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View Full Version : RCA's unbelievable response...

11-09-2006, 06:53 PM
I recently purchased an inexpensive (‘bout a hundred bucks) CD/radio unit for in my garage where I do my bullet casting, car waxing, oil changing, etc. The maker of this unit is RCA. Anyhow, I noticed that when the unit wasn’t turned on daily, it would not turn on at all. So, I went to the Troubleshooting page of the manual and sure enough, this problem is addressed!!! The solution: Unplug the unit for a few seconds and then plug it back in. Yep, that works, but the clock then needs reset. It is obvious that RCA knows this problem exists but they continue to sell the radio. So, I e-mailed there service e-mail address and expressed my concern for this unscrupulous method of doing business. The following was their reply:

Thank you for your inquiry concerning the design and quality of your product. Consumer satisfaction is very important to us and we continually strive to provide the best consumer electronics products available. We regret you are not pleased with your product. We invest substantial resources in market research to develop products that meet consumer needs and expectations. We are continually finding ways to improve reliability, designs, product quality, and professional service. Your comments are appreciated, and we thank you for taking your valuable time to contact us.

What in the heck (euphemism) is wrong with the businesses in this world? The “Bowtie Man” making the decisions is surely sending the poor fellow working on the assembly line right down the toilet. But I suppose he really doesn’t much care. And over the past couple of years I have won a Winchester Model 70 and a Remington Model 7600—I am sure thankful all of my handguns, rifles, and shotguns are old—they were built well. Those two rifles are a disgrace to either company’s name or reputation…BCB

Four Fingers of Death
11-09-2006, 07:46 PM
Happens all round I had a Nikon camera which used to lock up occasionally (like at the start of the Bathurst 1000 race where I live!) and I finally worked out that if I switched it off, waited for about 30secs, switched back on, it was ok after that. Danged if I didn't find it in the manual later! Moved it along! Mick.

PS, I think you will find, even if it is marked RCA, it will be made in china, india or vietnam or somewhere like that.

11-09-2006, 08:06 PM
Well,,I bought my XD45acp back in the spring..like march or april and at that time I called SA and ordered a spare magazine and a flashlight holder that was advertised in the literature inside the pistol case.

I got my spare mag pronto,,,,waited,,,and waited,,,and waited but no FL holder,,,so in june I finally called and got told,,,"oh sorry,our vendor has had production issues with them and we expect them in the fall"

Ok,,,I really wanted a genuine XD gear part so I decided to wait,,well,,,its not early fall anymore so I just called back,,,now its "sometime in the first quarter of next year"

Well,,jeeze louise,with the thousands of options available now did I want to wait? Not really,,,so I said,,"well,,since I have been so patient so far ,how about a hat for my time ?"

"NO,,its not our fault and we dont do that"

"oh,,,who authorized the catalog and printed them and put them with the pistols with the flashlight holder as an available item ?"


"ok,,whatever,,cancel my order I will go elsewhere for my needs"


Well,,, really,"customer service" there.
I would think a little token would not have been out of line for waiting six + months. It's free advertisement for crying out loud.
Oh well,,with all the options now I will just look at spending a buck or two elsewhere.

Kinda disappointed with them though.

11-09-2006, 08:13 PM
45, money talks, bs walks. Screw'em. sundog

11-09-2006, 08:29 PM
I just placed an order thru midway for some items anyway and found an almost identical mount for several dollars less.

I was rather put off by their stance,,of that person anyway. A very nice gun btw,but if this is their normal stand on service I hope the pistol is as good as my SIG has been.

11-10-2006, 03:59 AM
..............Ken, e-mail SA with the Midway info, noting the lessor cost, quick shipping and etc. Tell them that is what you did after talking to thier (SA) customer service being. Suggest they include the Midway info with their pistols.


11-10-2006, 02:11 PM
Also take the time to e-mail Midway, explaining the situation to them. Thank them for their service, etc. Let them know you appreciate their company. And it will also let them know that you shop around for prices, not just "impulse" buying.
Companies, like people and dogs, need punished when they are bad, and rewarded when they do things right. Just my $0.02................Lee:)