View Full Version : How to sell dross to scrapyard?

02-23-2011, 01:51 AM
Hey all - still basking in the uninjured glory of my first smelt this afternoon. I've seen some fellas talking about selling their steel and zinc to scrapyards. As we all know and hate, more of this **** is showing up among WWs. So - those of you who are successfully returning on your investment by selling to scrapyards, how are you doing it? Do you separate the zinc and steel? My dross is pretty ugly right now, and I can't imagine anybody wanting it as is, but maybe scrapyards don't care. I know only to expect ten cents a pound or something, so it won't be a massive amount of money, but if it's not an extraordinary amount of effort, I'd be interested.

Many thanks.

10 ga
02-23-2011, 02:11 AM
Tasty, congrats on your first smelt of ore to... ingots or boolits? I would rather smelt than cast, but you gotta start the process somewhere to get to boolits.
I usually have a bunch of scrap to sell. I seperate the Fe and Zinc WWs. I sell the zinc as zinc. Usually have anodes off of old boats etc to go with that. The Fe and dross I put in the bottom drawer of an old range or in the bins of a refrigerator or in an old muffler etc... then I buy lead at the same yard.
I always resmelt my dross and get some lead and that valuable alloys back. I use #10 cans scaveneged from food service etc..., fill with dross mixed with sawdust and put the lid on, build a big fire with the #10 cans sitting in it. I'll put a chunk of a brick under one side of the can so the lead that puddles will be on one side and come out easily.
I'm retired so I gotta think of stuff to do to keep from ... I hear sirens and see blue lights now!
Welcome, 10 ga

02-23-2011, 02:55 AM
I wonder what would happen if I dug out a shallow pit about 2' diameter and mixed my dross with sawdust and heaped it in the bowl shaped pit. Then built a good wood fire on it so that the coals would smolder for several hours.

I thinking that it might puddle up a few pounds of goody in the bottom when the fire is all cooled down.

evan price
02-23-2011, 03:18 AM
I take a pickup-truck load of scrap metal to the junkyard at least 3-4 times a year. This is nothing more than wrecked car parts, broken appliance parts, worn out lawnmower parts, metal spray cans, etc. I take home all the broken parts from work and sort the aluminum/brass versus steel parts.

I am a scrounger and I think psychologically incapable of leaving a lawn mower or aluminum screen door at the curb if I see it. I drag junk home all the time and it gets fixed or scrapped. I also bring home some small appliances and usually use them as targets for testing boolits. They all get junked.

I just dump my dross bucket into a barrel which also holds used oil filters, spark plugs, brake pads, small parts, etc. and the whole barrel gets dumped off the truck at the junkyard.

Also, if I am scrapping out a junk car, I just dump the dross in the trunk or floorboard of the car. The shredder doesn't care.

I would imagine that if I tried to sell just the dross & zincs & clips as-is it would not be wanted; but mixed with other ferrous scrap they don't care.