View Full Version : adjustable core mould

02-14-2011, 02:57 PM
Got his adjustable core mould through ebay. The seller was selling a 44-45 cal mould but when I got it, inside measured .375" and there is no round nose form in it. It would cast a perfect .375" cylinder shaped bullet, no grooves and no nose.
What am I supposed to do with this bullet; swage it to the form and size I want ?
Did I get scammed ?

02-14-2011, 03:08 PM
A core mold is used for making the "cores" for a jacketed bullet. That is why it is undersized, it is meant to be seated in a jacket and swaged to shape. .375 seems small to me for a 44-45, but I've barely gotten started swaging, so I'm no expert. If you were expecting to shoot the ones you cast, I would say you misunderstood the purpose of the mold. I don't think you got scammed. HTH, Billy

02-14-2011, 05:52 PM
Yep, it's for swaging.

However, I bet there is a gun out there that would love such a wadcutter tumble lubed. :mrgreen:

02-14-2011, 05:56 PM
No scam, but no evidently what you wanted
- I think your looking for something along the lines of the Ideal "perfection" mold -
http://i.ebayimg.com/02/!CFi3VKQEWk~$(KGrHqIOKjQE0idK54)RBNVcN4mssQ~~_12.J PG

or maybe you were looking for the paper patch adjustable
Ideal cylinderical found here

02-15-2011, 06:54 AM
Oh boy.
First got into reloading 15 years ago thinking I'd save money. I thought I had try enough new stuff to calm my curiosity. Now this. Wanted to start paper patching and read about adjustable core mold in 1953 Lyman #39, p.182 for patched bullets. I said I got to get one of these; idea was wright but not the same kind of mould.
You guy's pictures though gave me some ideas to modify this mold to make it work. Or, like thx997303 wrote: 'However, I bet there is a gun out there that would love such a wadcutter tumble lubed'. Never tried a wadcutter in a rifle but hey, why not ?

02-19-2011, 12:24 AM
You know if you can get the nose profile in that punch so that it releases that could be interesting. Good idea. Now to find some really thin tough paper so it doesn't get too big to chamber.

02-19-2011, 06:35 AM
Good idea this nose profile. I'd only have to find a rifle to match it with ! something like a .375" bore size.