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01-18-2011, 06:15 PM
While digging around in the dark back corner of my safe a few minutes ago I found a pair of old Winchester model 67 single shots. Nothing too strange about that, except that I only remember owning one.

I don’t recognize the extra one and have no idea where it came from. I will admit to being an old man with a failing memory, but this is ridiculous…..

01-18-2011, 06:31 PM
I loaned you that second model 67, please pack it up and ship to me!

01-18-2011, 06:47 PM
They reproduced "Spontanous generation" as the Darwinians say

01-18-2011, 06:56 PM
I Need your safe, I have a Pre64 Winchester 70 I sure would like to have 2nd one....

01-18-2011, 07:56 PM
Model 67 was one of the most accurate guns I ever owned. I still own the gun, but haven't shot it in years. I musta killed a couple hundred squirrels with that gun when I was a teenager.

home in oz
01-18-2011, 08:23 PM
Dont worry any more-ship it to me ASAP!

01-18-2011, 08:53 PM
man that's where my extra .22 went! You can mail it back to my FFL at............<GRIN>


01-18-2011, 09:18 PM
Hey, considering that the OP's from Utah, he just might also have a couple of "extra" wimmen "around", that he fergot about........ :D



01-19-2011, 08:28 PM
If you have (2) .22 rifles make sure you are not missing a .44 somewhere. It could be dividing instead of reproducing. My brother was looking for a rifle that he could not remember if he bought it or not.

01-19-2011, 08:31 PM
See if you have a spare flintlock in there.

45nut has misplaced his.

02-02-2011, 02:38 AM
My elder brother once totally forgot where he hid his Mauser .25 1910 when he went on vacation and didn't want to take a chance on the pistol being stolen by a burglar while he was gone.
He found it again about two years later in a glass jar full of pinto beans in the pantry.

02-02-2011, 12:28 PM
I have a model 67 that I've had since I was young. I still shoot it regularly and it's about the only open sighted rifle I can still hit well with at 100 yards. I think I've been shooting it for so long that my mind was able to adapt to the deteriorating sight picture as my eyes got progressively worse.

On another note; I once found a real nice Luger in our back porch freezer. Turns out a friend of mine forgot it was under his seat on the way into Canada and hid it there before getting to the border. I thought I'd gotten real lucky for a couple of days until he called.


02-03-2011, 02:42 AM
I think your ******* with us as I have known every gun that I have ever owned.

02-03-2011, 11:25 AM
While digging around in the dark back corner of my safe a few minutes ago I found a pair of old Winchester model 67 single shots. Nothing too strange about that, except that I only remember owning one.

I don’t recognize the extra one and have no idea where it came from. I will admit to being an old man with a failing memory, but this is ridiculous…..

You forgot rule # 1 about safes. when you start putting stuff in there it tends to pro-create! Twins are not unusual especially in guns we really like!

02-22-2011, 05:14 AM
I have just the opposite problem. Today I was looking for a brand new Whetherby rifle I bougfht in 308 Winchester. I knew I had put it in my safe but I could not find it. I looked all through it and found rifles I have not lseen in years but no 308 Whetherby. I could not imagine where it went to so I started looking in other locations for it and finally broke down and asked my wife if she had seen it. Her answer floored me. She had lent it to her cousin so he could kill a dog that was sick and needed to be put down but the cousin did not have the money for the vet to do it. So my wife opened my safe and pulled the first rifle she could reach that there was ammo for on my shelf and gave it to her cousin. I called the cousin and he had it but had not used it yet as he did not have the guts to shoot his dog. So I went over and recovered my new rifle and shot his dog for him but I let him bury the critter.

02-24-2011, 10:07 AM
She had lent it to her cousin so he could kill a dog that was sick and needed to be put down but the cousin did not have the money for the vet to do it. So my wife opened my safe and pulled the first rifle she could reach that there was ammo for on my shelf and gave it to her cousin.

Ouch, they sure are quick with the "Honey Do's" but tend to leave out the "Oh BTW's" sheesh!

On a similar note, woke up one night to the trash can being moved and went for my Taurus 850, only to find it gone! The 1911 was were I left it but untill I figgered out the coast was clear I was one worried puppy! Turns out she had loaned it to her mother. :groner:

02-24-2011, 11:58 AM
I'm still looking for a Marlin lever in 35 rem I bought three years ago. :(

02-25-2011, 02:12 PM
I have just the opposite problem. Today I was looking for a brand new Whetherby rifle I bougfht in 308 Winchester. I knew I had put it in my safe but I could not find it. I looked all through it and found rifles I have not lseen in years but no 308 Whetherby. I could not imagine where it went to so I started looking in other locations for it and finally broke down and asked my wife if she had seen it. Her answer floored me. She had lent it to her cousin .

You, my man, need a locksmith.

XBT, if you find any of my Swensen, Kelsey, or Novak 1911s please return them. Same goes for the Fox SBS, S&W Registered .357s, and pre-64 M70s (especially the .220 and .375) you were storing for me.

02-25-2011, 04:11 PM
If only I could get my Model 12's and target rifles to reproduce like your m67

02-25-2011, 07:30 PM
[QUOTE=Geraldo;1175575]You, my man, need a locksmith.

Big +1 on that!

Akajun send them over we'll see what happens.:kidding:

03-22-2011, 05:55 PM
As a kid my parents had a garage sale and parted with a bunch of knick knacks and old clothes. A couple of days later a scraggly hippy comes to the door wearing my dad's old army jacket, hands my dad a .45 automatic and says "I think this is yours. It was in the pocket." Dad started finding better places to store his guns after that.

Papa Jack
06-14-2011, 03:16 AM
I also have found guns in my safe that I have no idea where they came from !...
One day I was going thru my guns (it has been a while.....) and back in the corner I found a Winchester model 47 .22, missing the bolt. Stock was pretty bad shape. For the life of me I cannot recall where I got it from (must be the meds..) I cleaned it up, refinished the stock. The Blue was pretty good after I oiled it and cleaned it.
I posted it on another forum and a local guy happened to have a bolt for a 47, so I bought it and test fired it, works great ! So I now have a $50.00 Model 47 .
Just wish I could remember where I got it from...... "PJ"