View Full Version : Send your kids to college in Texas

02-22-2011, 01:02 PM
This, from the embarassingly liberal Dallas Morning News.

By the way, the "poll" taken by the DMN was with college students and faculty only--a nice omission made by the paper.

Texas poised to pass bill allowing guns on campus

By Associated Press

Published 20 February 2011 10:53 PM
More on this story

AUSTIN — Texas may be preparing to give college students and professors the right to carry guns on campus, adding momentum to a national campaign to open this part of society to firearms.

More than half the members of the Texas House have signed on as co-authors of a measure directing universities to allow concealed handguns. The Senate passed a similar bill in 2009 and is expected to do so again. Republican Gov. Rick Perry, who sometimes packs a pistol when he jogs, has said he’s in favor of the idea.

Bills are still in committee so nothing has come up for a House or Senate vote yet.

Texas has become a prime battleground for the issue because of its gun culture and its size, with 38 public universities and more than 500,000 students. It would become the second state, following Utah, to pass such a broad-based law. Colorado gives colleges the option and several have allowed handguns.

Supporters of the legislation argue that gun violence on campuses, such as the mass shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007 and Northern Illinois in 2008, show that the best defense against a gunman is students who can shoot back.

“It’s strictly a matter of self-defense,” said state Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio. “I don’t ever want to see repeated on a Texas college campus what happened at Virginia Tech, where some deranged, suicidal madman goes into a building and is able to pick off totally defenseless kids like sitting ducks.”

Until the Virginia Tech incident, the worst college shooting in U.S. history occurred at the University of Texas, when sniper Charles Whitman went to the top of the administration tower in 1966 and killed 16 people and wounded dozens. Last September, a University of Texas student fired several shots from an assault rifle before killing himself.

Similar firearms measures have been proposed in about a dozen other states, but all face strong opposition, especially from college leaders. In Oklahoma, all 25 public college and university presidents declared their opposition to a concealed carry proposal.

“There is no scenario where allowing concealed weapons on college campuses will do anything other than create a more dangerous environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors,” Oklahoma Chancellor of Higher Education Glen Johnson said in January.

University of Texas President William Powers has opposed concealed handguns on campus, saying the mix of students, guns and campus parties is too volatile.

The majority of adult Texans, 70 percent, surveyed in a poll in December and January opposed allowing guns on campus. The poll for The Dallas Morning News and other large newspapers in the state had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

Guns on campus bills have been rejected in 23 states since 2007, but gun control activists acknowledge it will be difficult to stop the Texas bill from passing this year.

“Things do look bleak,” said Colin Goddard, assistant director of federal legislation for the Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence, who was in Austin recently to lobby against the Texas bills.

Goddard was a student at Virginia Tech when he was shot four times in his French class. Student Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people, including 10 in Goddard’s classroom, before shooting himself. Goddard dismisses the idea that another student with a gun could have stopped the killer.

“People tell me that if they would have been there, they would have shot that guy. That offends me,” Goddard said. “People want to be the hero, I understand that. They play video games and they think they understand the reality. It’s nothing like that.”

Texas enacted its concealed handgun law in 1995, allowing people 21 or older to carry weapons if they pass a training course and a background check. The state had 461,724 license holders as of Dec. 31, according to the state Department of Public Safety.

Businesses, schools and churches can set rules banning guns on their premises. On college campuses, guns are prohibited in buildings, dorms and certain grounds around them.

Opponents of campus gun rights say students and faculty would live in fear of their classmates and colleagues, not knowing who might pull a gun over a poor grade, a broken romance or a drunken fraternity argument.

Frankie Shulkin, a first-year law student at the University of Texas, said he doesn’t think he’d feel safer if other students in his classes had guns.

“If I was taking an exam and knew the person next to me had one, I don’t know how comfortable I would feel,” Shulkin said. “I am in favor of guns rights and your typical conservative guy, but the classroom thing bugs me.”

Wentworth said he heard the “blood on the streets” warnings when Texas first passed the concealed handgun law. “They said we’d have shootouts at every intersection,” he said. “None of that has happened.”


02-22-2011, 01:57 PM
We are working on a bill for faculty - http://www.azleg.gov/FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/legtext/50leg/1r/bills/hb2001p.htm but the staff is not included . . . :cry:

02-22-2011, 02:05 PM
I am a FIRM believer that "gun-free zones" are little more than pre-plowed killing fields for psychopaths.

02-22-2011, 04:30 PM
to NOT ask Colin Goddard to back me up. What a puss.
No one has gone to a firing range to shoot a bunch of people. Or to a gunshow or
anywhere else that the people could be expected to be armed.
Unless the perp was doing suicide by cop or similar.
Has anyone ever thought about how the current crop of politicians would be acting and how they would be conducting themselves if the laws against duels had not been enacted? Certainly "politeness" would have not been infringed.
Don't get me started!! What part of "shall not be infringed" did they miss?
Do they not teach reading in school these days? Comprehension?
I will be expecting the anti gun people to hide the results when allowing guns in schools reduces the crime there. This includes the Main Stream Media.

Life is good

02-22-2011, 04:41 PM
I am a FIRM believer that "gun-free zones" are little more than pre-plowed killing fields for psychopaths.

Al, that would make a helluva bumper sticker or t-shirt.

Agree with you 100%.


02-22-2011, 08:58 PM
+1 for Al!


02-22-2011, 10:09 PM
Send your kids to college in UTAH if you want to be able to carry on campus.

Just sayin.

Hope TX gets their campus carry.

02-22-2011, 11:22 PM
I have a daughter who graduates in just over a year. Have looked at Texas but the out of state tuition is a killer.
I would have no trouble with her going there, It is a state that at least somewhat gets it.


02-23-2011, 02:45 AM
If all goes well my son will be attending Texas A&M in the fall of 2013.

02-24-2011, 11:18 AM
This, from the embarassingly liberal Dallas Morning News.

“People tell me that if they would have been there, they would have shot that guy. That offends me,” Goddard said. “People want to be the hero, I understand that. They play video games and they think they understand the reality. It’s nothing like that.”

I guess he would find it less offensive if some psycho had a gun in his face. Don't worry Mr Goddard, the police will come to your rescue, just in time. As long as some offensive gun owner doesn't step in and intervene. I'm just at a loss for words that someone finds it offensive that other people choose to defend themselves. What a tool...:groner:

02-24-2011, 07:30 PM
We had a discussion in class today about concealed carry and what it means. We also discussed that it did not mean anyone could carry a gun that wanted to. The kids seemed like it wasn't too bad of a deal when they understood what was at stake and what it really meant without the hysteria.

They were interested in my CHL and wanted to know how and when they could get one.

02-25-2011, 12:32 AM
I teach in Utah, and would be fired for having that discussion.
We have some good people here. But some lack common sense & school Administrations have a "0" tolerance on anything remotely related to guns,ammo,etc. :Fire::Fire:

02-25-2011, 02:15 AM
I teach in Garland, Texas. You would be suprised of the things we talk about. I have a good relationship with my students and they appreciate it that I tell it like it is. You ought to hear some of our imigration discussions.

You would be suprised at the number of kids who feel like you should be responsible for your own well being. The harder you work, the more money you should make. It is not the goverment's responsibilty to provide for you.

02-25-2011, 07:54 PM
I am a FIRM believer that "gun-free zones" are little more than pre-plowed killing fields for psychopaths.

+1 more!!

Good bumper sticker except it will give some nut-jobs ideas.

It's really strange when I am at the national rifle matches at Camp Perry how safe I feel.

With over 1,000 people from all walks of life waking around with all those nasty assault type rifles :holysheep, strange how low the crime rate is there too!

I just can't figure it out!:shock:

02-25-2011, 07:56 PM
Is there a school district in Texas that has CC for the teachers and admins. ?

02-25-2011, 10:27 PM
Is there a school district in Texas that has CC for the teachers and admins. ?


This is the only time I have heard of it. Doing a quick search, I couldn't find anything recent. I've never heard of any school district that does.

A lot of middle and high schools have armed policemen on campus. We do and it comes in pretty handy at times.

02-26-2011, 09:44 AM
Thank you.

I thought that I had heard of one, but couldn't remember the details.

02-26-2011, 10:17 AM
In AZ the Administrator of the district can give a person who is a ccw holder and works for the district written permission to carry, but . . . mine won't!