View Full Version : 327 Blackhawk

Rusty W
01-15-2011, 07:40 PM
I've been on the hunt for about 6-8 months for a 327. Timing seemed to be problematic. I either had the money and no gun to be found or when I find the gun I want I have no money. All the stars must have lined up for me the other day. I rec'd a call from a local shop that had me on a waiting list asking if I still wanted the 327 Blackhawk, Davidson's just rec'd a shipment. I said YES and I came home with a new addition to the ruger family. I have 2, 32 mag single sixes and now their big brother the Blackhawk. I found a box of factory rounds and shot a few just to get the brass so I could reload for it. It seemed like the dirtier it got the better it shot. Maybe it was me getting used to the trigger. I've gotta admit though, I need a better sight, they're starting to blurr instead of focus, mainly due to my 40 year old eyes. It's a little heavy but I really like the 8 shot. I took it to my gunsmith to check it over and see if the forcing cone could benefit from being cut for lead boolits. He had some time of drop in guage sorta like a go no go guage and said it looked perfect to him. The cylinder throats were .314 and the barrel slugged to .3125. I can't wait to get some loads worked up for it & see how it'll do with cast boolits. I shot this group at about 20 yards, sitting with my elbows on my knees. The groups got tighter the more I shot it. Don't know if I was just getting used to the trigger or it just likes to shoot dirty.

shooting on a shoestring
01-15-2011, 09:50 PM
Glad to see you're getting one into circulation. Gun looks pretty, dimensions sound good.

I'll mention my .357 NMBH SS had some wobble in the hammer that let it clip the frame as it fell. That gave me some very "open" groups until I shimmed the hammer so it could only fall straight.

I thought the NMBH frame was beefy for .357 and figured I'd never worry about heavy loads, but gosh, .327 in that big gun, ought to be plenty of gun to keep that cartridge contained.

01-15-2011, 10:12 PM
I have been working with a 327 Magnum and cast bullets for 18 months now, my revolver is a 4". That was the best I could do at the time, it also has adjustable sights. Lyman 311316, 115/116 grains, sized .313, checked and lubed. I'm having really good luck with it. I'm still developing loads so I won't know any more for a while. The latest Handloader Magazine has a good article on 327 and 32 Mag.

Rusty W
01-15-2011, 11:27 PM
I've been a Handloader subscriber for years. It's the only gun rag I get anymore. The Feb 09 issue has a great write up from Brian on the 327. Only thing I've seen though is on the SP101. I'm waiting on some extensive testing from someone else with a little more experiance and a fatter wallet than I have to see what the Blackhawk can handle as far as heavy handloads. I'm going to stick with published data for now. I have a 357 SP & it shoots great. It was hard to choose between the GP 7shot and the Blackhawk in 327. I tend to lean more to the single actions so I held out for the Blackhawk. The forcing cone on this thing is very thick, due to the higher pressure generated I'm guessing. I have some brass on order from Freedom Arms and I'm going to try and sneak away from work early tomorrow and cast some of the 313640's with a gascheck so I can shoot a little before it gets dark.

01-16-2011, 03:15 AM
I believe sixshot has one of the first that was available you might drop a pm and see what is working for him.

01-18-2011, 09:55 PM
That sure is a pretty little Ruger. Good luck with it. Glad you're shooting it and not just putting it away for some collector!

01-31-2011, 02:45 AM
Love my Blackhawk 327 fed. I shoot 32 acp, 32 Long and 32 Mag cast. The 32 Long are great target rounds. Power is equal to a 22 RF No recoil. If i never shoot 327 Feds thur it I wont be upset. Have a box of 20 Gold Dot 115HPs just incase ( of what i dont know)