View Full Version : Seeing Pictures better

01-29-2011, 10:55 AM
I just read the following thread, and I was having trouble seeing the picture Gear had posted about his prep station.


I right clicked on the picture, went down to "save picture as" and then saved it to a folder in my Gun Stuff section. Then when you look at it from your other file, it fills up your monitor and you can really see what is in the picture.

I hope this helps some of you see the pictures better.

01-29-2011, 02:41 PM
Do not know the browser you are using. In Firefox I right clicked on the picture and open it in a new tab. The picture opens taking up a full screen.

This saves the hard drive space for pictures I want to Keep.

01-29-2011, 05:25 PM
If you put your cursor over the photo in Internet Explorer 8 (free download from Microsoft), the cursor will appear as a hand. Simply click on the photo and it will open in a superimposed dark window at the larger size. Click on the "X" at the upper right to return to the thread.

I copied the photo and put it in my photo manipulation program and it showed the same size on screen, so you don't get any extra by saving it and opening it in another program.

