View Full Version : mosin nagant question

01-27-2011, 11:25 AM

i see cabelas have a sale on mn's in a flyer.

i am probably going to rapidcity to look at them tomorrow,its 138 miles there .
i know nothing about mn's.

i am looking for advise on what ones NOT to buy so i dont waste my day off getting one model that tends not to shoot well.i understand some tend to shoot better than others(i would guess) so,other than looking for a good bore what should i be looking for?

thanks in advance.

mike in co
01-27-2011, 11:41 AM
most likely they will only have 91/30's

a hex reciever is easier to add a scope to....but means you should bend the bolt..not cut and bolt on a new handle..tho it is done.

take a 30 cal bullet.....drop it in the muzzle...just cause......if it aint sitting straight the crown isnt either...try it a couple of times.
stay away from counter bored muzzles if you can
bright shiney bore is great, but solid lands and grooves is good.....the sharper the edge of the land the better....practice looking in good bores.( most mil bores are not gonna look like a match rifle)

most will not have great bores...does not mean they will not shoot.
pull the bolt(open the action, pull the trigger and slide it out) check the bore from both ends.
bring a long cleaning rod and some patches..just in case the bores are dirty. bring a light.

i bought one of mine at big 5 for 80 bucks or so.

where else can you get a rifle capable of hunting anywhere in the usa for 100 bucks or so ??

mike in co

01-27-2011, 12:03 PM

thanks for your insight.

you mentioned they might just have 91/30s,do i take it that i might not get a good shooter because they are 91/30s,or is that just kinda standard for cabelas to carry? IF they have a different model would i be better off with something different?

thank you.

01-27-2011, 12:14 PM
Almost all of the mosins imported recently are 91/30's.
There isn't anything wrong with them but do as Mike says and check it out before buying.
I have 91/30's and M44's.
The M44 is a short carbine type versus the long rifle of a 91/30.
It also has a bayonet as part os the rifle (attached) and requires some getting used to.
The M44 also kinda leaves a large fireball in the sky when you fire it at night with milsurp ammo.

All in all if you get a good one and spend the time to really clean it up they are good shooters and very accurate to boot.


01-27-2011, 12:22 PM

thank you for the info.

between you and mike i think i am squared away now.
although i probably wont like the bayonet on it.

thanks for your help!

01-27-2011, 01:15 PM
One more suggestion for the MN, make CERTAIN there is NO cosmolean (spelling ?) brownish goop in the barrel before you fire it. Burned-on goo will take a month of Sundays to clean out of the bore.

The 91/30 is pretty nose heavy. The 44 is shorter and has an attached bayonet. Some of the ones I've seen are in unfired condition with slight stock dings. All of the rifles have stock cut-outs for attaching a sling. The cut-outs should have brass plates to protect the wood.

01-27-2011, 02:26 PM
You might want to call before you go, just to make sure they still have some. The Reno store was selling them like hot cakes.

If they do have some, look for one made in the 1930's, as fit and finish on some of the war years was a bit rough. I had them bring a few out, the first was a '42 izzy which had been refinished but was very rough, and a '43 izzy that was a bit better but not as nice as any of the 1930's rifles. Ended up with a '37 and '39 izzy and a '38 Tula.

All had matching numbers and very nice bright bores (once I got the cosmoline out). Here's a crappy phone pic:

mike in co
01-27-2011, 07:46 PM
right ...earlier builds are typically better fit ..but also shot more....so again eval the entire rifle.

and about the carbines...not all have bayonets......

but all of them are flame throwers ...very visible at night....

and for a real shoulder kicker try a carbine with bear 203 gr hunting ammo.......

i'm down to just one polish 44 and three 91/30's.......( ohh and three finn 39's, and the 28/30)

mike in co

01-27-2011, 10:32 PM

A very good website with all you ever hoped to know about the old Russian musket. They're all rebuilds from the era when the Communists were preparing for the invasion of the "evil" west (us). Some were counter bored to restore the first few inches of rifling at the muzzle and you should avoid those if you can. They shoot as well as the regular rifles, but it's a collector "thing". All in all, probably the best deal out there right now in milsurps.

01-29-2011, 12:04 PM
Rats! the rapid city store sold out 4 days before the end of the sale.

i called the mitchel store and they also sold out,however they took my name and info and said they would have more soon,would call me when they get in.And sell at the 89 dollar sale price. sounds fair to me.

other stores might do the same if anyone else is looking...........

01-29-2011, 10:50 PM
See, that is what happens when you spend time going to work! LOL .

I just can't get used to these rifles. Have had a couple but just like the SKS I don't care for them.
Nothing really wrong with them as many do shoot well and right now are cheap with lots of surplus ammo available as well.

Hang Fire
01-30-2011, 05:12 AM
I got a bubbarized MN for 25 bucks from neighbor, no import stamps. Not sure how it started life, is stamped Tula, 1937, believe it to be a 91/30 cut down, the front sight was/is a Lyman ramp.

I scout scoped it and made cheek piece riser, bore is .314" and shoots cast boolits great sized to 316".
