View Full Version : 32 Win. Special

02-24-2011, 10:07 PM
I would like to work up a stouter load for my M94 32 Win. Sp. I have taken two deer with the 321297 unchecked with 8.2 grains Red Dot. Both were complete penetration, however, in both cases the deer ran approx. 150 yds before expiring. I believe that expansion was minimal. Alloy was ACWW. What I would like to do is develop a faster load using IMR4227, unchecked 321297s with a cream of wheat filler. Any suggestions on a starting load? Would hopefully like to develop an accurate 1600fps load.

02-25-2011, 01:04 AM
I running 8gr Red Dot on mine as well with a 155gr PB boolit of a Lyman mold (couldn't tell ya the number off-hand thought). If you're getting complete pass-through, I'd say your velocities are fine unless your goal is to try to cause the bullet to come apart under impact stress. Perhaps first I would suggest test your hardness, then soften your alloy a little at a time to see what you can get away with before leading starts. Also, consider where both these pass-throughs took place on the deer---you didn't mention. Were these between-the-ribs, lung pass-through shots, or was there some bone involved? Hunting bullets should be soft, and bone should deform it nicely and leave a big hole to bleed through and deflate 'em really fast.

02-25-2011, 02:04 AM
One was a perfect broadside through both lungs with no major bones involved, only ribs. The other was a quartering away shot through the chest and offside shoulder blade. Both shots kiiled them dead, I just want them to drop a bit quicker. A lot of the hunting in the fall is during rain, and blood trails don't last for long. Fortunately with both of these deer it was dry out. I will try a bit softer alloy as well as a bit more red dot. Lyman book says 10gr is max.

Suo Gan
02-25-2011, 03:00 AM
I am using 17 grains of 2400 in a 32 Rem with 321297 (188 gr. fp) my hunting alloy is ww/pure+1% tin. The bullets are moving at 1,600 fps and the alloy holds up well in game as tested in 30-30. You might consider buying another single cavity and having it hollowpointed to aid in expansion. Also I have run penetration and expansion tests in wet newspapers, not compressed, stacked inside a box, and recommend this to others because it is an eye opener. Splitting ww alloy and pure lead makes a good standby hunting alloy and is simple to do. I think that your alloy was probably too hard.