View Full Version : .300 Savage 99

01-20-2011, 12:47 PM
Well, I finally found and bought a Savage 99 that I could afford. It has a few issues but nothing major and is mechanically in very good + condition. The one thing I might have to remedy is the stock (a replacement) which may be somewhere in the future. Right now, I will do some work on it myself and clean it up and maybe glass it all around. Bore looks to be really good with brite bore and sharp rifling. I've been waiting many years to get just the 99 that I wanted and now it is here. I am not having as much trouble as I thought finding .300 Savage brass. Several people have stepped up with reasonably price 1x brass and one fellow shooter even is sending some free. That is the beauty of our shooting group, the willingness to help each other. Take care people and remember, we are family. James

01-20-2011, 01:31 PM
So is your safety on top or down by the lever on your new toy?

01-20-2011, 02:44 PM
Okay, good tease>>> How about some pictures??

01-20-2011, 06:32 PM
I found one last year at a very good price that had pitting on the reciever from case rust. Bore is excellent. Safety is on the triggerguard which for a lefty is a pain, trigger pull could be better, and I shot a deer with it.


01-20-2011, 06:39 PM
No such thing as a "bad" 99! (Some are just better than others.) Congrats!

Glass bedding the buttstock mortise is a very good idea. I wouldn't waste my time doing the forend. In fact here's a trick in case a 99 doesn't shoot as well as you think it should: try putting a small thin o-ring around the forend screw before assembling. (Thin enough so it squishes flat but still keeps the wood ever so little bit proud of the barrel.) Or, try shooting it with the forend off entirely.

01-21-2011, 12:36 AM
Artful, the safety is on the lever. If I read the code right, it was made in 1950(B code). bbailey7821, I wish I could do pictures, unfortunately, I am electronically challenged. northmn, your one up on me with a deer. I haven't even had a chance to shoot my 99 as yet. An 8 point buck came thru the yard this evening, he has been hit by a car and is crippled. He's been hanging around for a few days and is slowly wasting away. He can't use his right hind leg at all and he has a hard time with the left hind leg and has to hop to walk. I hope he heals up because he can only move a few steps at a time without having to stop and rest. I have thought about getting the game warden to put him down to get him out of his misery since it is out of season now and I can't do it. The coyotes will pull him down before long I expect. gnoahhh, Thanks for the tip, I may just try your little trick after I shoot it enough to get a read on it. I'm in hog heaven right now. James

01-21-2011, 08:27 PM
Good for you on the 99. I posted a few weeks ago about my find. I posted pictures also. Maybe you should let the poor thing die. The coyotes will get it and now you have bait to kill as many of them as you can. Just a thought. I'm a coyote hunter myself and that was the first thing that came to mind. Enjoy your new toy!!!:bigsmyl2:

01-22-2011, 10:50 AM
If I had a deer that crippled on my property, I would put it down. If you're uncomfortable with that, get a Game Warden to put it out of its misery.