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View Full Version : Golden Boolit to Floodgate

02-07-2011, 06:57 PM
The very first Golden Boolit award to Felix, was given to someone we all appreciate and respect.
His wisdom, sound advise, and always respectful comments earned him that award, and it was truly heart warming to the many of us who have known the man over the years, when he received it.

The nominee I would like too present holds the same values.
Fellow members, I would like to nominate Floodgate for our next Golden Boolit Award.

It is unfortunate that many of our new / newer members don't know Floodgate, but the majority of us who have hung out here for awhile certainly do.

I would like to nominate this man for the following reasons;

Floodgate has distinguished himself far more than that of a "Generous Donor". He has been a mentor to many, our "go to guy" for the really hard questions, and a truly trusted source of information since our early days of shooters dot com.

His knowledge of the Bullet Mould, its design and function, along with its history, is unsurpassed in the Cast Boolit field.

This, coupled with his desire to help others and share that knowledge, has been a foundation upon which the Cast Boolit family has been built.

He has unselfishly given his time and expertise to both the beginner and the accomplished alike. His character, his pleasantness, and even his humor have often been reflected in the many well thought out post he has provided for our readers over the years.

A man among men who stands just a little taller than most, all due to his unselfish giving.

Thanks for the opportunity to say this, and do this.
I would appreciate very much if the "powers that be" consider this, and act on it, if they should feel my own feelings reflect the right thing to do.

Respectfully, Russ Baker aka "RBak"

02-07-2011, 07:07 PM
Doug is officially honored as in that select group. As a note I give my own personal thanks to him in this thread as that generous friend helped me many times and his contributions did indeed help make this forum worthy of visiting many times over and decipher the often confusing mold number and history questions.
Those of you new to the forum can be helped by reviewing his posts.


02-07-2011, 07:09 PM
The nominee I would like too present holds the same values.
Fellow members, I would like to nominate Floodgate for our next Golden Boolit Award.

It is unfortunate that many of our new / newer members don't know Floodgate, but the majority of us who have hung out here for awhile certainly do.

He has unselfishly given his time and expertise to both the beginner and the accomplished alike. His character, his pleasantness, and even his humor have often been reflected in the many well thought out post he has provided for our readers over the years.

A man among men who stands just a little taller than most, all due to his unselfish giving.

I haven't seen him in a while, but I remember when he left and the circumstances.

Agree 1000+% with everything you wrote. It's impossible to put down how much I learned from reading his tips and wisdom when I was a longtime, hardcore lurker.

The irony is that he has no idea just how many boolit casters he's had such an impact on.

I miss him. Terribly.


MT Gianni
02-07-2011, 08:27 PM
+1 on a great mind and contributor to our sport and this site.

02-08-2011, 11:15 AM
Well done! Floodgate richly deserves the recognition!

02-08-2011, 12:58 PM
I certainly think that Doug deserves that honor.

I also hope that he chooses to grace us with his presence again in the near future. I miss his input.

02-08-2011, 08:33 PM
Excellent choice!

02-08-2011, 08:59 PM
Excellent choice!

Agreed. He helped me on more than one occasion. I miss him here.

02-08-2011, 09:07 PM
I have a current address for him somewhere - I'll make sure he sees this.

02-12-2011, 09:30 PM
I agree, not that my vote counts for anything. But he has never failed to be generous, helpful and kind to me.


02-15-2011, 05:53 PM
Thanks to all for the kind words!

I have to say that anything I may have contributed is 'way more than matched by all that I learned here over the years from my many friends.

Doug Elliott / "floodgate"

02-15-2011, 06:52 PM
Thanks to all for the kind words!

I have to say that anything I may have contributed is 'way more than matched by all that I learned here over the years from my many friends.

Doug Elliott / "floodgate"


Please rest assured that you, along with Felix and Junior, BruceB and many many others made quite the impression and impact on a lot of us who sat back in the shadows and read, read, read and read some more before we were comfortable enough to join and contribute by asking questions.

I've often equated Cast Boolits with a library--no one section in a library has all the answers, but when you put the entire library together with all of its sections and all of the lessons and information and knowledge contained in each section, you can find out pretty much whatever you need or want to.

You have been a big part of that "library."


02-15-2011, 10:15 PM
Thanks for your contributions, Doug!

02-19-2011, 11:33 PM

02-22-2011, 05:43 AM
He was one of the knowledgeable "elders" that so impressed me on the original forums and made me decide to make this my internet home.

This recognition is well deserved. :drinks:

02-24-2011, 09:52 PM
The honor could not be bestowed upon a more deserving individual. Congratulations Floodgate!

Bad Water Bill
02-27-2011, 05:59 PM
I sure miss him most every day. I hope he visits more often.:drinks: