View Full Version : Almost 3 pages

01-23-2011, 11:02 PM
of wanted to sell threads so far today! What a smorgasboard of great stuff ! The most I have seen in awhile. Just nice to see a site selling things that are so useful to the people that may use them and or need them but can't afford or don't want to pay new prices... at such fair prices.:drinks:

01-24-2011, 09:03 AM
I look at it and see desperate people attempting to stave off bankruptcy or losing their home.

Well, ain't I a ray of sunshine today....

01-24-2011, 09:32 AM
I look at it and see desperate people attempting to stave off bankruptcy or losing their home.....

Bret, ......You are sooooo right! (Please don't ask how I know!:sad:)


cajun shooter
01-24-2011, 10:04 AM
Bret, Sometimes knowing the truth makes the hurt more intense. I myself along with my wife are and have been for the last three years in what I would call dire straits. We draw blue prints for new homes in Louisiana. Our Drafting business has not recovered since it dropped big time in 2007. But we are still together as man and wife and doing the little things that helps a marriage survive. We are sad about the things that have been sold but they are material things that we would leave behind one day any way. I told my children and grandchildren that we are no longer able to buy those gifts as we once did and to my surprise some of them quit coming over. So in a way it was a good thing that has shown us who our real family is. I also now look at my guns that are left(over 35 sold)as what they really are. Something that protects us,gives us enjoyment and is left to some one who you don't know if they will run to the closet store to sell it the day after they receive it. My wife has now become my most prized partner in these days of unknown that lie ahead. Take Care

01-24-2011, 01:33 PM
:sad:I am very impressed with this thread and emotions stated. It is the reality of today, in a tough economy. It is also the emotions of real people. Seems like a whole bunch of politicians at just about all levels of govt. have forgotten real people!

home in oz
01-24-2011, 02:25 PM
This has been a very meaningful read.


Politicians dont think of the people; they only pretend to for their own gain.

Statesmen care for the people; but they seem pretty scarce these days!

Von Gruff
01-24-2011, 07:05 PM
I guess like many I have had to become more frugal as It is just on 2 years ago that the company I was subcontracting building to went under and left me with unpaid invoives. Then my shoulder got bad ( fortunately it is my left shoulder so I can still shoot of sticks) and our government medical insurance (that I had paid a lot of premiums to ) wouldn't cover the surgery and (and neither will the government health, although they will look at it if it gets critical, so I have had to retire 7 years early on unemployment ( I will actually get an income increase when I oficially retire)
Have reduced my stock of toys to the minimum and if it wasn't for casting there would be almost no shooting at all. Still if there was a 2.5x20 ultralight going at the right price I might still be able to swing it from my "gun money"

Von Gruff.

01-24-2011, 08:44 PM
@ Von Gruff, and All;

It's really sad to see that financial hardship appears to be not simply a National Problem; .....But is clearly an issue that crosses international boundaries.

Please know that the good wishes of your "Kindred Souls" are with you!


01-25-2011, 07:22 AM
Dang, and here I was thinking it was the weather getting me down. It's a funny thing to say, but thanks for opening up a little guys and sharing the gloom. I really did think it was just me.

DIRT Farmer
01-26-2011, 02:25 AM
Three years ago springing for a case of Swiss was just a normal thing, With my wife and myself on forced retirement and living on what I make on a small farm and pickup work you watch the out go closely. I might have to look into replacing bathroom floors again. (my least favorite job) I did just pick up a small gig at one hundred a month, enough of those and we will make it 3 more years to social security and medicare.

01-26-2011, 03:59 AM
i disagree with brett4207. when i have sold things, it wasnt due to financial hardship. i either didnt like some thing i had, upgraded to something better or i couldnt use the brass i found due to not having the caliber or not the right headstamp of brass

01-26-2011, 04:19 AM
I know the feeling guys, many years ago my Son came down with something, they never did figure out what it was and we almost lost him. To make things worse I just lost my job , my company and five others in the area closed down, needless to say I lost my medical insurance at the same time. I sold firewood and did odd jobs to keep going, but with the medical bills it wasn't enough, and many of my guns went out the door, just about cleaned me out, but we got through it, and now many years later, my Son has grown onto a fine man, and my best shooting buddy, and soon to be included are my two Grandsons ages 6 and 4 will be added to the list, actually they are now if you count BB guns. So hang in there guys God willing we'll get through this also .....................steg

01-26-2011, 06:55 AM
I look at it and see desperate people attempting to stave off bankruptcy or losing their home.

Well, ain't I a ray of sunshine today....

Have been a lurker here decided to register, to join in. But saw this thread, read through all of it and I can relate first hand.
Lost my job a year ago, unable to get unemployment, didn't do anything bad, my ex employer decided to fight my appeal and pulled no stops, forget all the dedication etc. it means nothing. Anyway one has to be in that spot to truly understand what it's like, I used my 401k to help me survive till now, but when you swallow your pride, to ask for something, the way you were brought up. I have had my power turned off, while trying to get state assistance, just to help pay my bill, people there say they understand, but they don't, it's just a job to them. The line I get "you sound frustrated" then you start to reply you have a job and maybe you need to switch places with some of us, then its well will take a check / credit card, you explain what don't you understand "no income". I'm no spring chicken by no means, if it wasn't for my parents who help with me with my mortgage which isn't much and close friends. You tend to know what is meant by true family and true friends..so I can relate to all who have lost their jobs and trying to keep everything together while others take what they have for granted. I'm done ranting, but wanted those to know that they are not alone... possessions are exactly that, family is more important, that can not be replaced...be positive, be up beat, our time will come....


01-26-2011, 07:49 AM
i disagree with brett4207. when i have sold things, it wasnt due to financial hardship. i either didnt like some thing i had, upgraded to something better or i couldnt use the brass i found due to not having the caliber or not the right headstamp of brass

Well good for you. We're talking about right NOW, and possible reasons why there are 3 pages of for sale items. I don't know your situation but there are a heck of a lot of folks hurting, often through no fault of their own, but through the fault of our glorious leaders spending us into insolvency, printing money backed with smoke and mirrors, and our own belief that a promise made is a promise kept. Maybe the current situation hasn't touched you, That's great for you. But kindly refrain from making the assumption the rest of us are in a position to worry over the headstamp on our brass.

01-26-2011, 10:28 AM
.........Maybe the current situation hasn't touched you, That's great for you. But kindly refrain from making the assumption the rest of us are in a position to worry over the headstamp on our brass.

Thanks Bret!

Your reply saved me from breaking three or four forum rules with the reply I was considering!


01-26-2011, 01:18 PM
Have been a lurker here decided to register, to join in. But saw this thread, read through all of it and I can relate first hand.
Lost my job a year ago, unable to get unemployment, didn't do anything bad, my ex employer decided to fight my appeal and pulled no stops, forget all the dedication etc. it means nothing. Anyway one has to be in that spot to truly understand what it's like, I used my 401k to help me survive till now, but when you swallow your pride, to ask for something, the way you were brought up. I have had my power turned off, while trying to get state assistance, just to help pay my bill, people there say they understand, but they don't, it's just a job to them. The line I get "you sound frustrated" then you start to reply you have a job and maybe you need to switch places with some of us, then its well will take a check / credit card, you explain what don't you understand "no income". I'm no spring chicken by no means, if it wasn't for my parents who help with me with my mortgage which isn't much and close friends. You tend to know what is meant by true family and true friends..so I can relate to all who have lost their jobs and trying to keep everything together while others take what they have for granted. I'm done ranting, but wanted those to know that they are not alone... possessions are exactly that, family is more important, that can not be replaced...be positive, be up beat, our time will come....


I can relate,, but it has been almost 5 years now. Watching the outgo is very troubling at times when there is no income you can count on.

True friends are much much easier to identify now! And you are not alone!

01-26-2011, 05:22 PM
Most companies do not care how hard you may have worked for them or how loyal you may have been when it comes to the bottom line they will screw you over in a heartbeat!! I thought long and hard about posting this as I know there is quite a bit of bias against Unions floating around this site. Nevertheless, this needs to be said: in the early 1980’s we had a recession and many worksites closed forever. People who had worked (some of them from age 15) in the wood products industry and had never been laid off, suddenly found themselves without a job! At that time I was laid off after 20 years in a plywood mill. I had been active in my union and because of that, I got a job working for the BC labor movement providing representation on appeals for people who had been denied benefits to the unemployment system, the welfare system and to Canada Pension, along with some appeals to the Workers Compensation system. This service was not limited to union members, but was freely provided to anyone in need.

NOW—here is what I want to say—some people who lose their ability to provide what their family needs are at risk of committing suicide, if they do not return to suitable employment within two years! This observation is based on what I saw personally within the group of workers I was so closely working with. Those at risk seemed to be in the twenty five to forty age group! Further, people in their late forties to mid fifties showed a higher rate of heart attacks and strokes than either younger workers (who in most cases moved on) and older workers that were in a position to retire. ---SO if you are someone who has lost a job and you feel at all depressed, PLEASE seek help and if you are someone who is secure, and you know someone who has fallen on rough times PLEASE extend a helping hand, even if all you can do is listen and provide encouragement. Believe me when I say (from experience) that in time things get better and there is NO job on this earth that is worth dying for!

01-27-2011, 09:30 PM
I consider myself fortunate, semi retired but can't afford not to work, so I still put in 3 days a week. Luckly, i still have good health, but I'm worn out physicaly. Have worked all kinds of jobs for all kinds of employers and have come to the conclusion that we all prostitute our lives away for so many $$$ per hour. Never get to relive that hour, it's gone. We're all expendable, when we're of no more use or worn out, they just hire another hunk of meat to do the job. So spend your time not working with family & friends, tinker around with what you like, that's what matters. I've been coaching a junior rifle club for more than 20 years, to me it's time well spent to keep the next generation shooting. So go pour another Boolit and send it downrange, good for the soul. Keep your spirits up, appreciate what you have.
Adapt, improvise, overcome!
Keep your powder dry,

Charlie Two Tracks
01-28-2011, 08:29 AM
I have to really think about my priorities. Thirty five years ago when we bought this house, an old man in his late 80's lived next door. During the years that he was there, we talked about a lot of stuff and how things used to be when he was young. It wasn't until after he was gone for a few years that I realized that I never knew what he did for a living. He talked about everything else but never work. I guess that wasn't the thing that was important to pass along. I DO feel bad for those who are out of work. It has happened many times in my life where the carpet was pulled out from under me. At the time, it did not help me feel better to hear that " things will change". It bites when you are out of work and that's it. I have found out that it is not the end of the world though. I've got to remember about old Pete and what was important in the end. IMO.

01-28-2011, 12:41 PM
I consider myself fortunate, semi retired but can't afford not to work, so I still put in 3 days a week. Luckly, i still have good health, but I'm worn out physicaly. Have worked all kinds of jobs for all kinds of employers and have come to the conclusion that we all prostitute our lives away for so many $$$ per hour. Never get to relive that hour, it's gone. We're all expendable, when we're of no more use or worn out, they just hire another hunk of meat to do the job. So spend your time not working with family & friends, tinker around with what you like, that's what matters. I've been coaching a junior rifle club for more than 20 years, to me it's time well spent to keep the next generation shooting. So go pour another Boolit and send it downrange, good for the soul. Keep your spirits up, appreciate what you have.
Adapt, improvise, overcome!
Keep your powder dry,

great post!

01-29-2011, 12:07 AM
Something that protects us,gives us enjoyment and is left to some one who you don't know if they will run to the closet store to sell it the day after they receive it.
I have a couple different friends who are farther along into the mid-life phase than I am that have expressed similar frustrations recently. They have some nice guns they have accumulated along the way, and are now realizing that their grown kids are just not interested, and will likely just sell them off when they're gone. I tried to talk another friend out of selling his 100+ year old 1st-gen Colt SAA and holster rig that had been passed down from his grandfather, who had worked as a cowboy and likely bought it new.

I told him he would regret selling it. He told me his adult children would just sell it if he left it to them, and none of his grand-kids had shown any interest. I don't know if he ended up selling it.

I have a different perspective on life now, after going through over two years of unemployment. I just finished my first week at a new job. It pays a little less than I made before, and is a much longer commute, but I was lucky to get it and I can't even describe how much better I feel working again. Work is a big part of who we are. If you have a traditional work ethic, not being able to "earn your own way" can be terrible. I was even to the point where I was nervous about going back to work, worried if I could do it, but I feel great now.

Fortunately I didn't have to sell much of my stuff to get by, but I was totally ready to if I had to. It is just stuff, doesn't really matter much in the long run.