View Full Version : Cimmeron "Evil Roy" .45 Colt

02-19-2011, 12:38 AM
thinking about buying one of these.
never owned a .45 colt, and thought this one sounds good for the money.
action/trigger job, springs....looks cool.
improved sights.
anyone have one? what do you think???

02-19-2011, 01:31 AM
They are very nice. I bought on last year. I really like mine. They are well made, very light,
easy to carry, plenty of power,"45 Colt", and purty. How about this. Seeing as you live in the
next town east of me, I could meet you at the EEGC and you can shoot my "Evil Roy" and
then you would really know how one felt, how it shoots, and if it was what you thought
it was going to be?

02-19-2011, 02:27 AM
that would be cool.
i shoot there from time to time.
i'm working 56 hour weeks right now, but might find sometime on a Saturday afternoon.
what town do you live in?
this gun looks very cool.
im going to ask the guy at the gun shop on main street, "gun pro"
if he can order one, so i can avoid getting one off gun broker
i saw a review of the gun on "cowboys" on the outdoor channel that evil roy did.
looks pretty sick!
pm me about meeting at the range!