View Full Version : Calif law banning handgun ammo.

01-18-2011, 08:51 PM
This morning a Fresno court struck down AB 962 dealing with internet sales of handgun ammo in Calif. It also struck down the provision dealing with the registration of the ammo on purchase, the ruling was that the law was too vague and needed to be re worded.:bigsmyl2:

01-18-2011, 10:12 PM
Sanity in CA???

An entirely new direction. Probably won't last.

01-18-2011, 11:29 PM
Well, well!!

The ban is set to go into effect February 1. Already, I've been notified by Cabela's and Midsouth that they won't be able to sell to California. I don't buy ammo, anyway, other than .22 RF, but I abhor any knid of governmental infrigements on the rights and lives of law-abiding citizens.

I think that, eventually, the Ninth Circuit Court will overrule the Fresno court. Even if they don't, Sacramento will re-word the present law and send a new bill to Governor Moonbeam, who will promptly sign it.

By the way, the the present law was signed by anti-gunner Arnold Schwarzenegger-Kennedy.

01-18-2011, 11:55 PM
Jan 18:

In a dramatic ruling giving gun owners a win in an National Rifle Association / California Rifle and Pistol (CRPA) Foundation lawsuit, this morning Fresno Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Hamilton ruled that AB 962, the hotly contested statute that would have banned mail order ammunition sales and required all purchases of so called “handgun ammunition” to be registered, was unconstitutionally vague on its face. The Court enjoined enforcement of the statute, so mail order ammunition sales to California can continue unabated, and ammunition sales need not be registered under the law.

01-19-2011, 12:07 AM
Its a state court decision, so appeals go to state appellate court, not the Ninth Circuit.

01-19-2011, 10:23 AM
It is nice to see that they did something positive in Kalifornia.

Jerry Jr.

01-19-2011, 11:36 AM
You think they would first ban drunk drivers... Maybe commy politicions... Opps that may be construed as being mean... Send -em down here! I know where there is a bunch of LLamas needing some spitting practice.
Mike in Peru

01-19-2011, 08:36 PM
Also keep in mind that the 9th circuit uses a rotating panel of judges, some of whom are very good people and others are complete sacks of excrement.

01-20-2011, 12:22 AM
Well, well!!

The ban is set to go into effect February 1. Already, I've been notified by Cabela's and Midsouth that they won't be able to sell to California. I don't buy ammo, anyway, other than .22 RF, but I abhor any knid of governmental infrigements on the rights and lives of law-abiding citizens.

I think that, eventually, the Ninth Circuit Court will overrule the Fresno court. Even if they don't, Sacramento will re-word the present law and send a new bill to Governor Moonbeam, who will promptly sign it.

By the way, the the present law was signed by anti-gunner Arnold Schwarzenegger-Kennedy.

Even though you reload, the law also covered shell casings and bullets.

Now one question I brought up to a buddy of mine, was that if you cast or swagged your own bullets, do you still have to register them?

01-20-2011, 01:05 AM
Whatever Cali does Washington state is soon to follow. Seems like my beloved state is the baby sister to California at times.

01-20-2011, 11:20 AM
To those afraid that the 9th circuit will overturn this they wont they are federal and this was a state law. Those in Calif need to thank the Calif Rifle and Pistol association foundation and attorney Chuck Michel who along with Barry Bauer the owner of a sporting goods store in fresno fought this law. It is impotant that we as shooters fight this type of law from the begining. As one reply mentioned if it passes in Calif other states pick it up, look at wheel weights.

01-21-2011, 01:03 PM
This bill was overturned on Monday 1-20-11 no more worries about handgun ammo in calif. And I thought they would get stupider with Jerry's kid in charge.

white eagle
01-21-2011, 01:32 PM
Sanity in CA???

An entirely new direction. Probably won't last.
trouble is that a whole bunch of people think that they are correct and will follow suit
I hope it lasts but regrettably it most likely will not [smilie=p:

01-21-2011, 03:08 PM
Also keep in mind that the 9th circuit uses a rotating panel of judges, some of whom are very good people and others are complete sacks of excrement.

This court decision would not be appealed to the Ninth Circuit.

01-21-2011, 05:06 PM
Even though you reload, the law also covered shell casings and bullets.

Now one question I brought up to a buddy of mine, was that if you cast or swagged your own bullets, do you still have to register them?

Please post the statutory language including reloading components in this now-suspended law.

01-21-2011, 07:26 PM
Please post the statutory language including reloading components in this now-suspended law.

Still waiting........I don't find that language in the AB 962 or Penal Code Section text. Help me out here.

01-21-2011, 10:25 PM
With the results of CA's governing policy now in view by the rest of the county, I think it's wrong to assume that other states would follow suit. CA's regs are rediculous. I left NY largely due to their overbearing regs and infringement on rights.

To CA residents that don't accept the state government's BS, I say leave.

01-21-2011, 10:54 PM
I disagree with ferdinand very strongly. If we leave and let them win than this type of nonsense will spread. We must instead fight thru the Court system for our rights. The second ammendment gives us the right but we have to stand up for it. I choose not to flee from bad laws, I prefer legal remedies to protect my rights and those of other gun owners. The more we challenge bad laws in court the harder it is for them to pass new ones. Just my opinion

01-22-2011, 12:16 AM
"To CA residents that don't accept the state government's BS, I say leave."

The California bashing continues.

Some of us aren't able to leave and others like it here. California's citizens deal with its onerous gun laws. Lay off it, man.

01-22-2011, 11:24 AM
Still waiting........I don't find that language in the AB 962 or Penal Code Section text. Help me out here.

Here you go, it is one of the subsections.....

12316 (b)link(1) No person prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm under Section 12021 or 12021.1 of this code or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code shall own, possess, or have under his or her custody or control, any ammunition or reloaded ammunition.
(2) For purposes of this subdivision, "ammunition" shall include, but not be limited to, any bullet, cartridge, magazine, clip, speed loader, autoloader, or projectile capable of being fired from a firearm with a deadly consequence. "Ammunition" does not include blanks.
(3) A violation of paragraph (1) of this subdivision is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year or in the state prison, by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both the fine and imprisonment.
(4) A person who is not prohibited by paragraph (1) from owning, possessing, or having under his or her custody or control, any ammunition or reloaded ammunition, but who is enjoined from engaging in activity pursuant to an injunction issued pursuant to Section 3479 of the Civil Code against that person as a member of a criminal street gang, as defined in Section 186.22, may not own, possess, or have under his or her custody or control, any ammunition or reloaded ammunition.
(5) A violation of paragraph (4) of this subdivision is a misdemeanor.


01-22-2011, 03:56 PM
Check it out guys THE AB962 bill has been rdone away with, there it was deemed unconstitutional and we are free to buy our ammo anyway we want without signing for it or giving a thumb print.

01-22-2011, 04:40 PM

While the question for the present time is moot--your statutory reference applies only to those persons described as convicted felons et seq. (12021/12021.1 P.C.) or mental defectives (8100-series WIC sections)--NOT to the population at large. GOTTA READ THE WHOLE STATUTE, not just the part that seems threatening. THAT is how BS Internet legends get their start.

I'll pile on for the Californian-bashing, too. I don't run from problems--I confront and defeat them. Ya don't like CA? GOOD--stay the (bleep) OUT. We have enough of the lazy, shiftless, low-life jerks from the rest of the country and continent here already, draining our economy via welfare dole and social services they don't pay for. Not to mention our own home-grown lazy-azzed mopes that breed like rats. So, BY ALL MEANS--keep your distance.