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white eagle
01-23-2011, 11:50 AM
have a handgun on them or near them rite now ? :coffee:
never think twice about wearing one out in the woods even for just a dog walk but around the house seems a little weird .....[smilie=w:

01-23-2011, 11:55 AM
That's an easy question to answer, as I'm sitting about 5' from my gunsafe which is bursting at the seams with handguns. :-)


01-23-2011, 12:00 PM
it seems a little weird for me near my home, besides my small town neighborhood, I am surrounded by cornfields, but when I venture into the north side of Minneapolis...Well just sayin. I'm not alone.

01-23-2011, 12:01 PM
My Kel-Tec 380 stays on me, even in the house. It is more than enough to lay down cover fire as I make my way to the safe in my closet. The whole time hearding my ladies of the house to the closet in front of me. Hell I could put my smallest one in the safe if need be (with weapons removed). Closet door is also reinforce and all my tac gear is there as well. Vests, masks, ammo, etc..

white eagle
01-23-2011, 12:11 PM
I don't know why but even though totally legal I feel a wee bit
uneasy even wearing my favorite Ruger in a holster around public view

01-23-2011, 12:11 PM
I always have a gun with me, next to my livingroom chair, night stand, in the car and when I venture out hiking in the woods. Have more bear activity lately down at the river.

01-23-2011, 12:32 PM
I wear mine 24/7 unless i am going in to a federal building or school.


01-23-2011, 12:33 PM
There is no place in my home that is more than a few feet from a loaded 10mm pistol except for my bed where I keep three 45acp pistols in the nightstand all in condition one along with a 240 lumen fenix light.

01-23-2011, 12:59 PM
Mine are all in the reloading room. That is where they live.

01-23-2011, 01:06 PM
I have a Ruger P345 with me 99% of the time. I only take it off to go places that prohibit firearms and I try to avoid doing buisiness with anyplace that posts the "No Firearms" signage in accordance with TN law.

01-23-2011, 01:15 PM
Not on me, but within 3 steps.

01-23-2011, 01:16 PM
If I'm not at work (company policy) I have mine with me.

01-23-2011, 01:19 PM
Some people might think we're paranoid or something.

Being well-armed, why would any of us be paranoid?

I have a loaded gun hidden in every room in the house, including the bathrooms. Read the one about the lady who was robbed in her home while she was using the toilet?


01-23-2011, 01:28 PM
I'm either in my robe or dressed if at home.

If I'm dressed, my XD is on my hip, if I'm in my robe, my LCP is in the pocket.

There's a rifle or a handgun available wherever I am. All loaded.

As an aside, when I go out I have the XD on my hip and the LCP in my pocket. XD in the open, LCP concealed.

Why both? First, one is none and two is one. Second, sometimes you may have to draw fast and other times you may have to be discreet but ready.

Paranoid? Not hardly.

01-23-2011, 01:31 PM
PM9 in my pocket right now and another in the truck at all times.

I don't feel wierd packin' arround the house. It's my house and if any one has a reason to dislike it (or know about it for that matter) than they are probably not welcome anyway.

Charlie Two Tracks
01-23-2011, 01:54 PM
The gun safe (in the bedroom) is full of loaded revolvers and one Mark 1. We are raising our granddaughter and I don't want loaded guns in the open. If it was just Cindy and I, that would be a different story.

01-23-2011, 02:47 PM
I have a couple stashed around the place. Usually within arms reach.

01-23-2011, 02:48 PM

NBH in drawer 3' from me

Sec Six in drawer 2' from wife

Dog on floor . . .

Other long guns where I think they need to be . . .

01-23-2011, 02:50 PM
Every once in a while, some bored board member posts a question that falls into the "none of your damn business", category. This is one of those question.

01-23-2011, 02:54 PM
Near is a relative term... Right now the nearest to me is a 12 bore at 2.5 to 3 feet. Nearest handgun is about 15 feet.

01-23-2011, 02:56 PM
Depends upon your definition of "near." Right now, I'm not carrying but, without opening the safe over in the corner, could have one in hand inside of 10 seconds.


C.O.B. #14

01-23-2011, 03:09 PM
Every once in a while, some bored board member posts a question that falls into the "none of your damn business", category. This is one of those question.

Yup!, I agree.

01-23-2011, 03:55 PM
Don't mind this question at all. I have a loaded P95 on the night stand at all times.

01-23-2011, 04:48 PM
Guys... You should mind about these kinds of questions. How many? What kind? Where do you store them? How much this, that or the other?

You need to know, that various Federal and State agencies monitor this and other gun sites. That save threads and keep records. Then of course, there are the anti-gun folks who do much of the same thing. Let's don't even consider how many foreign enemies of America like to gather such facts.

It is just a damn foolish thing to do, to hand out intel to folks who are not our friends. I normaly don't respond to such threads, but it seem like many folks do without giving much though to the consequences of answering such meaningless questions.

Are you guys trusting that this is all among friends and live in La-La Land?

01-23-2011, 05:05 PM
mine are scattered all over the house (i only got three ) but as someone mentioned earlier my sp101 is within 1/2 of an arms lenght from my recliner :evil::coffee::evil:

01-23-2011, 05:29 PM
I don't own any guns. I just hang around here for the atmosphere.

01-23-2011, 05:33 PM
Nevermind, something about talking to a brick wall.......

01-23-2011, 05:37 PM
.....It is just a damn foolish thing to do, to hand out intel to folks who are not our friends. I normaly don't respond to such threads, but it seem like many folks do without giving much though to the consequences of answering such meaningless questions. Are you guys trusting that this is all among friends and live in La-La Land?

I beg your pardon? You need to back up a coupla' steps!
People don't care to have someone tell them that what they decide to do is "a damn foolish thing", especially if it ain't hurtin' nobody and ain't none of your business.

I own and operate a publicly advertised gun school. Any idiot would know there are firearms in my house. I'm not the least bit concerned about it, either.

If you choose to keep your business to yourself, that's your business. But when you choose to insult the intelligence of others concerning their business, then your remarks become their business.

You owe an apology to all that have posted on this thread because insulting people is "a damn foolish thing to do".

01-23-2011, 05:42 PM
I kind of suspect one's presence on a gun board may be a clue, anyway.

01-23-2011, 05:43 PM
Jim.. If you run a business and feel the need to tell the world you are in the gun business so you can make some money, that is no concern of mine. But, don't confuse you feelings about your commercial operation with what is best for the average gun owner. Don't inflict your commercial motives and needs on the entire gun community.

As for the apology.. I will not apoligize for calling them the say I see em. I will stand pat on the damn foolish statement.

01-23-2011, 05:48 PM
Waksupi.. You are of course correct about the mere presence on a gun board. But, just because a person does not lock his door , does not mean he just must invite those who would harm him to come inside. I have seen folks harm, damage and even destroy themselves over and over again, because the didn't know when to keep their mouths shut.

It is OK to be open minded about such a things, but we don't want our minds so open our brains fall out on the floor.

01-23-2011, 05:56 PM
And I will stand by this statement.

Chargar, you seem to want gun owners to hide in the closet away from the light of day.

You seem to believe out of sight, out of mind is the best way to go.

I wholeheartedly disagree with that. Gun owners need to make themselves heard, lest our enemies run roughshod over our rights.

You remind me of my aunt. You see, she is a gun owner, and is constantly talking about hunting.

One day she dug into the bottom of a drawer, to find a tiny locked box. She opened it and made a phone call.

Turns out it was the number to her gunsmith. To go to such great lengths to hide something that should be proudly fought for, is insanity.

Remember I mentioned she hunts? Yeah, everyone knows she has guns.

You see, thanks to a rather vocal minority of gun owners, our gun rights are expanding, pushing back years of anti gun legislation.

This could not have been accomplished had, oh say Richard Heller or maybe Otis McDonald taken the position you have taken.

Do you perhaps donate to any gun rights organizations Chargar?

I know, none of my business right? But guess what, that's a clue.

Anyway, something about brick walls......

Charlie, AKA The Deacon
01-23-2011, 06:05 PM
I don't own any guns. I just hang around here for the atmosphere.


01-23-2011, 06:06 PM
Thx.. I don't answer to you. I don't explain myself to you. I said what I said, take it or leave it. Agree with it or not. Understand it or not. That is about all I have to say on the issue.

01-23-2011, 06:07 PM
Three loaded handguns within arms-reach right now, but that's unusual.

Tom W.
01-23-2011, 06:07 PM
I keep all of my handguns loaded and where I can get them is a moments notice. As to the OP.. there's a SRH less than arms length away, and readily accessible by me.

01-23-2011, 06:10 PM
Thx.. I said nothing of the sort and you don't know me from squat. Futhermore, you know all about me I want you to know.

Didn't say you said those things. Merely expressed what it seems you believe based on your postings.

Funny thing, I know many of the members of this board personally.

Home address.

Full name.

Most don't seem to wear such a big tin foil hat.

Well, there's gotta be statistical outliers I guess.

Brick walls and such......

01-23-2011, 06:46 PM
I prefer 1 loaded and ready handgun to keep track of, when on my hip this is easy.

01-23-2011, 07:08 PM
Well considering where I live a carry permit is required and the firearm I carry is the one I qualified with, the state of Tennessee knows that I carry and what I carry so I'm not revealing any dark secrets and I'm assuming that anyone that cares what the government knows won't answer any question on an open forum that would reveal their secrets. Besides if the government is monitoring this I want them to know they're not going to find me with out one.

01-23-2011, 07:19 PM
I beg your pardon? You need to back up a coupla' steps!
People don't care to have someone tell them that what they decide to do is "a damn foolish thing", especially if it ain't hurtin' nobody and ain't none of your business.

I own and operate a publicly advertised gun school. Any idiot would know there are firearms in my house. I'm not the least bit concerned about it, either.

If you choose to keep your business to yourself, that's your business. But when you choose to insult the intelligence of others concerning their business, then your remarks become their business.

You owe an apology to all that have posted on this thread because insulting people is "a damn foolish thing to do".


01-23-2011, 11:28 PM
I have my Glock on my hip right now, but alternate quite often between my Glock and my S&W M&P. I always carry, in the house, around the house, away from home and so on. I always carry anywhere I can do so legally. I always seem to wake up too late to see the bad guy schedule so I miss seeing when and where they're going to attack me at. I want to be prepared all the time, if that makes me paranoid then so be it.

01-24-2011, 12:05 AM
:popcorn: :drinks:

This is better'n TV!

I have a few within reach everywhere 'cept the c'pny office. Depending on where I am when confronted, the BG's could be perferated in 9mm, .357, .40 or .44....

or bunches of .380 dia balls o' fire...:p

01-24-2011, 12:23 AM
M&P9 is either on me or within reach!!

01-24-2011, 09:40 AM
Near????? Always.

01-24-2011, 09:53 AM
Always in reach of one...no matter if at home, outside or on my place...

white eagle
01-24-2011, 10:01 AM
Guys... You should mind about these kinds of questions. How many? What kind? Where do you store them? How much this, that or the other?

You need to know, that various Federal and State agencies monitor this and other gun sites. That save threads and keep records. Then of course, there are the anti-gun folks who do much of the same thing. Let's don't even consider how many foreign enemies of America like to gather such facts.

It is just a damn foolish thing to do, to hand out intel to folks who are not our friends. I normaly don't respond to such threads, but it seem like many folks do without giving much though to the consequences of answering such meaningless questions.

Are you guys trusting that this is all among friends and live in La-La Land?

this is the reason I will have one by me always

01-24-2011, 12:20 PM
Any one in my neiborhood knows I have guns - lots of guns - Why - I have a range in my back yard. The sheriff helped me lay it out.

I always have a gun within reach,

01-24-2011, 12:20 PM
Well, as the old adage states, "when seconds count"..... It depends where I'm at.
Charger,,,I can see where you are comming from, but not near to that degree. That's fine, we are entitled to our own thoughts. But I agree by calling others foolish is on the verge of arrogance.
I agree also, that there is some monitoring going on, but when it come to threads like this, they pretty much already know what we have from transaction records. I also believe they simply don't have the man power to analyze each and every thread on the web concerning firearms.
I do hear tell they have a program that monitors the web both foreign and domestic chatter, but from what I heard it looks for keywords that are in some way threatening.
I don't think they care about threads such as this where people of similar thoughts discuss to what or how they defend themselves, their family and their homes and property. Or what they hunt with or how many this and that they have.
They look for threats, and I don't see this thread as a threat to national security or someone.
On the flip side to your terminology,,,, paranoia on your part comes to mind.
Although I do beleive in being cautious, I don't worry about various agencies knowing what I have or don't have. I worry more about what legislation they may try that infringes on our rights, way more than I think of what they know I have in firearms.
As it goes, I have a LEO living next door, and another across, the block behind me. They know I have a well rounded battery here, and could care less. I actually shoot with the one LEO and then another, and they know exactly what I have, and how I feel about self defense.
The plain and simple fact is, you can't hide what they already know for the most part. I don't feel the need either.

01-24-2011, 02:11 PM
Onesoneck, Et Al.. Everybody comes to the world every day with their own history and experience. I spent all of my working life, trying to help folks get through life and straighten out their "issues" in one way or another.

Some folks were just caught in the meat grinder of life and suffered for the trip. They have my utmost sympathy.

But, most folks created their own personal hell, by actions, attitudes and not the least by words. The net result is that I am very aware of the negative impact of words on our lives. There may be some times, where trivial passing the time and the words connected therewith are of no consequence. But, there are times when we are unguarded in our speech and pay a terrible price. Most folks, don't seem to know the difference.

I do have a pretty good grip on the reality of what it takes to preserve out gun-rights in this country. I work for and contribute to such causes. Those who would restrict and even eliminate private firearms ownership are numerous, intelligent, dedicated and entrenched in the media and government at all levels. They take all information, they can lay their hands on and store it up as fodder for their cannons. Even seeming trivial things can be collected for forged into weapons. I would not give my enemies even an empty dog food can which could be used in some way to harm me and my freedom.

So, you boys can poo-pah me and others like me. You can refer to the paranoids and the tin foil hat crowd if that suits you. You can blather, take polls, and run your collective mouths on the various gun boards till the cows come home. It your choice, your guns, and your lives. But, there are other stake holders that are no so chatty and know the depth of the threat out gun rights face. I don't like you taking us down with you.

These boards serve a good purpose. It is a place where folks can give, exchange and receive information about the specifics of their hobby. But, there are others threads, that have purpose other than just to pass the time of day or gather information that nobody needs. These are the free-for-all gas sessions, that folks don't seem to realize are being watched by those who would do us harm. During the WWI and II, there were posters all over America, that read "A slip of the lip, sinks ships". Even trivial, off the cuff remarks cost many American lives. In the struggle for gun rights, there are no meaningless public conversation between gun owners.

Arrogant? It isn't arrogant if a man knows what is talking about! Foolish behavior? Well in PC world, we can no longer can a fool a fool, because they might take offense or otherwise get their feelings hurt.

If the above is too harsh, then let me try another way... If any of you would like to consider the option that perhaps, the facts you expose, just maybe, in some far stretch of imagination be used by those gentle not to observant or dedicated misguides fine people who would like to curtain our gun rights. I certainly would not want to be abrasive, pushy or blunt in my speech, so please, if you think well of it, reconsider your posts in the light of the above. However feel free to disregard this notice if you think if might in any way, reflect negatively on you or your behavior.

So have at it boys with your ridicule and dismissive posts. But consider for a moment, what if I am right and your are wrong. Who is the fool then?

"En boca cerrada, no entran moscas!" Old Mexican dicho (saying) "Fly don't get into a closed mouth."

01-24-2011, 05:54 PM
I understand where you are comming from Charger, I really do! There are times places and subjects we need to take care on. I just don't see the idle question of the post being a threat to gunowners indivually or collectively. And the answers certainly aren't the threat that the monitors are looking for. The antis already believe, that a good deal of gun owners eat, sleep and go on walks with firearms,( seems to me so did the founders, and the writers of the Constitution). But I also try not to fuel their fire. I don't see this thread as fuel to their cause. The gov't don't care as long as you are within the law. This thread simply isn't a threat that warrants notice.

Muddy Creek Sam
01-24-2011, 06:12 PM

Cop's are only about 3 hours from getting here! it is a 20 minute drive to the sheriffs office. Every time they show up, they ask, Do you have a gun?

Sam :D

01-24-2011, 06:32 PM
The individual may vary in their thinking about the threat level of any particular thread. Some folks are just gabby and have no internal controls on their tongue. I consider all such threads, by their nature, to be potential threats. It is the notion of asking and answering unneeded personal questions about guns and their owners that I find objectionable. Nobody is going to post a "Caution Answering This Thread May Endanger Your Gun Right", label on threads. Therefore in my opinion, such topics are to be avoided on general principals and should be discouraged.

However, they seem to multiply on this board by folks with nothing better to do than take silly needless polls and ask personal questions. This is a bad habit that needs to be broken and rejected by thinking gun owners. I am sorry if a few folks got their toes stepped on, but that is just the cost of such things. I will probably continue to be dismissed as an alarmist and a kill joy, but I persist in my belief that such dismissal is foolish in the end.

You said the govt. doesn't care if we are obeying the law. Various factions of the Government has tried to gather information on gun ownership via the BATF for years and have only been thwarted by vigilance and political action. I will also remind you, that the law can change with a stroke of the pen and the information continues to lay there like a snake waiting to bite you.

01-24-2011, 07:11 PM
I agree with the last paragraph,,that is where our vigilance needs to be concentrated.
I just don't consider the ? at hand all that personal and something that can be used against me/us. Not as long as we currently legal in the activity.
I think we as a whole would be better off going to the antis forum boards, voicing our opinions on what could happen if the the 2A wasn't in our Constitution, rather than bicker amongst ourselves on such matters as this.
What you are saying, sounds if we need to follow some sort of politically correct type ****, so we don't fuel any fires,,,,,keep to ourselves and not speak our mind. I'm not so sure that has been working either. I think we have been silent way too long.

Kevin Jensen
01-25-2011, 02:20 AM
Didn't say you said those things. Merely expressed what it seems you believe based on your postings.

Funny thing, I know many of the members of this board personally.

Home address.

Full name.

Most don't seem to wear such a big tin foil hat.

Well, there's gotta be statistical outliers I guess.

Brick walls and such......

You have my address, but yet you never bring me beer. :?:

There is no way you could possibly know my real name, sir. :rolleyes:

...and I don't wear a foil hat, just a foil covered kevlar helmet. ;) Oh, and a GLOCK!

01-25-2011, 04:53 AM
Pssh, I know you've been to my house, but I can't recall having your address.

Tell you what, send me your address and phone number (which I think I already have) and I'll bring over some beer. :p

Real name? I don't know, you might be like that Rusty Shackleford guy. He's never in the office by the way. I always have to talk to Hank.

My kevlar is still covered in that funny colored cloth the army calls "camo", and I don't have a GLOCK! Guess my XD will have to do. :)

01-25-2011, 05:32 AM
From the moment I don my jeans with suspenders I am packing a very light .44 CA Bulldog in a quality hip holster with a slide from El Paso Saddelry containing 12 rounds.

It goes everywhere I go. I carry it in the open and I do not frequent Costco anymore nor will I spend my money in any establishment that forbids firearms inside.

Since I live in a tin trailer in a seniors only park and we are surrounded with illegal immigrants and other low lifes I am always armed but I do not keep my weapons in the trailer for fear of being burgled. I keep them in a large Canon Gunsafe which is bolted to the floor in my ex's garage.

On a trip with the truck I usually take along my cut down 12 Gau. S by S shotgun on the floor with the action open and the chambers empty. However a bandolier is handy and loaded with a nice variety of useful loadings. It will settle road rage problems pretty well if required.

On a motorcycle trek I usually take a 9 MM with large magazine capacity and a goodly supply of loaded mags and extra ammo. This I usually pack in a shoulder holster and keep a few mags in the jacket pocket. Of course the .44 is still carried as always.

Just today there was a shooting 10 feet outside the park and some victims of the shooting clambered over the fence to escape being shot and ran thru the park while the idiot with the gun climbed up to the top of the fence and managed to get off two magazines of 9 MM ammo and in doing so shot up three cars and four trailers. He missed his intended targets but did wipe out a fish tank, a plasma TV and various walls and appliances. Luckily no one other than the fish were harmed and the police finally arrived after 15 minutes to clean up the mess and take names.

Upon arrival the first thing the Police did was to challenge me and make me hand over my .44 to them. I then produced the required documents and after they figiured out that me being white had nothing to do with the blacks only shooting they gave me my gun back without any apology.

I always remember that a gun in the hand is much better than a cop on the phone. Looking at these bozos today I feel even less protected.

01-25-2011, 09:21 AM
;-) sure do

01-25-2011, 10:10 AM
Colt Combat Commander within twenty inches when it's not riding on my hip.

With a bad hip and poor health, I can't run even if I wanted to.

01-25-2011, 10:30 AM
[QUOTE=Chargar;1134033]....You need to know, that various Federal and State agencies monitor this and other gun sites. That save threads and keep records. Then of course, there are the anti-gun folks who do much of the same thing. Let's don't even consider how many foreign enemies of America like to gather such facts..../QUOTE]

I will neither confirm nor deny the existence of any weapons on my person, in my place of residence or in any of the vehicles which I own. However, it would be unwise for anyone to attempt to prove or disprove their existence. MOLON LABE!;)

01-25-2011, 10:35 AM
I used to have guns but someone stole them all:cry:

01-25-2011, 08:46 PM
I am never far from armed defense. Since I go places every day that preclude open carry, sometimes it is more trouble than others to remain vigilant. I also think a pistol is a good way to fight your way to your long arm, so in the house the sidearm is second choice. The what, where, how and when are for personal conversation, not internet musings.

white eagle, if you are tense about carry, give it some time and turn your intensity to your benefit. Check your situational awareness and be sure of your surroundings. After a while you don't think of it consciously so much as remain aware that you have means to defend yourself and family if/when the need should arise.

01-25-2011, 09:19 PM
I have a J-frame Smith I carry around most of the time. My biggest concern with it is that I will accidentally walk into my workplace with it (aginst the rules). It's very comfortable to carry in my pocket and I've gotten to the point where its extra weight feels normal in my pocket. I literally forget its there, but I KNOW it's there if I need it.

I also have a Smith 686 in a safe on the floor next to the chair in the TV room. Electronic lock, not much more than two seconds to open it.

If I had bigger pockets I'd carry a bigger gun, but a +P .38 is nothing to sneeze at. During the first half of the 20th century most cops carried a .38, but it wasn't a +P. Sure, in retrospect they probably should have been packing more iron, but they got the job done, nonetheless. I'm hoping that if I'm ever forced to pull the J-frame that its presence alone, will ward off the attackers. If not, I don't feel too undergunned.

Anyway, the little J has allowed me to be armed more often than I used to be.



01-25-2011, 11:45 PM
I rarely "carry" at home, more out of relative lack of crime in my town than comfort. But, I am within mere seconds of a loaded Glock. When I outta my "castle" however, I am normally armed. And I never head out in the sticks without a piece on my hip.
When at home, my biggest concern is what goes bump in the night when I am most vulnerable, sleeping. So, I keep a pistol and flashlight within arms reach in the bedroom...

01-26-2011, 12:12 AM
I believe Crash Corrigan mentioned that he carries from the moment his pants go on in the morning, I wanted to echo these sentiments as I am the same way. I carry either a S&W M&P.45 or a Glock 23 in .40 S&W in a strong side holster. Whoops, I shouldn't have said what I own for fear that some government agent/agency monitoring this thread might use the above-mentioned information in an attempt to grab my guns when the blue-helmets come marching in to my county!
Either way, I also carry a spare magazine and a flashlight on my weak side. I am never caught without my pistol. I don't shop at places that don't allow me to carry and I rarely, if ever, go into buildings that don't allow me to carry either, such as Government buildings! Cops around here know I carry. Some like it and some don't. Regardless of what their opinion is, my safety means more to me than being politically correct! I don't care what you think, I know I will be able to at least make an attempt at ensuring my safety in the event that anything happens!

Paladin, in regards to your signature lines, Thank you for your service!!

01-26-2011, 09:50 AM
..... Crash Corrigan mentioned that he carries from the moment his pants go on in the morning.....
.....Paladin, in regards to your signature lines, Thank you for your service!!

Same here, on BOTH comments!

01-26-2011, 09:58 AM
As an Australian can I just ask without causing offence,is crime so bad in the US that you have to be armed everywhere you go even if your just watching TV or do you carry a firearm just because it's your legal right?. Pat

white eagle
01-26-2011, 10:00 AM
here here

01-26-2011, 10:17 AM
As an Australian can I just ask without causing offence,is crime so bad in the US that you have to be armed everywhere you go even if your just watching TV or do you carry a firearm just because it's your legal right?. Pat

Depends. In some places here in America, the answer could easily be both--Detroit comes to mind, as does Philadelphia, and most large inner-cities where politicians are liberal minorities and their constituents are career criminals.

Just as with your country, the liberal wackies are responsible for most ills. Our liberals here tend to blame the victims rather than the criminals for most crimes committed.

Home invasions and car jackings tend to become issues. In Dallas, there was a bit of a rash of home invasions occurring, then some of the home-invaders began getting shot and killed, and now the trend is back down.

In urban areas, I carry a gun to defend against the two-legged varmints; in the rural areas, I carry to defend against the four-legged varmints and those that slither on the ground (no, not the elected leaders :)).

Mainly, lot of folks carry because it is a Constitutional Right--and if you don't exercise it and promote it, the liberal loonies will try to take it away from you.


01-26-2011, 11:39 AM
Depends. In some places here in America, the answer could easily be both--Detroit comes to mind, as does Philadelphia, and most large inner-cities where politicians are liberal minorities and their constituents are career criminals.

Just as with your country, the liberal wackies are responsible for most ills. Our liberals here tend to blame the victims rather than the criminals for most crimes committed.

Home invasions and car jackings tend to become issues. In Dallas, there was a bit of a rash of home invasions occurring, then some of the home-invaders began getting shot and killed, and now the trend is back down.

In urban areas, I carry a gun to defend against the two-legged varmints; in the rural areas, I carry to defend against the four-legged varmints and those that slither on the ground (no, not the elected leaders :)).

Mainly, lot of folks carry because it is a Constitutional Right--and if you don't exercise it and promote it, the liberal loonies will try to take it away from you.


Indeed,,,,, a ditto from me on all aspects!!!

01-26-2011, 12:16 PM
I am too old to 'fight for my life' and I refuse to be a victim. You never know when and where violence will rear up it's ugly head.

A LEO is at least minutes away, that may be too late and I would spend time in a hospital or wind up in the morgue.

20 some years ago I was attacked by a golden retriver, I was young, stupid and in a lot better shape than I am in today. I caught the dog by the sides of his head and threw him against a tree. I can't do that today.

There have been instances where by moving my jactet to the side to 'inadvertantly' show my carry gun that precluded me from getting a butt whooping or worse.

I refuse to be a victim without a fighting chance to survive.

Just my 2 cents worth!

01-26-2011, 12:26 PM
I'm right in line with the last three posts.
A few months back, I was out on my property wearin my .45. A movement caught my eye and it turned out to be a rabid 'coon. He advanced toward me and I drew on him. I hollered and kicked sticks at him, but he continued. I dispatched him.
I realize I might could have outrun him, but where would I have been had that been a rabid fox or 'yote? That's one of several reasons I carry on a regular basis, even though I'm secluded and isolated from people.
This ain't Dodge City and I ain't Bill Hickok. But livin' in the boonies like I do, I never know what to expect.

01-26-2011, 12:28 PM
Sitting at my desk Kel-Tec in right boot, knife in left boot.

........just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean someone is not after me......................

Gibbs Rule #1 -- Never leave the house without a knife................

01-26-2011, 03:01 PM
I carry most of the time thanks to Ruger and their LCP. I know it's not much of a gun but it beats harsh words by a good bit. I live in the country and have it with me on the farm all the time also for duty on snakes and/or other nuisances. Since I've started wearing suspenders it's made carrying in general easier. Don't have to constantly tug at my pants anymore.

01-27-2011, 07:11 AM
As an Australian can I just ask without causing offense,is crime so bad in the US that you have to be armed everywhere you go even if your just watching TV or do you carry a firearm just because it's your legal right?. Pat

The reason I carry is two fold. I carry because I have a right to carry and protect myself. I carry everywhere for the simple fact you just don't know when you will need it. I have lived in Pittsburgh, Pa. for the last 9 months and I cannot tell you how many times i see on T.V. of home invasions. I carry for the simple fact when seconds count the police are minutes away.


01-27-2011, 10:17 AM
I carry for the simple fact when seconds count the police are minutes away.


One of the best of the best reasons.

01-27-2011, 10:27 AM
Having read only a few of the posts somethings came to mind.
What do you do if you have small children in the house only one poster said they are locked up.
How do you teach the kids when it is ok to have a firearm and if necessary use it and when they are better off not even going there?
Lastly I don't have any firearms right now as my divorce proceedings have cost me everyone I had (a 46 year old collection) to pay to hopefully keep me from ending up homeless. Sad but in this country the man usually takes it in the shorts in a divorce case. Yes I know some ladies have enjoyed my situation themselves, sad situation where one seems to make out in a divorce and the other seems to be the world's biggest loser. take loser any way you like as it most likely fits.

01-27-2011, 11:16 AM
Illegal to carry here in Illinois:cry:

I keep my Glock loaded in the house, except when grandkids are coming over.
I live in a small small town and don't really feel threatened.

There is only one place where I feel uncomfortable.
There is a bike path close by that connects to another small town and I occasionally take my dogs for a walk there.
I try to do the walks when no one is on the path because I let my hushy loose so he can run a bit.
A combination of fields and trees on the sides of the path.
I get somewhat nervous when I'm out there alone with the dog.
I'm 63 and more concerned about running into coyotes more than people.

I'm not saying I carry when on the path,which would be illegal, but I'm not saying I don't either.
As I said I'm usually out there alone and anything can happen.

Would I carry if it was legal, in a heartbeat.
Paranoid, no, just being realistic in these days.

01-27-2011, 11:52 AM
I currently do not have any young childern at home - but my grandkids do come around.

1. I never told my kids when they were young they couldn't handle a firearm when Mom or Dad was around - forbidden fruits. But they were not allowed to touch them when we weren't around - never when they were young were they left alone - they were locked up in the gun cabinet when we were not at home. To our knowledge they did not 'play with them;.

2. Now with the grand kids (14, 5 and 5). My house guns are all semi autos. Chambers empty and safety on, mag in mag well. The 5 year olds can't work the slides, not strong enough yet. The 14 year old can be trusted not to, but she has been trained with the firearms, but she is not at our house alone.

It works for us.


Having read only a few of the posts somethings came to mind.
What do you do if you have small children in the house only one poster said they are locked up.
How do you teach the kids when it is ok to have a firearm and if necessary use it and when they are better off not even going there?
Lastly I don't have any firearms right now as my divorce proceedings have cost me everyone I had (a 46 year old collection) to pay to hopefully keep me from ending up homeless. Sad but in this country the man usually takes it in the shorts in a divorce case. Yes I know some ladies have enjoyed my situation themselves, sad situation where one seems to make out in a divorce and the other seems to be the world's biggest loser. take loser any way you like as it most likely fits.

01-27-2011, 01:04 PM
It's always on me. I conceal everywhere it's legal - even at home.

01-27-2011, 02:00 PM
I do keep a judge very close to me in the house....yes I drag it room to room........When I leave my property I carry a
CH 85 concealed unless I'm in open carry then it is a 3x3 Judge

The neighborhood I live in used to be all old folks like me.....but in the past 10 years, a lot of my friends have died off.....Now I have a convicted thief on one side, a pill head on the other, a crack head across from her, and a dealer three houses down the street. The hood is full of Large pit bulls and boxers, some of which run loose. My wife has been attacked twice on my property. Splash two bogies. The law was called both times and both time the complaintent was told that I have a right to protect my house and family.

Yep....That crazy old fart down the street carries a gun all the time...They ought to put him jail or sumpthin.

gray wolf
01-27-2011, 04:08 PM
I'm right in line with the last three posts.
A few months back, I was out on my property wearin my .45. A movement caught my eye and it turned out to be a rabid 'coon. He advanced toward me and I drew on him. I hollered and kicked sticks at him, but he continued. I dispatched him.
I realize I might could have outrun him, but where would I have been had that been a rabid fox or 'yote? That's one of several reasons I carry on a regular basis, even though I'm secluded and isolated from people.
This ain't Dodge City and I ain't Bill Hickok. But livin' in the boonies like I do, I never know what to expect.

I am as secluded as can be --but I totally agree with the post above.
You just never know ?
As for kids in the house or if they visit:
just carry it on you and don't do something stupid like leave it on a coffee table or on top of the fridge.
IMHO --if your weapon is not on you it's to far away.
Want to prove it: Leave your door open (unlocked and have a friend simulate crashing through it ( have him come in very fast as a break in ) Be at the puter or some place else in the house, like a normal day. See how fast you get armed and ready.
Let the person use there hand as a pistol and see who gets shot first.
Ready is in your hand or on your person.
My pistol is in a drawer 5 feet away and if someone crashed my door it would be to far away
Think about it and you decide.


01-27-2011, 04:14 PM
I work at a public utility, firearms are not allowed. So only the rule breakers can defend themselves...

01-27-2011, 04:21 PM
As I sit at the 'putor, there is a Gov't model full-frame under the monitor. When I go into the other room, to watch TV, there is a Tanfoglio .40 S&W in the cushion of the couch. When we go out the door, one or both go with me, as their intended purpose is competition, IDPA or whatever. They work very well as SD, though.
Have fun,

01-27-2011, 04:29 PM
As an Australian can I just ask without causing offence,is crime so bad in the US that you have to be armed everywhere you go even if your just watching TV or do you carry a firearm just because it's your legal right?. Pat

No offense.

No, that vast majority of people in the US go about their lives un-armed. The ones you see here (like me) are not the norm.

Your likelihood of being a victim of violent crime in the US is similar to the likelihood of having your home burn. Most people consider it unwise to live without a fire extinguisher even though the fire department is just moments away. Does common sense not suggest that you should be similarly equipped to deal with an aggressive criminal?

01-27-2011, 04:40 PM
Exactly. Very well put, Sir.

01-27-2011, 04:41 PM
sqlbullet... You asked a good question and I can see how it would occur to folks who don't live in this country. In most places in this country, you would be as safe as you would be in Oz. There are places where you would not, but wise folks avoid those places. I am certain the same applies to you folks down under.

That said, we have a different culture and attitude toward firearms fron Britain and the chicks hatched from the eggs it laid. The private owner ship of guns is a fundamental right written into our founding documents. We tend to see the "right to keep and bear arms" as an measure of freedom. The first battle in our war of independence took place, when King Georgie's Lobster backs tried to confiscate stores of powder and shot from the people.

Therefore, many folks keep guns close by, not because we are in any great peril, but because we can.

We are also a country founded by folks with an independent spirit. We don't look to the government to protect us. We figure, in the worst case scenario, we are out own first line of defense.

So, the bottom line the difference between the US and Australia is not public safety, but culture.

01-27-2011, 04:53 PM
I have two loaded handguns within 20 steps of me here in my home office. One in the bedside table. One bump in the night and I am armed.
I have a license to carry and do most of the time. When I snowshoe in the woods, when I go for a walk, or when I bicycle. Pretty much when staying within the State borders of New Hampshire, I carry, as the state has licensed me to do so.
I do sort of keep that to myself. My girlfriend always said she feels safer when we are in the woods and I am armed. She is going to get her permit and do the same.
I carry not because I am afraid, but it allows me to be free of fear. There is a difference and I hope you see the difference. I do not go looking for trouble. Quite the opposite. I have been armed and walked away from a man beating his wife on the street. It sucks to be her. I will ONLY protect myself and MY loved ones. I am not a hero.
I have received much formal training for handguns. EVERY legal person that has taught us in those courses have said to walk away unless YOUR life is in danger. If another person's life is in danger and you choose to use your weapon, then be prepared for years of hell and lawsuits.
I actually don't like open carry. It gives gun owners a bad reputation....as if it isn't bad enough as it is.

white eagle
01-27-2011, 04:58 PM
sqlbullet... You asked a good question and I can see how it would occur to folks who don't live in this country. In most places in this country, you would be as safe as you would be in Oz. There are places where you would not, but wise folks avoid those places. I am certain the same applies to you folks down under.

That said, we have a different culture and attitude toward firearms fron Britain and the chicks hatched from the eggs it laid. The private owner ship of guns is a fundamental right written into our founding documents. We tend to see the "right to keep and bear arms" as an measure of freedom. The first battle in our war of independence took place, when King Georgie's Lobster backs tried to confiscate stores of powder and shot from the people.

Therefore, many folks keep guns close by, not because we are in any great peril, but because we can.

We are also a country founded by folks with an independent spirit. We don't look to the government to protect us. We figure, in the worst case scenario, we are out own first line of defense.

So, the bottom line the difference between the US and Australia is not public safety, but culture.

very well put [smilie=s:

01-27-2011, 04:59 PM
No offense taken here Pat. I carry specifically because if the responsible people of this country do not exercise their *duty* IMHO to be armed, trained, and ready at any one time, the liberal left (they have been at this my entire life and I am mid 50's) wants to take away that right.

In other words, use it or lose it.

Besides, I'd rather have a gun and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Don't foget Gibbs rule #1 -- Never leave the house without at least a knife..........and just 'cause I'm paranoid doesn't mean someones not after me..............:mrgreen:

As an Australian can I just ask without causing offence,is crime so bad in the US that you have to be armed everywhere you go even if your just watching TV or do you carry a firearm just because it's your legal right?. Pat

01-27-2011, 05:20 PM
Lets see:

You carry a spare tire in your car not because you expect to get a flat - but because there is that possiblility.

You have Fire insurance on your home - not because you expect to have a fire in your home - because it just might happen.

Well - you get the point - I don't expect trouble, if I did I would carry a shotgun or a rifle or both. But just because I can carry concealed - I do Just in case.

6.5 mike
01-27-2011, 05:57 PM
Never very far, vaquero laying on table next to me, others around & I've carried a knife as long as I've worn pants with pockets. Working on the water a knife gets used bout as much as a ball piont pen.

01-27-2011, 06:01 PM
Within arms reach in the middle desk drawer.

01-27-2011, 08:02 PM
but around the house seems a little weird .....[smilie=w:

Why? For just one example of a reason to be armed at home:

Did you not know that 100% of all home invasions occur in the home?

That they happen in all 50 states?

And that no appointment is needed to get one?


01-27-2011, 08:23 PM
Therefore, many folks keep guns close by, not because we are in any great peril, but because we can.


And because we can, we are almost never in any great peril.

In terms of "carrying" or "bearing" a firearm, they are like a tool to me. I keep a .380 in the flight bag in the airplane, and on cross-country trips, there's a Taurus Judge in my survival kit in the baggage compartment.

On the boat, I keep a S&W 686, namely loaded with snakeshot for the moccasins, but I have a couple of HKS speedloaders for the two-legged landsnakes, which Texas inland waters seem to attract in disturbing numbers. Lots of meth cooks like to take to the water on their pontoon or houseboats to do their cooking. Crazy SOBs those cooks are.

I don't wear a gun around the house, but have one within reach. We live in a good neighborhood and watch out for each other, plus the Doberman alerts us anytime anyone gets near the house.

Out and about, I'm almost always armed and honestly, never even really think about it.


01-27-2011, 08:50 PM
I have four fire extinguishers in my house and two in my truck. My alarms are all checked regularly, and I lock my windows and doors when I am not home. I am always armed. Morning, noon, and nite. Heavily in my truck. If you stuck all my gunbarrels out of the windows, it would look like a porcupine going down the road. I love my family and will make any sacrafice for them imaginable. I will not run. I will not be afraid. Because I am prepared, I am confident. I have been broken in to and also assaulted while on my lawnmower. (They wanted my lawnmower!!!) The government knew what I suspect they know around the time I was born. I will never outsmart someone intent on getting at what I have. Patience is on their side. But vigilance is on mine. I dont care who knows what. If you want em, come n get em. It will be embarrasing for them knowing that one man did all that damage before dying.

01-27-2011, 09:03 PM
I live in a very small rural town that my wife grew up in. When we moved here, she said, no need to lock doors, etc.,. However, shortly after we moved here, an elderly woman was murdered in her home by someone she didn't know (home invasion). A registered sex offender lived next door to us for a short time, until the landlord made him leave.

Our town is fairly safe, but just because it is rural doesn't mean it can't happen. I still have not come to the absolute best solution for carry, in the home or not. I tend not to walk around the house with a gun, but when I am downstairs reloading I always have one with me.

I grew up in the suburbs, and always felt fairly safe. Most of my adult life, however, I worked with juvenile and adult offenders, and thereby developed a healthy distrust of human nature, especially that of the young, the drug addicted or the intoxicated. One thing I learned is that 98% of all crime is committed while the perpetrator is on drugs or alcohol (personally I think that in the other 2%, the perp. was lying when interviewed).

There are things that most people would absolutely not do when in a normal condition, that they will do in a heartbeat when drunk. That is why I avoid bars and places that serve alcohol.

Also, the major characteristic of teenagers is poor impulse control. It is a fact that if you can stay out of jail until you are past 30, you probably will never go there. Most criminals don't reform, they just get tired.

I wish nobody knew I owned firearms, but I occasionally go shooting with the police chief, and the sheriff hunts on my father-in-law's farm, so I guess I am out of luck.

The guns I currently own are (in my opinion) either too small or too large for effective concealed carry, in the home or out. To my way of thinking, a Kahr PM9 would be about right, but alas, I do not own one.

As for people monitoring this board, I am sure that they do, but I figure also that if they read our other posts, they know we own guns. Having said that, I do not understand why some posters on other boards list every single firearm that they own as their tagline. THAT is foolish, as least in my opinion.

My main concern, at least in the state of NE, is that the "duty to retreat" law be repealed. That is what makes me feel the most unsafe in my home. I figure I can defend myself in my home if I have to, if the government will allow it.

In a town this size, I calculate that LEO's can be at my home in less than five minutes after dialing 911, but that is still enough time for a perpetrator to kill me five times over. As far as being in a rural setting, well, let's just say that I saw "In Cold Blood" at a very young age, and it still gives me the creeps, so yes, I believe in being armed if at all possible.

To conclude, I feel that one should be prepared to live safely at all times, which is why I own a gun. I also believe that one should be prepared to die at all times, which is why I own a Bible.

How's that for brevity?


01-27-2011, 09:18 PM
To conclude, I feel that one should be prepared to live safely at all times, which is why I own a gun. I also believe that one should be prepared to die at all times, which is why I own a Bible.


Last paragraph, my friend, the last paragraph sums it up beautifully.

Well done.


01-28-2011, 12:03 AM
How about arms length in my desk drawer, or on the bench when reloading, the two places I spend the most time. Oh, arms length when in bed as well.

01-29-2011, 08:08 PM
sp-101 crimson trace grips .357mag

01-29-2011, 11:41 PM
Got a little smith nightguard 357 in a holster under this table Im typin on, loaded w/ 158 gold dots.
Theres a sig 239 w/ 115 xpb's over in the easy chair, it has crimson's on it as well.
An old trophy match in 45 w/ 230 gold dots in the bedroom.
And a little taurus ultralite in the towel rack in the bathroom, cant get caught w/your britches down LOL.

I have guns around all the time, I like them, the best hobby and a great way of life.


01-30-2011, 12:07 AM
I couldn't agree with you more about your statement of guns being the best hobby and a great way of life. I too have my house somewhat arranged the way you do. I have kids in the home so mine get put in lock-boxes around the house.
I love my firearms and I'll only buy more until the day I die!!

01-30-2011, 01:32 PM

10-4, all my kids are gone now, but when they were here we had a fail-safe drill we all had down in case of a home invasion.
When a disturbance is occuring the wife would roll off her side and under the bed w/ the cell to 911, all 4 boys would also go under there beds and STAY till I came for them.
No one knows Your house better than You,
You know where everyone is and where to shoot if forced to do so.

I agree w/ the locks w/ the little ones.

Good luck and take care.

01-30-2011, 08:46 PM
I actually don't like open carry. It gives gun owners a bad reputation....as if it isn't bad enough as it is.

Might you pose the above as opinion in the future?

I wholeheartedly disagree with your opinion.

01-30-2011, 10:21 PM
I'm with Jeremy. If open carry is a bad impression, what about all the rifles in the racks of the vehicles here year round? No one seems to think that out of line, and open carry has seldom drew a second glance. I guess it depends on how backwards your area is to what "rights" are all about.

01-30-2011, 10:33 PM
In the late 1960's to about 1980, a loaded gun was always near, in the woods on me. Now with all the liberals and anti-gunners around, I do not have a loaded gun in the car, or wear one outside my house. Too many none westerners have moved here & freak out . But I still always wear one if I step out of my car in the mountains.

01-30-2011, 10:42 PM
Carry everywhere I go except to work (can't carry on federal property); wouldn't leave home without one. No more kids at home so I always have one in the chamber on the nightstand in the bedroom. If I just came home or am getting ready to leave I usually have one of my 40s on me.

01-31-2011, 12:49 AM
I don't agree at all that open carry gives gun owners a bad name. I think that's a pitiful excuse at attempting to limit what few abilities and rights we still have as gun owners. It is totally and completely within our right to be armed. Our Founding Fathers set forth this right not only to prevent against a tyrannical government, but to protect ourselves against harm as well.
To take that ability from law-abiding citizens would grossly infringe upon the Second Amendment in ways that our government is already trying to do. They don't need your help. We are being encroached upon in more ways than we can count each and every day. Banding together as gun-owning Americans and fighting this tyranny is all we have in this endeavor. To state your opinion is one thing, but to say it is totally wrong and gives us a bad name is a blatant lie, Sir! Irresponsibility gives gun-owners a bad name. People like you give us a bad name due to the fuel you add to their cause just as you would if you poured gasoline on a house-fire.

01-31-2011, 11:08 AM
"It gives gun owners a bad reputation...."

Not sure were the rational comes from to make this statement. Seems to me you either think those that do open carry are crazy, or you believe the antis propaganda.
Personally, I think it should be choice that is dictated by place, time, and itinerary.

Unfortunately our gov't has made society in general, dependent upon gov't, gov't agencies, and or someone else, rather than promoting self reliance. This is where the gov't and the politically correct have failed this country, thinking we are so civilized as to need self-preservation as a God given right that it is.

01-31-2011, 12:20 PM
I carry not because I am afraid, but it allows me to be free of fear. There is a difference and I hope you see the difference. I do not go looking for trouble. Quite the opposite. I have been armed and walked away from a man beating his wife on the street. It sucks to be her.

This statement and admission of fact, is in and of itself enough to put you on my Ignore List.

Nothing says you would've had to use your gun on this guy beating his wife and nowhere do you even say you bothered to call 9-1-1.

Pathetic is about the most correct term I can use here that would not get me permanently banned.

I will ONLY protect myself and MY loved ones.

How 'bout this, pal? Why don't you have some t-shirts and hats made up proclaiming this fact? Cause if you do, we'll make sure and leave you on the side of the road should anyone find you after a car wreck, or an avalanche or anything else that could jeopardize your life and well being.

We'll be too busy ONLY protecting and taking care of ourselves and our loved ones.

I am not a hero.

You're not even a man if you wouldn't come to a defenseless woman's assistance.

I have received much formal training for handguns. EVERY legal person that has taught us in those courses have said to walk away unless YOUR life is in danger. If another person's life is in danger and you choose to use your weapon, then be prepared for years of hell and lawsuits.

There is just so much wrong in this statement that it boggles the mind. You need new or better instructors. Who the hell taught you? Massad Ayoob? Sounds like his BS drivel.

I actually don't like open carry. It gives gun owners a bad reputation....as if it isn't bad enough as it is.

No, what gives gun owners an even worse reputation is when they feel the need to be armed for "safety" and then walk away from a defenseless woman being beat without even so much as calling for help.

One more for the "List."


white eagle
01-31-2011, 12:37 PM
I don't even think I would have posted that
terrible though
I have lost friends because of their beating women
coward is the word that comes to my mind

01-31-2011, 02:51 PM
Dang, when I went back and actually reread the whole comment and read it aloud to my wife we both got a little sick and upset. She thinks only a pitiful excuse of a human would admit to the things you did there. To walk away from a woman who could very possibly have been drawing her last breath and not stop to render assistance is more than just cowardly but I'm of the same mindset others are. I don't want to say more for fear that I'll get banned.
While it may not have been necessary to use your firearm, the fact that she was in the middle of fearing for her life shows that it was most likely necessary for you to do something rather than think of yourself and how much of a 'poor woman' she was.

01-31-2011, 02:51 PM
None of the "professional" training I have had said that I needed to walk away from an innocent person in trouble. Actually, my training stated the exact opposite. In the state of Georgia you can actually have charges brought on you for NOT rendering aid.

01-31-2011, 03:02 PM
Isn't that something along the Good Samaritan Law?

01-31-2011, 03:06 PM
The Good Samaritan law actually protects you if you render aid. That is it protects you if you render aid to the point you are capable of rendering. If you are trained in basic first aid and you offer basic first aid and the person still dies you are protected under the Good Samaritan law. Now if all you know is basic first aid and you try to put a breathing tube through the person’s throat and they die, you are liable, because you went "beyond" your training.

I will find the law in Georgia about NOT rendering aid.

01-31-2011, 03:10 PM
I'd be interested to know how many other states have a law similar to what Georgia has. I'd like to see it when you find it.

01-31-2011, 03:16 PM
I am still looking for the Failure to render aid law, but I did find the very law that defends you in this exact situation in the state of Georgia:


(a) A person is justified in threatening or using force against another when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes that such threat or force is necessary to defend himself or herself or a third person against such otherīs imminent use of unlawful force; however, except as provided in Code Section 16-3-23, a person is justified in using force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself or herself or a third person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

(b) A person is not justified in using force under the circumstances specified in subsection (a) of this Code section if he:

(1) Initially provokes the use of force against himself with the intent to use such force as an excuse to inflict bodily harm upon the assailant;

(2) Is attempting to commit, committing, or fleeing after the commission or attempted commission of a felony; or

(3) Was the aggressor or was engaged in a combat by agreement unless he withdraws from the encounter and effectively communicates to such other person his intent to do so and the other, notwithstanding, continues or threatens to continue the use of unlawful force.

(c) Any rule, regulation, or policy of any agency of the state or any ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation, or policy of any county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state which is in conflict with this Code section shall be null, void, and of no force and effect.

(d) In a prosecution for murder or manslaughter, if a defendant raises as a defense a justification provided by subsection (a) of this Code section, the defendant, in order to establish the defendantīs reasonable belief that the use of force or deadly force was immediately necessary, may be permitted to offer:

(1) Relevant evidence that the defendant had been the victim of acts of family violence or child abuse committed by the deceased, as such acts are described in Code Sections 19-13-1 and 19-15-1, respectively; and

(2) Relevant expert testimony regarding the condition of the mind of the defendant at the time of the offense, including those relevant facts and circumstances relating to the family violence or child abuse that are the bases of the expertīs opinion.

01-31-2011, 03:24 PM
I like that!! More states need to adopt that kind of law to protect it's people, both armed and unarmed.

01-31-2011, 07:19 PM
I found it!! Montana Codes Annotated states this:
45-3-102. Use of force in defense of person. A person is justified in the use of force or threat to use force against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that the conduct is necessary for self-defense or the defense of another against the other person's imminent use of unlawful force. However, the person is justified in the use of force likely to cause death or serious bodily harm only if the person reasonably believes that the force is necessary to prevent imminent death or serious bodily harm to the person or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
This is about as close as we have to what Georgia has. There are more but it doesn't say anything about being charged for not acting. I don't know if there is anything like that here in Montana but what I quoted above is a good start at least!!

01-31-2011, 07:35 PM
Obviously there are strong feelings on the topic,, but whipping on each other has a zero chance of swaying the outcome of individuals lives and actions.
Sometimes I wonder how such topics are meant to be interpreted , as if one point is suggested by the thread title, yet the opposite is debated.

Oh, and try to remember that these pixels on the screen are quite meaningless to a infinite degree when such topics arise.