View Full Version : Help Needed On Shell Art History

11-06-2006, 11:33 AM
Gentlemen: Sunday at church festiable I bought a piece of shell art that I would like yous to tell more about what I have. Its a Jap shell casing about 80 MM or in english 3 in. , cut off to 1 1/2 in. in the middle is a US 1943- 20 MM shell caseing cut to hold matches, with 2 pieces of 50 Cal. to hold cigars ect. Now on the side of the jap shell its been engraved with a pickpunch and its says, top line-

on other side is a heart with a arrow through it.
then a prop. with the int. M.O.
Can anyone tell me what all this lettering means, I thank the Vet.
for my freedom for a free country to be able to own and enjoy my rights to
the 2 nd. Am. - Smokemjoe, Thank- you for reading.

11-06-2006, 01:04 PM
smokemjoe, what you are reading as "LC1-702" is probably LCI-702, a Landing Craft, Infantry. "HOLLNDIA HARBOR" is a mispelled Hollandia, New Guinea, a port that was very important in WWII. Hollandia, under a different name, is now part of Indonesia. The heart with arrow and the prop with initials M.O. are obviously personal. My guess is that M.O. was a Machinist's Mate who made this souvenir for his girlfriend or wife. (Machinist's Mates are responsible for keeping a ship's propellors turning.)

11-06-2006, 01:56 PM
A common Japanese artillery caliber was the 77mm. Was that the one they called Piccolo Pete?