View Full Version : Made a trade

02-17-2011, 12:53 PM
I recently acauired a 336A Marlin in 35 Remington that I liked. 24 inch barrel and half magazine. Now in the process of trading it off for a Marlin Cowboy 38-55 I used to own and had shot a couple of deer with. Always regretted trading that rifle off. I shot the 35 and it was very smooth and a interesting rifle. But the cowboy will come with loading dies, cases and a few Barnes 379 OS bullets and I already have a Lee mold I have not used. Buying the 35 stuff was going to be spendy. Been nice to keep both but the dollars were not there for both. Will be scoping my Cowboy 30-30 and keeping the peep sight on the 38 as I have walked up a few deer where the peep sight is nice. Talk about being torn between desires.


Matthew 25
02-17-2011, 01:00 PM
You need to sell your car and keep both rifles, that's my advice.

02-17-2011, 01:25 PM
you'll miss that 35 somewhere down the road.

02-17-2011, 02:41 PM
That is the problem with all good rifles. Get one shooting right and soon as it is down the creek you will wish you had never turned it loose.

02-18-2011, 08:40 AM
You need to sell your car and keep both rifles, that's my advice.

HAR!!! :drinks:Yeah, I agree with Matt, but that's life man. You do what ya gotta do.

02-18-2011, 10:46 AM
I like old rilfes. The 35 was made and sold when I was pretty young. I remember some of the old woodsies I met in my childhood. Some of them carried their rifle with them almost everywhere. One would even carry his 32 special to the outhouse. You feel more like the older rifles might have a history even if one in excellent condition was probably a closet queen. The Marlin Cowboy models are not "old" rifles. I still had a chance to handle and shoot the 35. I did this with military rifles. I did not really keep any but I would shoot one for a while and sell it to try out another one.


02-18-2011, 02:02 PM
Having to choose between two good guns is kinda like having to choose one of your kids to give up. Very rarely an easy decision and never one any person should have to be faced with.

Good luck with your decision. I don't envy your situation.

02-18-2011, 07:03 PM
Having to choose between two good guns is kinda like having to choose one of your kids to give up. Very rarely an easy decision and never one any person should have to be faced with.

Good luck with your decision. I don't envy your situation.

You never met my kids, didja?:violin:

02-18-2011, 07:14 PM
That 35 Rem example sounds like a keeper, for sure. But I understand about tooling costs and components acquisition for a new caliber. This is why I went for a 6-shot Blackhawk in 30 Carbine over the 8-shot 327 Federal. The $100 price bump for the 327 was a factor, too--but 327 brass is still scarce, and I have several hundred 30 Carbine rounds in the garage, plus all the tooling/moulds/dies. No-brainer, really.

02-18-2011, 07:52 PM
I've had examples of both of the rifles mentioned in the past as well as all the stuff to load and cast with !

If I were stuck with the decision I think I'd stick with the 336A !

But then it's not my decision :neutral:

02-18-2011, 08:11 PM
Well, you can console yourself that there are a lot more .35 Remington Marlins out there than 38-55's in good shape so I guess the .35 will be easier to replace when you can. Been there, done that myself, and still had fun. :D