You sell it?

03-19-2011, 08:31 AM
Geez I'd try that in a second. You sell it?

next time i make some .
i will send out a couple samples to the boys here.
hows that?

03-20-2011, 10:45 PM
That sounds outstanding.

04-08-2011, 10:21 AM
Hickory I don't think you would like the evil things I have a plant here in the house just picked my fourth pepper from it and the plant is over a year old and big. Seems the house at 73 degrees is not warm enough for the plant this summer I should get lots of peppers. I have handled and eaten haberneros and jalapeņos with no problem but when I took the seeds out of one of these my hands the palms burned for over an hour which was a good reminder to not wipe the eyes. They do have a good flavor if you can take the heat! One small pepper in a quart of finished BBQ is about enough for me.