View Full Version : .475s from the 45ACP

BT Sniper
02-04-2011, 06:31 PM
I have been busy latly working on all sorts of new projects. One that has been mentioned a lot is a .475 bullet from 45ACP brass so off I went. Turned out very well I think and is the same process as making the BT Sniper 44 or 40 cal bullets from 40 S&W and 9mm brass.


What we have here is a 300 grain with a larger metplat that is basicly just the result of turning off the top of the bullet next to it with the longer nose. Then a 325 and 425 grain bullet next to it with the 22LR case to compare. The longer nose versions is for a friend with a 470 Nitro Express. For a 475 or 480 Ruger I will make a new die with the shorter, larger nose.

I know there are a few of us here all ready shooting these 475 monsters, heck with how easy it is to make these bullets I might just have to pick up a 480 Ruger for myself. :)

Good shooting and Swage On!



02-05-2011, 12:42 AM
CDNN has the 480 Ruger on sale for well under $500.

Idaho Sharpshooter
02-05-2011, 02:21 AM
PM me. I have a 470 NE DR.


BT Sniper
02-05-2011, 03:27 AM
CDNN? It's late and my brain in foggy?? Link? I'll find it I suppose eventualy, Thanks.

Give me a day or two on the pms, If you don't hear from me send me one too. I get pretty busy around here :)



02-05-2011, 04:48 AM
Here is the link http://www.cdnninvestments.com/ click on the direct download, its on page 33 at the top.

elk hunter
02-05-2011, 10:43 AM

Here's a .475 diameter 477 grain made from 45 acp for the 470 Nitro along side a Barnes 500 grain .475 bullet. The target is five rounds at fifty yards with iron sights shot by the seventy-five year old owner of the rifle.

BT Sniper
02-05-2011, 11:45 AM
Awesome! Good to hear from you EH. I'm starting to get swage dies figured out. Having lots of fun too. I really didn't plan for the 470 bullet when I made this die but the pistol bullet instead so I gave it the large metplat. May make another one with a bit more RN style. Did you size down the acp case first? Core seat or just one step? Great results. I recall a very nice looking Ruger #1 you posted pics of a while ago, seems like it was a monster too. What cal was that one?

Have a good day :)


BT Sniper
02-05-2011, 12:07 PM
Thanks warf, I never heard of them. Good reputation?

elk hunter
02-05-2011, 04:38 PM

Same rifle, Just a re-post of that earlier one, but just the target this time. I thought there might be some interest in big bore rifle bullets made this way.

The bullets were made by annealing a 45 acp case, seating a 47-70 bullet in the case and crimping it in and then sizing it by shoving it through a ring die. Not much needed in the way of dies to make this one.

02-05-2011, 07:36 PM
EH, if I had ever picked up a DR in 470 NE, I was planning on using 45acp brass. Glad someone is one step ahead of me. :)

02-05-2011, 08:18 PM
Thanks warf, I never heard of them. Good reputation?

I've not bought anything in past 3 years but have purchased over 15 guns threw them over the years. Fair shiping prices on long guns never bought a handgun from them.

02-05-2011, 11:52 PM
I new this day would come!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
I just about got enugh saved for the .45 dies but this may have to come first!
I need a good 325ish gr boolit for the BFR .480.
have you got the core molds figures out for the 325 gr?
I call dibs on the first set you let go!![smilie=1:

BT Sniper
02-06-2011, 12:14 AM
This bullet is far easier then the 45s to make. One step die will do it (equals better price too :) ). The 45 ACP case weighs about 80 grains. The Lee 44 cal 240 grain mold should drop at 245-250ish with pure lead or wheel weight.

80 + 245 = 325 grians .......... BINGO!!!!

325 grain bullet will fill the case perfectly giving you a bullet that looks like one pictured above ( middle but with a nose shape of bullet on left) in a flat point, or if you want to make a really BIG hole in somthing we can make a HP too!

I fugure on having 4 original BT Sniper dies avialble soon (by end of year or next month, we shall see) in good numbers, the 40, 44, 475 and 308.


02-06-2011, 12:36 AM
This bullet is far easier then the 45s to make. One step die will do it (equals better price too :) ). The 45 ACP case weighs about 80 grains. The Lee 44 cal 240 grain mold should drop at 245-250ish with pure lead or wheel weight.

80 + 245 = 325 grians .......... BINGO!!!!

325 grain bullet will fill the case perfectly giving you a bullet that looks like one pictured above ( middle but with a nose shape of bullet on left) in a flat point, or if you want to make a really BIG hole in somthing we can make a HP too!

I fugure on having 4 original BT Sniper dies avialble soon (by end of year or next month, we shall see) in good numbers, the 40, 44, 475 and 308.


What price are you thinking of BT?

BT Sniper
02-06-2011, 01:50 AM
I'm working on the possiblities and different price options. Still have a few unknown costs as the dies are not quite finished yet. I'll have a better idea soon. A bit more work with a custom die then there is upgrading the CH dies. I'll keep you all posted for sure.

Thanks for all your support guys. Should be a lot of new exciting bullets to make this year :)


02-06-2011, 07:11 PM
I am all in! :bigsmyl2:

02-08-2011, 09:00 AM
I'm interested, please keep us up to date on your progress.

02-11-2011, 05:53 PM
I guess this would be a great use of all the .45 ACP I find at the range with small primer pockets...

What about the .45 GAP I've found a few times at the range?

02-21-2011, 01:34 AM
Should work fine I would think. I bet they would look a lot like daywalkers boolits.

02-21-2011, 08:32 AM
to: BT
i am glad to hear that you will be making some swage dies. will the dies be heat treated?

BT Sniper
02-21-2011, 12:51 PM
Heat treated, Yes. This is one of the variables I need to work out. See how much a die grows or shrinks. Once I get to know the 4140 steel a bitt better in this reguard I will be able to really move foward. Should be able to send a couple dies off to heat treat this week.

I'll keep you all posted.



03-08-2011, 01:22 AM
I'm a major noob in regards to swagging. Would this be an okay bullet to start out with, or would you suggest something else?

03-08-2011, 07:54 AM
What are you going to use to add a canular to them .475" bullets? The C&H canular tool only goes out to .458 is why I ask.

BT Sniper
03-08-2011, 01:40 PM
Canalure on the .475? No problem! I picked up a used powered corbin canalure machine. All ready have the necessary wheels to grove .357 up to .500.

Maybe I will offer a canalure service to those in need.

As far as the .475 beeing a good first bullet to start swaging...... Yes, maybe, it should be simple to make requiring only one step in a press but as big as it is it takes a bit of force to form. It is the same design as forming the 40 or 44 in one step just a lot bigger is all. I'll be testing it some more when I get the die back from heat treat.

BT Sniper

BT Sniper
05-14-2011, 02:43 AM
Two months later but I am polishing up my prototype die. I just made a couple bullets this evening. One at 425 grains and another at 350 grains. Both from the 45 ACP case with a LARGE HP! They look pretty good. I need to cast some cores from my .430 molds with 240 grain core should get about 340 grain bullet and teh 310 core should get me 410 grain bullets.

As soon as I get 50 or 100 bullets together I plan to send some to Buck for initial testing. I must say after working with the .257 bullets for the last two weeks the .475 is a monster! Looks real good with a large HP and 350 grains fills the 45 ACP case perfectly.

To bad the fate of the .480 ruger seems grim as I bet had we had these dies availble years ago to convert ACP cases in one step to .475s maybe more people would still be shooting. I did a simple check of .475 bullets avialble from Midway, pretty slim pickins! A simple one step die of mine will take care of that problem right quick for any .475 shooter I would think.

My time lines for these dies has certainly been a lot slower then expected do to long lead times for the customer materialss ie. reamers but with how simple it is to make this bullet it is for sure going to be on my offered list of dies just as soon as possible.

I'll see what I can do to get some bullets out for testing ASAP! If I'm lucky I might be able to get some out by end of next week.

Buck what weight bullets you shooting out of your .475? Could you give us a bit of info on what sort of shooting you do with that hand cannon. :2gunsfiring_v1:


BT Sniper
05-15-2011, 08:20 PM
Well die attempt #2 is unusable. First one went to heat treat a thou to big and came back just the same. I had an ectra I sent that was .473 and I thought I was good to go. Well Lapping a die is a tedious task and now I have two .477 dies.


I'm still working on it but doesn't look like I'll have any shootable bullets for a few weeks.


05-16-2011, 02:19 AM
If your going to junk the dies send one my way, I'll see what I can do with it. Might be worth a try and see if it would work.

05-16-2011, 11:02 PM
BT, I shoot from 325 up to 400 gr boolits. So far all cast boolits.
The Lee 400 gr shot great and would go through a train length wise but had no shocking power.
The 325 gr boolits are a MT mold worked up with Bassakwards help. Its my go to boolit . Lots of wt but light enugh to get the shocking power that comes with speed.
Both boolits will hold 1.5" at 25yards, but i do get a bit of leading with the 400 gr.
I would like to take this deer hunting but just havent yet.

05-29-2011, 11:06 AM
If you get a set of dies that come out at 474, please let me know. I got a 470 NE that would love to kill some deer and elk in Utah with a BT Sniper bullet.

06-14-2011, 04:13 PM
Here the samples BT sent me seated in 480 Ruger brass.

10-04-2011, 08:16 PM
Uh-oh. My sweetie is still a little miffed from my recent purchase of a 458 SOCOM. Looks like I'll soon be back in the doghouse.

Where can I get a set of these dies. Wait, strike that. I need two sets. One to feed my 45-70 and 458S, and another to fuel my 480 Ruger.

BT, how does one go about aquiring these wonderful devices?


10-05-2011, 12:41 PM
Those look great!! I miss my .480 the only thing I ever got to shoot with it was a badger. It was a very accurate gun and fun to shoot!!

10-15-2011, 10:31 PM
I'm interested.

10-16-2011, 01:43 PM
I already bought the brass.

BT Sniper
10-17-2011, 03:10 AM
I'm getting blue prints together to send in for reamers to be made. This .475 will be one of them. I hate to leave you guys hanging but the time on my part was needed for all potential upgrade possiblitlies to offer the best die I can. I have certainly learned a lot in this additional time and I am positive I will be very happy with the resulting .475 die as soon as I get the reamer to start making them. Wish I had a 480 or 475 of my own.


11-18-2011, 09:10 PM
Any update on progress? My 480 Ruger is hungry.

BT Sniper
11-19-2011, 03:44 AM
Yes and no..... I have been attempting to make my own reamer for the .475. It has been a battle with frustration. I'm close but may just throw in the towel on my own reamers. I will order one. It will probably take 2 months before I see it. I hate lead times on tools some times. My problem is had I just sent plans for reamer 2-3 months ago I would have it by now so it's my fault for thinking I could do it all :(

I'll still play with the home made reamer while I wait for the professional one to be made. Maybe I'll error enough times that I might get it right. I WILL HAVE THE .475 DIE AS PART OF MY OFFERED DIES! Sorry it is taking me so long.

I'll keep you all posted.



BT Sniper
11-19-2011, 08:13 PM
Well I may have spole a bit soon.

I have been playing with making reamers. Not yet the .475 though. I may have just had a bit of sucess with a 22 cal reamer that works really well. It should be easier for me to make the .475 vs. the smaller .223 reamer.

So it maybe sooner rather then later if all goes well for the .475


02-07-2012, 09:19 PM
Any progress?

BT Sniper
02-07-2012, 09:42 PM
I have the reamer and plan to send some .475 dies to heat treat by the end of this month.

I attempted a .458 die a couple weeks ago. It got big! No problem I said I'll make it .475....... and so it went till I had a new papper weight as I couldnt' even get the .500 cal right that night. That was my last attempt, so I took a break and moved to some other die projects.

The end of the month is fast approaching. I need to make a few of the .475 as well as the .458 and .500. I'll post pics when I have a successful die and bullets.


Side note on reamers. I was able to make simple "D" shape reamers, also called half reamers or spoon cutters, from grinding down HSS. I also sent out those blue prints to two different welll know custom reamer shops in southern Oregon. They quoted me a long lead time (3+ months from one and a flat out "NOPE" from the other) so I keep looking. I found a better supplier in the midwest that has, from the looks of it, even better skills then anywhere local to me and the best part was an avarage two week lead time. :) I allready ordered a set of 22 cal reamers and if all looks good I will have severial more reamers heading my way including this .475.

So I apologize...... it takes me a long time being a one man show (maybe someday that will change) and a stay home dad but I am very excited and hopeful with the new supplier of reamers I have found.

I'll keep everyone posted.

BT Sniper
05-18-2012, 01:37 PM
Well I finally got plans sent off to custom reamer shop so I can start machining these .475 dies.

The shop has the plans as of yesterday. I imagine it will take them about 3-4 weeks to get it to me. Then it will take me a month to machine the dies and get them set of to heat treat.

Here is a look at what the bullet profile should look like when made from a 45 ACP case.


Thanks to all interested for your patience. Good things are coming and the wheel is in finally in motion on the .475 project :)


BT Sniper
07-10-2012, 02:58 AM
I finally did it! The 475 dies are ready for order.

The custom reamer I had made cuts a perfect die. I am very pleased with the results. I'll be happy to take orders at this time. Please feel free to post here or send me a PM for details.

Check out the pic. It is the one in the middle. Here we have three bullets all weight in at 335 grains made from the 45 ACP jacket. .458 .475 and .500! These are all shown with a .250 meplat. I may need to open up the .475 to .281 depending on OAL limits.
