View Full Version : Lost out Again

01-20-2011, 06:27 PM
Boy howdy how some people will mess up a good deal.
Had a scrapper who was supplying me with lead and wheel weights for $.20 a pound.
Been working him for 2 years now.
Went by today on my regular stop and no lead.
Talked to him about it. Answer, some guy was starting a fishing weight business and had made a contract with him for all of the zinc, wheel weights, and lead.
$.60 for zinc, $.70 for wheel weights and $.80 for lead per pound.
Told me if I would beat his price he would sell to me instead.

Looks like I am gonna be looking for a new supplier.

Oh well I was able to get about 2000 lbs in the 2 years .
But the nerve of some people outbidding me at my own game.


01-20-2011, 06:28 PM
George does all the talkin'.

01-20-2011, 06:47 PM
George does all the talkin'.

Nope, George isn't much of a conversationalist these days. It seems Jackson can nudge a few, Grant goes a little farther, but he who knows Franklin generally wins the argument...

I'm not one to run my mouth on this one at the moment--my free source is still holding on by a thread for now---keeping my fingers crossed I don't need a "speech writer" such as the above-mentioned quite yet.

01-22-2011, 05:58 AM
I dropped by a tire shop today. Turns out my original contact there absconded with a bucket of ww that were aside for me, along with aluminum wheels the shop was going to scrap, some money, and left a huge mess behind in old tires that weren't dealt with yet.

At least I got the little bit of WW that were laying around, for almost a coffee can worth. I'll be lucky if half of that is lead, but that's more lead than I had before, for the cost of some cuban coffee.