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View Full Version : Search Engine...........

Red River Rick
01-27-2011, 06:17 PM
I see lots of members posting threads looking for information. Problem is, what their looking for already exists on this forum.

We have a really good search engine on this forum and it's fast. Some members should try using it before posting a question....................the answers you seek may have already been answered.


01-27-2011, 07:16 PM
And if you can't find it on our search, use Google. It will usually bring your right back to Cast Boolits!

When using search here, go to advanced, and search posts, rather than topics.

mike in co
01-27-2011, 07:22 PM
the search engine on this site sux......
i love the site but when i search for something i wrote and it says nothing found/or when i do a search and it brings up a ton of stuff...without any obvious relationship to my request...it irritates....

yes i love the site.....

mike in co

01-27-2011, 07:58 PM
Go to Google

type in what ever you want to know about anything and everything ever devised by booliteers. you probably will find such loves as the loob groove thread. or the ever disappearing deano test thread. site:castboolits.gunloads.com

hit search

obvious replace the italics with whatever your heart desires......[smilie=w:

01-27-2011, 08:04 PM
My opinion is that, while the site's search function may not what some would like it to be, too many people are too lazy to search for the answer to their question/problem, instead they look to others to provide a quick and easy answer.

01-27-2011, 08:10 PM
I like ask.com better than google. Less garbage you don't want and seems to get to the point better.

01-27-2011, 08:11 PM
My opinion is that, while the site's search function may not what some would like it to be, too many people are too lazy to search for the answer to their question/problem, instead they look to others to provide a quick and easy answer.

Yep, I'll buy that.

I lurked around here since before 2005 during the old Shooter.com days. When this site (Cast Boolits) launched, I thought I was in Nirvana. I read and read and read and read some more. Got to know a lot of the personalities here.

Most any problem I had, I found the answer for in the Stickies alone--those I didn't, a search usually turned it up.

Finally a couple/three years ago, I decided to pony up and join up and be social.

Now, while some new members are indeed lazy or have the entitlement "Hey, why should I waste my time reading or searching? Just tell me the damned answer" mentality, there are plenty of other new members like myself who are not all that internet savvy.

I've worked on a computer since Apple launched Macintosh, and I've been on the internet since Al Gore invented it--but there are still MANY things about the internet that are mysterious and frustrating to me. I prefer to search for my answers rather than ask, but there are times. . .

And then, for yet other new members, asking questions is their way of entering the social realm of Cast Boolits.


01-27-2011, 09:40 PM
Yes, it is as much social as it is looking for answers. Some just need reassurance that they are on the right track.
It comes down to how we learn. Some learn different from others. Some, sadly, never learn at all.
I have used the search more in the last 6 months than in the last 5 years. I have found info that I could have gotten by asking a question. The old posts gave me info that allowed me to try something new and possibly to refine my questions to make them better.


01-27-2011, 09:57 PM
I have never had much luck with search engines. I either get so much unrelated stuff that I have to sift through pages of unneeded results to find the tidbit of information I am looking for. The other issue I have is I do not use the correct wording and do not get any results. These problems are even more exasperating when you are new and do not know the correct terminology.

Like Mike I also have a hard time looking for some of my past posts.

01-27-2011, 10:23 PM
Google or use some other search engine of your liking and after typing what you are looking for and add in the word boolit or boolits i.e.

"454 casull large primer pocket boolits"

With google you'll find the thread for 454 Brass - Open Primer Pocket to LP

The name of this site is unique in itself and using this in an outside of the forum search takes you right back home to Cast Boolits.

01-27-2011, 11:17 PM
sorry! ,iv'e been going the "answer my damm question route" .
i promise i will use search more now it just makes good sense, but every now and then it feels good to have a gentleman or lady who knows what they are talking about give you an answer or opinion.
as said earlier i too love this site it's kept me out of trouble and i like that alot.
have a great night ,,,adrian.:evil::coffeecom:twisted:

01-27-2011, 11:21 PM
Adrians, the search function allows you to search this site for answers to questions asked previously. It is the same friendly people, just a bit earlier in life.
The search function let's you get answers quickly and privately. You can discover much by using it. With the number of posts made since the beginning of the site it would be hard to think of something that hasn't been discussed.
Nothing wrong with asking a question, we are always willing to answer. It is just that some questions seem to pop up every other week.


01-27-2011, 11:23 PM
I was trying real hard to ignore this thread:

…Mainly because I know my reply is going to irritate some people.

But I just can’t do it! …..I just have to let my big mouth get me in trouble again.[smilie=1:[smilie=1:

I have been using the Internet as an information source for quite a while now. ....And I am quite familiar with what it takes to do successful “Google Type” searches. My online experience also includes moderating on an unrelated site where people frequently posted redundant questions.

I have never lectured a person (noob or otherwise) about using the search utility: …..I always figured that if I had the time to lecture, I could just as well answer the question.

There are two points to consider here: …First, the whole reason that people join topic specific forums is so that they can interact with other people who share their interests! ….If the big, cold, crowded, and mostly irrelevant world of Google and The Internet fulfilled their needs, they never would have joined the forum! (You can also rest assured that many will not return if all they get is “The Bums Rush” the first time they ask a question!)

Secondly, information changes! …..If I am looking for info on a product that was first introduced fifteen years ago, I certainly don’t want to wade through all the early reports and reviews: …..I want to know what experiences people are having with the product as it is sold today! …..And the way to get the best CURRENT info is to ask the question; “Hey! …Does the .454 XYZ still blow up on the third shot???”

I really don’t understand why there are so many people ready to jump on this critical bandwagon!

Is it that you really don’t WANT to talk to other people about our mutual pastime? (…Then why are you here??)

Are you REALLY too busy to read this nonsense? (…..If so, sign off and get to work!)

Can’t you exercise some restraint and simply NOT CLICK on a thread you suspect to be redundant? If it bothers you, then don’t look at it! (….I’m sure that you all are very quick to skip over the “Jerry Springer Show”!)

…….Or is it that jumping on another user for not exhaustively using the Search Engine happens to be a good way of establishing who the “Alpha Dogs” are???

If you know the answer to a question, try being a resource for the person asking it, rather than a critic! ………In short, just try being friendly!


01-27-2011, 11:25 PM
The search engine is a powerful tool but it also pales compared to the power of the google search engine.
I have searched for threads that I know exist and even had the thread displayed in another window and could not get it to come up in search.

There is another way. Go google advanced search and enter the fields to search only
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/ and you will find anything that is here.

klcarrol , there are those who post something like " what do I need to cast bullets ? " and that is the ones that I ignore because they did absolutely no homework to even know what questions to ask.

01-27-2011, 11:43 PM
....klcarrol , there are those who post something like " what do I need to cast bullets ? " and that is the ones that I ignore because they did absolutely no homework to even know what questions to ask.

My point exactly: ....It is possible to "pass them by" rather than delivering a sermon!

.......But I do have to say that in the two years I've been hanging around here, questions like "What do I need to cast bullets ? " have been relatively infrequent.


01-27-2011, 11:57 PM
I don't think of it as delivering a sermon. They may not be aware that the search function exists. Is the search perfect? No. But I just used it to see when a group buy was dome in 2008. Found the thread with no trouble. I have used it to search for info on Marlin 1894 C threads. Got some good info.
Does info change? Yes. But that does not devalue all older info. There is much to be gained from past discussions.
I have found some comments on certain questions to be a bit abrupt but not very often. Most of the comments merely state to use the search function. Not sure how that is a bad thing.

I have answered some of these commonly asked questions. I feel I have a duty to help the new guys along. I also feel, however, that they need to help themselves. They need to go and try things. Experiment. This site is a source of info but it is not a crutch to be used to avoid old fashioned testing. I dislike Internet experts and getting info only thru asking questions rather than hard work is likely to develop more Internet experts than actual casters.

I can see both sides here. Like I said earlier, it comes down to how we like to learn. Some are more researchers who learn privately by gathering as much info as posible. Some prefer the more direct route and ask a question. Neither is right or wrong, it is a matter of style.


01-28-2011, 12:04 AM
Sadly, this is probably the most underused section that Cast Boolits has to offer. Fortunately, it is the most informative.


Maybe, it could be moved to the top of the home page and highlighted, instead of being almost invisible, in its present location at the bottom of the page.

01-28-2011, 12:42 AM
…..And the way to get the best CURRENT info is to ask the question; “Hey! …Does the .454 XYZ still blow up on the third shot???”


So how are those 454 XYZ's holding up now a days? I lost mine in the Great Loob Groove Ponzi Scheme Scandal of 2010....:veryconfu

01-28-2011, 12:43 AM
If you are looking for a post you made, click on your own name, and you can see all the topics you have posted in.

Don't be afraid to dredge up years old topics, for more input.

01-28-2011, 09:09 AM
Yep, use it all the time Waksupi. You can also go to someone elses profile and click on find all posts by... And bingo all posts by that person.
Why do this? Remember that thread you resonate to years back? Forgot some of the info? This is how you find it.

01-28-2011, 12:20 PM
the site search function is hard for me to use.
i tried looking for 30-06 loads a while back.
as i had just gotten a win made 1917 eddystone.
yeah, i got manuals [about 12-15 of them] and a couple are just for cast loads only.
and i could easily just make up a load from the powders i have on hand without the books.
but i wanted to see what loads others had come up with, and any interesting story's or range reports that were posted.
i was not really able to find anything that was helpful to me.
so i did what i always do and found a mold that would fit the rifle better than any of the ones i have now.
and i am starting from scratch.

01-29-2011, 01:52 AM
You can also go to someone elses profile and click on find all posts by... And bingo all posts by that person.
Why do this?

I use this feature on Swapping & Selling. When I pull up the posts of somebody with a recent and/or minimum-time join date and see that every post (or over 90%) has been in Swapping & Selling, I usually just pass 'em on by.
