View Full Version : Lubing patches with Graphite

Kenny Wasserburger
02-18-2011, 09:14 PM
Continued to work with My loading and patching for Phoenix, Winter Nationals, and America's Cup match.

Will be testing something new, Powdered Graphite rubbed on to the patch. The stuff is -350 Mesh and very fine. The patches are nearly black after the graphite is applied using rubber gloves and small Ceramic Bowl. It works pretty well and goes pretty fast.

This method of lube on the patch should in no way cause any patch sticking to the bullet issues that I can see. I am hoping to pick up a few FPS and perhaps even tighter Chronograph #'s.

The Current load avged 1356 Fps with a ES of 4 Fps and A Sd around 1.

I am somewhat doubtful that it will do any better for those numbers but may pick up some MV.


The Lunger

02-18-2011, 11:23 PM
I'll be interested to see what, if anything, it does for you, KW. I know that some folks swear by graphite on the patch, and Paul Matthews writes about it in The Paper Jacket. Be interesting to see how it pans out.

6.5 mike
02-21-2011, 08:52 PM
Ya got my interest up also. Will this mix with the fouling or what ?

Kenny Wasserburger
02-21-2011, 11:59 PM
Mike no much worry about mixing with the fouling I will be wipping between shots its too hot and Dry at Phoenix not to wipe.

The Lunger