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01-26-2011, 11:48 PM
What did y'all think?

01-27-2011, 12:12 AM
Well since I live in Louisiana and they are from Baton Rouge and the first reality based show I can relate to. I thought it was pretty good. Definitely something different. Better than a bunch of whiney guys griping and grousing about each other.

01-27-2011, 12:19 AM
I enjoyed it, just one of those show's I'll have to watch another episode or two of before calling it good/bad/indifferent.


01-27-2011, 12:50 AM
Like Murphy said, I'll watch a couple more before I decide. But Mrs oksmle & I both enjoyed this one. Any time you get to watch a cannon in action it's gotta' be good.

01-27-2011, 01:01 AM
I enjoyed the show too, the silenced shotgun confused me a bit. I would think that drilling the barrel with all those holes would drop the pressure quite a bit, slowing the slug severely.
I did not get a good look at the cannonball, but it looked like a big wad of aluminum foil to me.

01-27-2011, 03:29 AM
You have to reduce teh velocity to below the speed of sound (1000 fps or so) from the factory high velocity ammo - other wise it creates a sonic boom type wave of noise much louder than subsonic projectile.

Overall I liked it so far - It sort of reminds me of the History channel version of brit's Top Gear - a program with potential

01-27-2011, 04:05 AM
the foil thing was the powder charge. they didnt show the ball being loaded.

i enjoyed it. i have met vince a couple times and will once. vince did some work on my ruger sbh, and is trying to build a trigger spring for my high standard sport king.

01-27-2011, 07:36 AM
I enjoyed it.

01-27-2011, 11:20 AM
Huh? What's being discussed here?



01-27-2011, 11:23 AM
+1 with AZ-Stew................steg OOps I meant +1 with Murphy, but in any case it's better than most of the junk that's that's on now...............steg

01-27-2011, 11:25 AM
I missed it. My wife was watching that train wreck called "American Idol" :roll:...Ray

01-27-2011, 11:38 AM
I liked it. anything with guns or about guns is better than most of the **** on TV.

Rocky Raab
01-27-2011, 12:03 PM
I'll pull the other oar.

Because it's a "reality" show, uninformed people will think it is reality. Anti-gunners could not have written a better way to show that

a: gun people are nuts with explosives
b: it's quick and easy to "saw off" a gun
c: anybody can buy a silencer or order a grenade launcher
d: there are no gun laws

01-27-2011, 12:35 PM
I gotta agree with Rocky, that's pretty much what I thought. MOST people know very little to nothing about firearms and what they do think they know they get from TV and what is supposed to be a news media. Rocky pointed it out perfectly so what will the majority of people that see this show think/believe now?

I was thankful that with the M-16/sawed off shotgun that they did at least show the Sherriff's Dept. They mentioned nothing about the legality of sawing off a shotgun. How many will now think this is perfectly acceptable AND common? Remember Randy in Idaho?


01-27-2011, 01:14 PM
I liked it a bit, kind of reminded me of a cross between a gunshop and those pawn shows currently on, which I do not like.

I will however give it some time to grow on me.

01-27-2011, 01:21 PM
I was in the "Candy Shoppe" cleaning bullet molds, didn`t miss athing.Robert

01-27-2011, 01:25 PM
I agree with Rocky and add to it.

I thought it was pure, made for TV BS. While entertaining, it was mostly BS. Some examples from last night's episode:

Silenced Shotgun. Not new and not hard to make. Anyone who knows anything about silencers knows that a single baffle is not going to get the dB reduction required. I fully expect if they have the license required to make a silencer, they know this. I think they just assembled the silencer without the baffles, shot that sequence to create a problem, fully knowing it wouldn't work, and then finished the assembly with the baffles to seem like super stars. Pure contrived BS.

Mill. So there is a mill with a failed "phase converter" Question 1: How is it a big shop like that does not have 3 phase power? Question 2: Did anyone notice the $50k CNC machining center in the background? If the shop can afford one of those, why all the drama about replacing a $1000 phase converter.? Even if the mill was shot, a new one can be had for $5k, and a used one for $1500. More contrived BS.

Daughter. Would any grown man really take orders from their 20 year old daughter? Again, unneeded drama for TV.

I'll probably continue to watch it, but only for the amusement to "catch" the kind of BS I cited above. Anyone else see any intentional BS that was fabricated for TV audience consumption?


82nd airborne
01-27-2011, 01:29 PM
I'll pull the other oar.

Because it's a "reality" show, uninformed people will think it is reality. Anti-gunners could not have written a better way to show that

a: gun people are nuts with explosives
b: it's quick and easy to "saw off" a gun
c: anybody can buy a silencer or order a grenade launcher
d: there are no gun laws'

I didnt get to watch it, but everything but "d" Isnt too far off from the truth! minus the explosives part. I wont call you guys nuts, but I am. Its not hard to saw off a shotgun, and almost anybody can buy a silencer.
All kidding aside, I do get where you are coming from, sounds like it could be fuel for the anti's.

01-27-2011, 01:38 PM
Daughter. Would any grown man really take orders from their 20 year old daughter? Again, unneeded drama for TV.


lol, do you have any grown daughters? I tell you what, they have a withering stare and most certainly can influence any father.

I have 2 grown daughters, oldest could easily give orders I would follow, she survived me as her father and knows me better than anyone on earth.

3 more daughters not grown...

01-27-2011, 01:54 PM
I haven't seen it, after the one episode of ice road truckers. I decided reality shows just wasn't for me.

01-27-2011, 02:06 PM
I'll give it a couple of more episodes before I cast my yea or nay. Although I am also not a big fan of reality shows that overly dramatize minor problems.

01-27-2011, 02:21 PM
I agree with Rocky and add to it.

I thought it was pure, made for TV BS. While entertaining, it was mostly BS. Some examples from last night's episode:

Silenced Shotgun. Not new and not hard to make. Anyone who knows anything about silencers knows that a single baffle is not going to get the dB reduction required. I fully expect if they have the license required to make a silencer, they know this. I think they just assembled the silencer without the baffles, shot that sequence to create a problem, fully knowing it wouldn't work, and then finished the assembly with the baffles to seem like super stars. Pure contrived BS.

Mill. So there is a mill with a failed "phase converter" Question 1: How is it a big shop like that does not have 3 phase power? Question 2: Did anyone notice the $50k CNC machining center in the background? If the shop can afford one of those, why all the drama about replacing a $1000 phase converter.? Even if the mill was shot, a new one can be had for $5k, and a used one for $1500. More contrived BS.

Daughter. Would any grown man really take orders from their 20 year old daughter? Again, unneeded drama for TV.

I'll probably continue to watch it, but only for the amusement to "catch" the kind of BS I cited above. Anyone else see any intentional BS that was fabricated for TV audience consumption?


Will has been making shotgun silencers for a while, he didnt have to figure anything out, staged.
The "mill". As far as three phase power, There are 3ph lines in front of the shop, I dont know if the shop has them run. I would think that the cost of hooking up 3ph would be more than the cost of a converter. Also that is an old mill, they recently bought, may have come with a converter. BTW did you see what they were milling? A piece of flat bar at an angle? Looked staged to me.

As far as the CNC, From what I understand that was bought specifically for the show. His machinist is a guy named Jennings Freeman who is a master with manual and cnc. However from what understand Will just contracts the parts with him and Jennings makes them at home. He may be using Will's shop now but Jennings has his own 07 and cnc setup.

01-27-2011, 02:31 PM
My daughter is 39 years old and wouldn't even think of talking to me like that.

01-27-2011, 02:39 PM
I watched it last night. Like "Wild Justice", that was enough.

01-27-2011, 02:54 PM
I happened in just as they were about to fire the cannon. The alpha dude offered his mousey flunky a chance to pull the lanyard, and the pipsqueak almost said a prayer of thanksgiving.

I watched long enough to see that the alpha dude toys with his pipsqueak at every opportunity...like a cat with a live mouse.

Won't be watching in the future...I can't stand the 'drama'.


01-27-2011, 02:55 PM
sounds like another tee vee show that I don't have to worry about not watching.

01-27-2011, 04:50 PM
ummm "ice road trucker"
is becoming a degrading term, in some driving circles.
just so's y'all know.

if i made that big a deal about driving on the roads i drive on [usually worse than those on that show] i'd most likely be run off..

01-27-2011, 04:56 PM
Ice road truckers, and I'm sure all reality shows are scripted and just for entertainment for folks without a clue. The sad part is lots of folks belive what they see on tv.

mold maker
01-27-2011, 05:32 PM
I'm sick of the "reality type" shows on TV. So far this show, is the closest, to getting me as a viewer, but only to see the guns, in action, that I can't have or afford. I'd like it lots better as a 10 min show without the BS drama.
I'll watch a few before I decide for sure.

01-27-2011, 08:15 PM
Would someone please tell me what channel this is on so I can watch it (or turn it off if I can't stand it)? Was this a single show, or part of a series??

Never mind. I finally got enough sense to look it up. I'm too old-school. I keep forgetting I can look up almost anything on the net and get the right answer.



MT Gianni
01-27-2011, 09:48 PM
ummm "ice road trucker"
is becoming a degrading term, in some driving circles.
just so's y'all know.

if i made that big a deal about driving on the roads i drive on [usually worse than those on that show] i'd most likely be run off..

I hear you. Don't you hate coming out on the intersection and finding it was closed from that side?

01-28-2011, 02:58 AM

I didnt get to watch it, but everything but "d" Isnt too far off from the truth! minus the explosives part. I wont call you guys nuts, but I am. Its not hard to saw off a shotgun, and almost anybody can buy a silencer.
All kidding aside, I do get where you are coming from, sounds like it could be fuel for the anti's.

i disagree. the anti's will use any thing for fuell, and make stuff up if they cant find it.

its the hide the guns in the closet(dont let the anti's see them) guys that are doing more harm to the community by caving to the anti's pressure.

shows like this expose the masses to firearms, who is more likely to fight hard for their rights? the deer hunter with 2 guns, or the guy that has spent months getting a silencer or sbs?

82nd airborne
01-28-2011, 10:16 AM
i disagree. the anti's will use any thing for fuell, and make stuff up if they cant find it.

its the hide the guns in the closet(dont let the anti's see them) guys that are doing more harm to the community by caving to the anti's pressure.

shows like this expose the masses to firearms, who is more likely to fight hard for their rights? the deer hunter with 2 guns, or the guy that has spent months getting a silencer or sbs?

Cant argue with that! You make a good point sir, I stand corrected.

Rocky Raab
01-28-2011, 11:10 AM
You guys are missing my point. I'm all for decent shows about guns and I only "hide" mine while I'm wearing.

My point is this: in the two segments so far, the show gives the impression that guns and certain specialized items like suppressors are easy to make, easy to obtain and hardly covered by laws.

We all know that one cry of the antis is "guns are too easy to get." This show perpetuates that lie. And in my opinion, it seems deliberate.

01-28-2011, 11:51 AM
Well, I had to go by Red Jacket Yesterday afternoon for something and found out a few things, one, THE MILL DOES WORK AND THEY ACTUALLY USE IT! Again I think the whole little thing was staged but the mill had work clamped in it and had chips on it.

The Double D
01-28-2011, 12:37 PM
I got the impression the gentleman in charge does know what he is talking about. The rest of the show is drama...

If I see another scene like that end mill squealing on a piece angle iron held in a vise, I might change my mind. That was worse than chalk on a black board.

If you listen very carefully to the closing scene with cop about the Master Key shotgun, the fellow does say they have to wait for the ATF permits. But you really had to be listening to catch it. I ran the DVR back to make sure I heard it.

Also the closing scene when daughter launches the the 40 mm pyrotechnic is clearly editted. She dropped that gun, I am positive!!!! But in her defense she wasn't afraid to try.

01-28-2011, 05:55 PM
After reading this I recorded and watched the cannon/suppressed shotgun episode. I can see where to the ignorant, the shotgun part made it look like you walk in, say, " I need a can for whatever gun" and it's a done deal. Nobody said a word about Tax Stamps or paperwork.

By not watching this and "Top Shot" I've got two more hours each week to shoot, reload, cast, stare at the wall, whatever...

01-29-2011, 10:31 PM
Also the closing scene when daughter launches the the 40 mm pyrotechnic is clearly editted. She dropped that gun, I am positive!!!! But in her defense she wasn't afraid to try.

I doubt that was a 40mm. If you caught it, the box of flares he was looking through was labeled 37mm. Plus I don't think M-203's are going for $1,500 - what he said he paid.


01-31-2011, 08:00 PM
it was a 37mm flare gun.

01-31-2011, 08:01 PM
After reading this I recorded and watched the cannon/suppressed shotgun episode. I can see where to the ignorant, the shotgun part made it look like you walk in, say, " I need a can for whatever gun" and it's a done deal. Nobody said a word about Tax Stamps or paperwork.

By not watching this and "Top Shot" I've got two more hours each week to shoot, reload, cast, stare at the wall, whatever...

actually will said "we have about an hour of paperwork".

02-03-2011, 02:25 PM
Saw it last night. At least the daughter told the guy wanting a suppressed shotgun that he would have to wait for approval from the Feds and it would take 4 months. He wanted to take it the next day to go hunt (Don't know about LA, but not allowed here, hunting with suppressors IIRC).

Other parts seem that all you need is alot of money and you can walk out with NFA items with just alot of paperwork. Anti's will point and say how "easy" it is to get the stuff. The boss should at least let people know he is an SOT and licensed to build the stuff and paperwork is needed on all the items and approval from the BATFE before you can walk away with it.

Ticked me off last night, that he didn't want to try the flamethrower, but had no qualms about shooting API, tracer, ect and starting fires in the countryside. Poor judgement in my book.

Seen about all I want to see of the show.

02-03-2011, 04:23 PM
Is it just me ore are the prices a tad on the high side? Living in a state where supressors and SBRs are not allowed i really dont know.

02-04-2011, 03:47 AM
..............I don't see why they don't have silhuette on TV. Especially BPC type silhuette. Or action pistol for that matter.


02-04-2011, 02:28 PM
I watched two episodes of the show. To me it perpetuated every single stereotype the Left has for us. My wife has nothing against guns, but not growing up around them she isn't as comfortable with them as I am. She couldn't stand to watch it.

I also thought the scene where the young guy from the shop shot the cannon and had an orgasm was a little much.

02-04-2011, 03:30 PM
In the show with the .50 cal, I was surprised that they milled off the part of the receiver that prevented the rifle from firing full auto. I didn't think you could do that as it makes the receiver a machine gun, which is exactly what they did.

I am not too familiar with NFA laws, but don't you need to have the permit/tax stamp before you make something like a machine gun, silencer, SBR, etc?


02-04-2011, 03:35 PM
garandsrus, they were very sloppy about explaining why they were legal to do that. I'd have to guess that they have the appropriate manufacturers license.

Its one reason I found the show annoying and unwatchable.

02-04-2011, 04:41 PM
Hmm...hands up, everyone that honestly believes these guys really manufacture all their specialized aftermarket gear on an old lathe, a broken-down mill, a rickety old drill press, and a couple of Harbor Freight hand grinders. Yea, I didn't think so, I don't buy it either.

That being said, my guess is the proprietor and his crew probably do know a thing or two about making some quality specialized firearms hardware. But, you don't get to see it on the show, at least not yet anyway. As long as you take it for what it is-- strictly entertainment, it's not too bad, especially if all you love to see are explosions and mostly black plastic hardware. Could be better, could be worse, I'll watch a few more episodes before I make a judgement.


82nd airborne
02-04-2011, 04:52 PM
They have theyre stuff made by a local machine shop down the road. They had to buy equipment to put in their shop for the tv show, they do not use it for actual production.

02-04-2011, 05:09 PM
They have theyre stuff made by a local machine shop down the road. They had to buy equipment to put in their shop for the tv show, they do not use it for actual production.

So, it seems fair to say that the whole show is a staged drama with the substance of cotton candy. I'm happy to have missed the shows. NEXT.

Having six daughters, they learn at early ages that there is NO NEED to order Dad around. A frown or teardrop got me fixing toys, relining brakes, you name it. I also coached soccer, ran off boys that didn't make the cut, and other details that kept the dull times to a minimum. That's what Dads do, I thought. Lotta dysfunction going on, I'd say.

Caster Blaster
02-04-2011, 08:12 PM
Yup, $3500 for a couple of suppressed ruger 10-22s? get real, even buying the stamps thats way off base. There is NO need for the fake drama, "I need to make $25000" "we gotta get it done by friday!" have any of you dropped off something to a 'smith and they were sweating boolits to get it back to you by friday? cut the ****. Stop showing the one meat head talking about booby-trapping his house with an ak47, don't keep re-using the same target being shot sequence, and just make a show about a custom shop creating something interesting, thats what was great about the original Jesse James Motorcycle Mania specials. FAIL. I did like watching the CMOH marine with the flame thrower though.

02-04-2011, 08:29 PM
Reality TV is an oxymoron.

02-04-2011, 11:48 PM
After hearing from several guys I thought I knew, to watch this show I did - and probably won`t again. The only thing I liked about the entire show, alot like Top Shot, was the old Marine and his flame thrower along with his story about how he earned the CMOH. I seem to remember reading about this old boot and his exploits at Iwo.Robert

02-05-2011, 04:05 AM
I recorded 4 of those shows, though I would watch them tonight, 10 min. into the first one, I went to the others, except #4 which I did not even start. those retarded morons need to be sterilized, so they can't pollute the gene pool. hope they pull the plug on that stupid so called show. I can't really say what I think of them, may be young folks reading this. I think watching the clothes dryer spin is a lot more intertaining. at least it is doing something worthwhile.but I am not one to cast despersions on any one. :)

02-05-2011, 04:17 AM
They have theyre stuff made by a local machine shop down the road. They had to buy equipment to put in their shop for the tv show, they do not use it for actual production.

where did you hear this?

ive seen some of the fancy machine equipment in the shop(peeking thru the doors while picking up a gun). how close have you been to the shop?

82nd airborne
02-05-2011, 10:39 AM
He is over on ST and has said several times in the past that they contract out the machining to a nearby shop.

02-05-2011, 08:04 PM
Like I said Earlier, their CNC guy is Jennings Freeman. He does contract work for them at his home shop on his own CNC machnies. I have heard this from several machinists and tool suppliers in BR.

BTW Jennings sells his own line of silencers as well.

02-06-2011, 02:21 AM
I enjoy the show and will continue to watch it.

02-06-2011, 05:52 PM
I kinda slowed down watching years ago, when they started cartoons for adults I about stopped. Now even much of the news is fake and basically entertainment. I reckon a lot of people have different ideas about what entertainment is.

Rube Burrows
02-07-2011, 08:26 PM
I'll pull the other oar.

Because it's a "reality" show, uninformed people will think it is reality. Anti-gunners could not have written a better way to show that

a: gun people are nuts with explosives
b: it's quick and easy to "saw off" a gun
c: anybody can buy a silencer or order a grenade launcher
d: there are no gun laws

Im new here but thought I would chime in.

While all of the details are not shown, all of the shooting (even the cannon) was shot safely.

Will and RJF are manufacturers so they can shorten barrels and so fourth legally. If a customer wants to purchase one of the SBS or SBR guns and are legal its no problem. Just have to fill out all the proper paperwork and play the waiting game.

In Louisiana any legal adult with a clean record can buy a supressor.

Of course they are gun laws. Everyone in their state should be responsible for following their states laws. Louisiana is a very gun friendly state.

I have talked to Will at RJF several times. He is a great guy and really knows how to build guns.

He converted a Saiga-12 for me a while back and I love it. I would love to order me one of his Suppressors for the Saiga-12 but have not yet.

There is a certain level of DRAMA that the producers try to force into the show. You know the tv type....always wanting to make something out of nothing. Even Will said that the mill deal was dramatized and made to look like more than it was. They also want the daughter to be dramatic. It is TV.....remember? None of the reality shows on TV right now....are 100% reality. There are some things that even us locals who have used RJF before dont care to see. Things that are made for TV. We have also made Will aware of this.....for what its worth......though not sure if he can change how they make things out to be on the show.

When the show was filmed there were NO real 12 gage suppressors on the market to my knowledge.

Anyways, I have been reading around on the site and learning a bunch. Love the site. Maybe one day I will be in a position to post more. Right now im just soaking up all the knowledge.

cajun shooter
02-13-2011, 01:37 PM
akajun, I have lived here all my life and have not seen the show. Where is the shop located? I know several of the older gun people in the Baton Rouge area but have not heard of these people.My last question is what channel and when is the show aired as I would like to see it once to be among those who have spoken. I have yet to see any of the reality shows that are worth the time. One person comes up with a idea and the rest of the world follows. The one about the people who are trying to survive on these islands is a big joke. If I was hungry,cold, or sick and I knew that others had what I needed then I would go and have some of what they had, very simple answer. I worked at a gun store in Baton Rouge in the early 70's by the name of Granberry's. In fact I worked for him twice as I quit a few times. TV came to Baton Rouge wanting to film a story about the Texas University tower shootings. The people of Austin refused to allow it to be filmed where it took place. Every other gun store in town turned them down from filming the guns being purchased to commit the crimes. My boss took the money and allowed them to film in our store. I was very upset and told him so as the people were as anti gun as you could be. Jesse's motorcycle show was good until the big money corrupted the show.

02-13-2011, 09:34 PM

02-14-2011, 10:58 AM
Will is a Licensed 07 W/SOT status.

He can make anything he wants. Post samples, DD's, AOW's, SBR/SBS, Suppressors....

And getting approved for a Suppressor, SBS, SBR is easy and a MUST ISSUE tax stamp. If you can buy a Firearm on a 4473 and your state allows it, you will get the stamp.

I've personally talked with Will on many occasions. He's been doing Saiga conversions for years.

I'll agree the show is tripe for the masses and in the long run probably will hurt the Gun owners of the USA.

I find it funny that the new 3Axis CNC mill in the shop was purchased JUST for the show by the producers. He still farms out much of his machine work.

02-14-2011, 11:28 AM
(I'll agree the show is tripe for the masses and in the long run probably will hurt the Gun owners of the USA.)The next time you get to talk to Will, you might want to tell him that.

02-14-2011, 11:30 AM
(I'll agree the show is tripe for the masses and in the long run probably will hurt the Gun owners of the USA.)The next time you get to talk to Will, you might want to tell him that.

I already have voiced my opinion on the show.

However, the $$$ being funneled towards Red Jacket because of the show will negate any opinion I have.

A few other friends and members of WeaponsGuild will start showing up around Eps. 10-15 that I know and talk to.

02-21-2011, 10:15 PM
akajun, I have lived here all my life and have not seen the show. Where is the shop located? I know several of the older gun people in the Baton Rouge area but have not heard of these people.My last question is what channel and when is the show aired as I would like to see it once to be among those who have spoken. I have yet to see any of the reality shows that are worth the time. One person comes up with a idea and the rest of the world follows. The one about the people who are trying to survive on these islands is a big joke. If I was hungry,cold, or sick and I knew that others had what I needed then I would go and have some of what they had, very simple answer. I worked at a gun store in Baton Rouge in the early 70's by the name of Granberry's. In fact I worked for him twice as I quit a few times. TV came to Baton Rouge wanting to film a story about the Texas University tower shootings. The people of Austin refused to allow it to be filmed where it took place. Every other gun store in town turned them down from filming the guns being purchased to commit the crimes. My boss took the money and allowed them to film in our store. I was very upset and told him so as the people were as anti gun as you could be. Jesse's motorcycle show was good until the big money corrupted the show.

He is on Mammoth Avenue next to MDM tooling. Granberry's huh, when I got all my grandfathers reloading and gun stuff a lot of it had Granberry's tags on it. You probably knew him, if not by name by face Im sure.

05-09-2011, 10:20 PM
You guys are spoilt for choice I think.
We dont have any firearms tv down here in the Antipodes and I had to get the show off the internet to even see what you were all passing opinion on.
I enjoyed it as entertainment, I have no problem with the dramatisation (Im a firefighter and a show about my job would be f'in boring without hard editing and added drama!)
Im sure its not meant as a documentary so chill. It s the best firearm show Ive ever seen. Have a good day

05-11-2011, 11:48 PM
Will is a Licensed 07 W/SOT status.

He can make anything he wants. Post samples, DD's, AOW's, SBR/SBS, Suppressors....

And getting approved for a Suppressor, SBS, SBR is easy and a MUST ISSUE tax stamp. If you can buy a Firearm on a 4473 and your state allows it, you will get the stamp.

I've personally talked with Will on many occasions. He's been doing Saiga conversions for years.

I'll agree the show is tripe for the masses and in the long run probably will hurt the Gun owners of the USA.

I find it funny that the new 3Axis CNC mill in the shop was purchased JUST for the show by the producers. He still farms out much of his machine work.

A fellow collector buddy of mine of many years is one of their "lawyers". I had this sort of conversation wiht him before the show hit the air..... and afterward. I'm not impressed nor do I care much for the carnival like show presentation , though we all know it's sensationalized for TV.

05-13-2011, 10:10 AM
Well, let's see now........

Guy runs a shop where they make custom, one off, exotic firearms.

Employees all look like tatooed bikers.

Boss's word is law because he's a genius, employees are all bumbling flunkies.

Boss, however, is constantly subdued by his own daughter...yet it's "his" business.

They always HAVE to finish a project on time...and are running behind.

Customers can walk in and order just about anything...little mention of laws, paperwork, etc.

Is it me, or does this all smack of "Orange County Choppers"??

All in all, a pretty poor representation of "run of the mill" gun owners.

My greatest fear is running into an anti gun nut whose sole refrence is "I saw it on that 'Sons of Guns'.......so I know all of you are evil!!"

Thanks a lot "reality t.v.".

05-15-2011, 02:26 PM
Understand that "Reality shows" ARE NOT REALITY, and are only loosely based on something
that "could have happened" and was mostly set up for the cameras, and then scripted pretty
much just like a regular fictional TV show.

The main "reality" about Reality TV is that they cost a bunch less to make than real shows
with real writers and real actors because they have amateur actors and amateur writers that
work cheap, and they just let a lot of the screwups and stuff just stay in the final cut.

I enjoy the show as light entertainment, largely BS and 3 minute of actual action put into
a half hour with bunches of faked up "drama".

I agree with Rocky, we should contact the producers and politely request some more
emphasis on the paperwork aspects of these NFA weapons that they are making and
selling. I could legally make or buy all the guns that they have on the show in KS, but I sure
better fill out the right forms and get the paperwork sorted out if I want to stay out of

STILL -- I'd watch it over about 95% of the junk that is on the idiot box.
