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11-19-2006, 09:27 PM
Saturday I visited the BRGS with Urny, a perfect companion for the day's activities. Urny has almost identical interests to mine, which seem to be all guns but black guns, and lukewarm interest in art, jewelry, clothes, or scrimshaw. So there was no difference about which tables to visit. In fact, we managed to see all that we wanted to in one day, quite an accomplishment in a show that is advertised to occupy over two acres and contain umpteen million dollars worth of guns. first stop was at "the mould guy's table." This gentleman specializes in used loading equipment and always has a god selecton oof moulds, dies, etc. For once, neither of us came home with another new mould, but Urny picked up something for a friend. then it was off to systematic coverage of tables. I found a set of like new in box Lyman All American dies in .22 Hornet and the lady in charge of the table haggled herself down from $20 to $15. I couldn't turn that down, even though I don't own a .22 Hornet, but am thinking about one. Eventually we arrived at "the sight guy's table' where I managed to pick up an aperture disc for the Lyman tang sight on my Remington M 141 pump gun in .30 Rem. Then Urny had a fairly serious flirtation with a fine European rifle, but didn't buy it, though he did pick up a card from the dealer. By then it was time for lunch, which was a Rocket Burger at a restaurant inside the venue where the show was held. Rocket has excellent food and nice clean cut young help that speak english like born Americans, which they are! After lunch we did more aisle cruising and I found a brand new set of RCBS .308 dies plus file trim die, dated 1974, at a good price. Not a big deal with major purchases, but lots of fun, and filling in gaps in equipment. Now it's just a matter of deciding WHICH Hornet to buy, and saving up the money! But you all know how a die or mould purchase can drive a gun buy.

11-19-2006, 11:50 PM
I tried to help NVC decide which Hornet to buy, but he has notions of his own in that regard, if you can imagine that. It was a fun show, the more so because neither of us were particularly flush and we looked and fondled all we wanted, to no lasting effect. My flirtation involved an excellent Brno Model 21, 8x60S, with an Opticotechnica scope in claw mounts. The cost was not low, but not unreasonable either. It's only flaw for me was the standard crosshair reticle. My preference is for the pointed post with side bars, what we called the three bar sniper pattern in my youth. There was a similar rifle with such a scope there, but the dealer wanted 50% more that for the first rifle, and the second mentioned rifle was in inferior condition. Dreams, just dreams. We spent our usual too much time at the book tables, again without lasting result. It is astonishing the variety of books out there for those of us who love the rifle and hunting. NVC refers to the evil plastic wafer as the never-never card, and he sure has it right if one weakens in the presence of those book vendors. Thanks for the memorable day, Bill.

11-20-2006, 11:45 AM
NVC, I want to put in a plug for the Savage model 40 22H. it is a single shot with the new Accu-trigger and is SWEET! I have one that I'm currently training to use a REAL boolit.. It will come around I am sure!

11-20-2006, 11:43 PM
Dan, how is you Savage with the unmentionable bullets? I have an El Paso Weaver T-6 that would look real good on one of those M40s. The other Hornet that tickles my fancy is the CZ, but it would look a little overwhelmed with a T-6, so I'd have to buy another scope, too.

11-21-2006, 12:32 AM

I'm gonna be in Reno Tomorrow til Thanksgiving. Figures the show was this past weekend.. :roll: