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01-16-2011, 04:41 PM
Went and tried PP for the first time today - It didnt go well - Keyhole and bore leading toward the muzzle. I am hoping to get some advice on what went wrong

1 Gun - Cetme (like HK 91)
2. Bullet 170 Lee - 200 g Ideal
3. Paper - adding machine tape .002 - brown packing paper - .001
4. Wet patched
5. rolled bullets on case lube pad before seating
6. Load 24g of 4759 - function action fine
7. Seating was fairly deep - bolt would'nt close when seated farther out.

observations -
adding machine tape seemed to tear easy when seating and sizing bullet (do you have to toss any bullet with a small tear)
Brown paper much better.
Used 2 wraps - and sized to .311
Sized bullets to 308 before patching.

When shooting appeared to be a large cloud at the muzzle (like shooting bullets with too much lube)instead of confetti parade (maybe the flash suppressor causing).

Found - small piece of paper in bore after shooting - Is this dangerous or normal??
Thanks Kevin

01-17-2011, 02:53 AM
Found - small piece of paper in bore after shooting - Is this dangerous or normal?? Dangerous for the gun. It could get ironed into the bore which you don't want.

Getting back to basics, the base of the boolit must not (I believe) be seated past the base of the neck. A slow powder is better than a fast powder. The patch must be intact in all respects when chambered - which includes seating. There must be zero jump into the rifling, meaning the patched boolit should lightly contact the rifling start (or even firmly as long as it doesn't push the boolit back into the case or pull it out the case on extracting an un-fired round). The boolit should fit the throat very closely too.

What the boolit must do is enter the bore and engage the rigling without distorting or damaging the patch and be in perfect alignment with the bore. It needs to fill the grooves too. The patch must not move on the core during firing and boolit entrance into the bore. The patch needs to survive the trip down the bore.

Do you have any photo's of patched boolits and loaded rounds?

01-17-2011, 04:03 PM
Here are a couple of pictures of my set up - the paper is a little dirty because I use a lyman sizer and it put a little lube on the paper. 28676



01-21-2011, 07:26 AM
Hmmm your bum on that bullet looks a little rough.
The patch could go up to the front of the lube groove.

Try some of that writing paper you took the photos on.

I like my base either folded over to near the centre or twisted and cut off to a pip.
Either way with a Gas check design I try and get the paper to fill up that area.
I think it will after sizing or firing anyway.

Since you may be engraving the nose try a bit of lube on it.

The patch should not be able to move after drying or sizing.

Find the seating depth with a plain cast ..then try to patch so it will still fit in . Or you could just keep cutting the patch back till it does!!!

Rambling thoughts

01-21-2011, 11:59 AM
Dangerous for the gun. It could get ironed into the bore which you don't want.

Getting back to basics, the base of the boolit must not (I believe) be seated past the base of the neck. A slow powder is better than a fast powder. The patch must be intact in all respects when chambered - which includes seating. There must be zero jump into the rifling, meaning the patched boolit should lightly contact the rifling start (or even firmly as long as it doesn't push the boolit back into the case or pull it out the case on extracting an un-fired round). The boolit should fit the throat very closely too.

What the boolit must do is enter the bore and engage the rigling without distorting or damaging the patch and be in perfect alignment with the bore. It needs to fill the grooves too. The patch must not move on the core during firing and boolit entrance into the bore. The patch needs to survive the trip down the bore.

Do you have any photo's of patched boolits and loaded rounds?

I load a 311284 in the 300RUM . The base of the bullet is well below the bottom of the neck. Works fine a just over 3000fps.

01-21-2011, 01:57 PM
The base of the bullet is well below the bottom of the neck. Works fine a just over 3000fps. Interesting. You mean I can use my longer boolits loaded to fit the magazine after all? Mmmm .... ?! Are your RUM boolits hard? This might be the sort of info splotch needs to hear.

This what gave me to think the base should be within the neck the impression made by the patch base. It is soft alloy.


01-21-2011, 02:44 PM
In my RUM I use an alloy of around 16/16.5 BHN.

01-21-2011, 06:18 PM
I load my .303, and .30s into the neck, and have for some time.
No issues there. I use 180gn .30 paper patched loads, and 180gn .303 loads. The patch acts like a gas check.