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View Full Version : Copperized lead?

Mad Mucus
11-08-2006, 08:34 PM
Newbie question...

Anyone cast with with this... it's common down here in the building trade?


11-08-2006, 08:46 PM
Never heard of it. Leaded copper flashing is common in the building trades.

11-08-2006, 11:00 PM
I have not heard of it in some years, but there was a roofing material called "Terne Metal", sp?, which was lead coated steel.

Wayne Smith
11-09-2006, 08:44 AM
Correct me if I'm worng, but can't you melt lead off of copper just as we melt it off of the steel ww clips? Question may be how to do it if the lead layer is as thin as I imagine, though.

11-10-2006, 11:14 AM
A while back I dropped some checked boolits that had checks damaged in seating (snagged the edges in the nose-first Lee die and peeled back) back into the pot. Never have seen those checks. I'm wondering if they could've slowly dissolved in the alloy? It was mostly soft lead and running at full temperature on my Lee pot.

11-10-2006, 09:48 PM
Copperized lead is now used as flashing on rooves. I raised this question here several months ago in another thread with no answer received.

A search of the net turns up several hits about "Copperizing" as a process and it has been around for sometime.

What I have turned up is:- Copperized lead has a matrix of 'copper' within it which is designed to stop the lead flashing from moving under the effect of gravity. Simular process to plating.

The matrix must be mixed in somehow as I have never found signs of copper when smelting lead flashing down for ingots. I do have some ingots in the shed which have a copper colour deposit on the top around the pour zone of the ingot.

Other than the information above, I have no further information about how to remove it or what effect it may have on cast boolits.

For the matrix to remain in the metal and not be skimmed off as rubbish we would be smelting at very high temps IMO.


11-11-2006, 08:41 AM
Copper babbit.

Felix and I had some limited success with it a while back. I will get around to doing some more with it in the future as we have a bunch a ingots made up. Here's the thing, too much copper in the mix and boolits won't fill out. You can tell when you are approaching a useable alloy by pouring. If it sheets instead of streams the copper is freezing, ie, too much copper. Dilute with more lead and try again. Copper makes boolits tough, adds resilience. sundog

09-11-2016, 07:53 PM
My son in law is a lead roofer, and has been bringing copperized lead scrap home, I am wondering if anyone has recently tried this material, I am thinking it may be fine for round ball, but not minnie or pritchett bullets. I will try running some ball with it in a few days and see what happens. He also uses plain lead flashing as well, so all is not lost !

