View Full Version : Winter Blues any one?

02-06-2011, 08:53 PM
Getting a new gun sometimes stinks. Getting a new gun right in the middle of winter and at the beginning of my last and busiest semester sure has been a bummer. I have not had time to put even a 100 rounds through it.:cry: At least in the spring I will finally be done with school in the sense that from then on when I go I will get paid and be the teacher. But it has been a long semester and I can't wait to get some round though it.

02-06-2011, 09:05 PM
Winter sucks some years. Luckily I have a female coworker I have teaching to shoot so I am spending lots of time at the indoor range. She has the 357 down good at short ranges. Once it gets warm we go outdoor to learn the 357 lever action.

Bit yes, it sucks when it is cold and snowy put. I will get out once things thaw a bit. Hopefully in a few weeks.


02-06-2011, 09:40 PM
Bought a pristine Marlin 30/30 Texan in mid December and have not been able to get to the range because of weather and personal commitments. First nice day and I'll disappear with it for the day.

02-06-2011, 10:03 PM
I scored a MARLIN 336A with the 24 inch barrel, half magazine and pistol grip stock that I had been looking for for a year or more...too rough, too expensive or I had empty pockets....you guys know the story. I put a sling on it and slid down the hill side to the shooting range and did about 20 cast boolit rounds. Since then it's been too d*** cold and keeps snowing and icing and...

I can put the VAQUEROS in holsters and put ammo and targets in pockets or back pack and have hands free to use the rope hand rail stretched between trees, but it don't work too well with rifles and I don't want to break stocks, etc.

Did I mention that I HATE WINTER!!!!


PS There are a lot of nice items showing up at the gun shows and pawn shops lately. If you have some yankee dollars in your pockets, bargains abound.

02-06-2011, 10:41 PM
Full time student and I need to replace my lap top after only having it for a few months so no more new guns for me. I got lucky with getting my .444, I traded some work for a Ruger red Hawk that I promptly traded for the .444 I sure wish I could find time to get out and shoot her.

02-06-2011, 10:42 PM
Six foot snowdrift outside my front gate, got snow pushed up as high as my 70-20 John Deere will push it on both sides of the way into the hay yard, forecast is for low tomorrow night of -27* below zero. Yeah, I'm gettin' tired of winter :groner:

On the bright side, I'm keeping the cows fed every day and the furnace going and the dog and I are staying warm, even found the time this afternoon to smelt down and ingot 80 lbs of WWs that I bought a couple months ago [smilie=s:

02-06-2011, 11:05 PM
Here I was, couple of days ago, up on the roof, (snow on the roof, ice on the roof, 30 feet to the cement floor of the walk-in) 25 feet of fiberglass rod with a brush on the end waving around in the atmosphere, trying to clean a clog in the chimney after coming home from the coffee shop and finding the house full of smoke. Luckily I hit a day of 34 above a week after my 73rd birthday. The Mrs. doesn't think I should have been up there. The stove works fine, now.

02-06-2011, 11:12 PM
Here I was, couple of days ago, up on the roof, (snow on the roof, ice on the roof, 30 feet to the cement floor of the walk-in) 25 feet of fiberglass rod with a brush on the end waving around in the atmosphere, trying to clean a clog in the chimney after coming home from the coffee shop and finding the house full of smoke. Luckily I hit a day of 34 above a week after my 73rd birthday. The Mrs. doesn't think I should have been up there. The stove works fine, now.

Are you heating with wood or coal? I usually go through about 8 cords of wood a winter.

02-06-2011, 11:36 PM
It was low 60's and sunny in Fallon NV today. Just thought I'd say.


02-06-2011, 11:53 PM
It was low 60's and sunny in Fallon NV today. Just thought I'd say.



At least I don't get your heat in the summer and I don't have Harry Reid representing me. I will stick with my snow.


02-07-2011, 12:14 AM
It was low 60's and sunny in Fallon NV today. Just thought I'd say.


Well out side it is near freezing but inside it is almost 85* next to the stove. The best part is that I don't ow the gas company any thing.

Marine Sgt 2111
02-07-2011, 01:17 AM
I have a multi fuel add on furnace in the basement and a tried and true Cannon #20 wood burner in the frontroom. I have cut my propane use down to 300 gals a year but burn 24 to 32 face cords to warm the house. Since it was built in 1830, there is little insulation. Between the wood pellets and split wood, we be warm.

02-07-2011, 02:48 AM
I have a multi fuel add on furnace in the basement and a tried and true Cannon #20 wood burner in the frontroom. I have cut my propane use down to 300 gals a year but burn 24 to 32 face cords to warm the house. Since it was built in 1830, there is little insulation. Between the wood pellets and split wood, we be warm.

If you are cutting your own wood, you are probably doing ok. If you are BUYING face cords, I can just about guarantee you are getting screwed. This has been a scam, since Christ was a corporal in the Jewish Army. Always buy full cords.

Dan Cash
02-07-2011, 09:22 AM
I only have to go out the door (garage or living room) for up to 1200 yard target. So much snow that I can't even get to a 30 yard gong for pistol. I just keep shooting it but it is so gray and washed out you can't tell whe it is hit. Dozed out a trail to a 200 yard target but it drifted shut before I could get to use it. At my age, these delays are critical.

02-07-2011, 10:47 AM
yea,,winter blues are a reality..
I try to get out to the mountains with a rifle at least once a month...sometimes just a day trip and maybe a little plinking.
I am also fortunate in that the club range is only a couple of miles down the road and in the woods so if I can't get to the mountains I can at least get to the range for an hour or two

02-07-2011, 11:14 AM
We have had a fairly easy winter here in E. Washington.

But more wind than usual ........... I have shooting right out all our doors here but everytime I pick up a firearm it seems like the WIND comes up!!!

The other limiting factor is MUD ........... you want to drive just a short distance away from the horses to keep them from bunching up their shorts ..........

.............. and it's MUD!!!

After it blows long enough ......... the mud gives away to MUCH FARMING!!


Three 44s

mold maker
02-07-2011, 11:21 AM
I know that this Summer, I'll be griping about the heat, but right now, the cold has my joints aching. There is only snow in piles in the big parking lots, but it scares me that they are calling for more this week. We've had more snow this year than in 4-5 average years.
There are 3 virgins (to me) sitting in my safe, and I can't stand the cold long enough to cast for them.
Getting old has rewards, but right now, I can't remember what they are.

02-07-2011, 11:29 AM
I just grab a lever gun and ammo and take a snowshoe hike.

02-07-2011, 11:33 AM
getting about time for the weather to break here in MN, as long range forecasts show late Feb to be in the middle to high 30"s. Early spring is about as bad as winter in that you have nicer days but the snow is still tail deep to a giraffe. I have been building a shooting bench but have to wade through snow to put up a target. Have not been able to shoot my newly aquired Marlin yet. The wood piles this year are getting lower than last year at this time as we have had some cold weather. I put up my own but may have to start buying a little. Some winters I can get out and start cutting down for the next year and bring in some stuff for warmer days but not this year.


02-07-2011, 12:19 PM
It warms my hart to know I am not alone in my grief. Thanks friends, may we all see warmer days in which we may shoot till our harts content.

Well Back to class.

Jack Stanley
02-07-2011, 04:08 PM
No blues here , just a lotta white with trees stickin' out of it . I've been keeping busys cutting storm damage on the neighbors woods . My friend heats with wood so I've been spending a few hours a day cutting and splitting . He finally got the truck and trailer stuck today so I tugged him out with the tractor . After he left I ran the blade back to the pile for him . Stacked some rough sawn cherry and strapped it down today along with cleaning my drive and a couple of the neighbors .

Been shooting the lever rifle some and setup the Dillion to run 32-20 just as soon as I find a load I like . I've been casting with a couple new molds just to see how they do . For the most part I've been filling in the slow times by using up the leftovers of different cast bullets I've had laying around for years .

I've got friends coming this week who want to cut up the limbs we took down so the combine can get through . I suppose I'll go out and help them as best I can . I really don't think I got time to even find the blues let along be that way :mrgreen:


02-07-2011, 04:48 PM
Every time I plan on getting out to do some shooting we get more global warming falling from the sky! I'm really tired of it and all these single digit global warming temps.

I can't wait for some real warming!

02-07-2011, 06:03 PM
It was low 60's and sunny in Fallon NV today. Just thought I'd say.


You Sir are a cruel man! :-P

We just got 8" of wet snow over the week-end with rain in the forecast later in the week. Temperature around 32F so it isn't all that bad. Spring is only three weeks away up here so life is going to be good....soon. Parts of Texas have been colder than we have been experiencing and we are a loooonnnngg way north from Texas. Hell I can almost see Alaska from here.

Take Care
