View Full Version : Diamondback DB380

01-14-2011, 04:56 PM
Anyone have any experience with these? I saw one at a show a few weeks ago and it looked like something that was a step up from a Kel Tec. I would have purchased it, but they were asking about 125 over wholesale.

Any pros/cons before I get my dealer to order one? Actually he should probably order a few since they look like a baby Glock and I know others will want one based on that alone.

Wayne Dobbs
01-14-2011, 11:09 PM
I've been around three of them and have reports on two more from another LEO trainer friend of mine. All five of them sucked from the functional reliability department. The three I observed would not go 50 rounds without an extraction or feeding failure and most of the time wouldn't go one magazine.

I would pass on it unless you can get a no BS reliability test with a full price return guarantee if it works like the ones I've seen.

01-15-2011, 11:23 AM
I've handled a couple. Triggers stunk. While some of these Keltec copies look nice enough I frankly can't see rewarding copycats with my business when Keltecs have proven reliable, honorable regarding warranties, reasonably priced, accurate and have better triggers. That attitude extends to Rugers LCP as well-I like Ruger products but don't think the LCP was a very respectable course for the company and despite its higher price I do not think it equals the KelTec P3at let alone surpasses it. (Yes I've shot both)

01-15-2011, 12:12 PM
I agree Treeman. I have several Ruger handguns but I'd buy a Keltec on principle. Ruger does need some original thought instead of sticking it to Keltec, like with their latest compact 9. I guess they are trying to be Taurus or something with all the copycat guns.

At least they still make the Blackhawks!

Would be nice to see a single action 480 from em

01-15-2011, 01:37 PM
I fired about 200 rounds through a friends, without a single hitch. Shooting included 2 factory loads and two different lead bullet handloads. Trigger is about what you'd expect for a tiny "Glock style" trigger. No better and no worse than others I've tried. No idea why my luck with this gun was better than others.

Thin Man
01-17-2011, 12:02 PM
A friend and his cousin each bought one of these about 3 months ago. Both firearms exhibit the same symptoms - failure to feed, failure to fire when locked in on a round (striker would not release), failure to extract and/or eject. My friend has his pistol back at the factory for the second time. On the first return from repairs, the factory claimed to have the problems corrected, but all that was improved was the failure to fire (striker release) issue. The feeding and extraction and ejection issues remained, so it went back to Mama for Round 2. The owner and his cousin are waiting to see how this pistol arrives back this time. Both guys are strongly considering trading off these pistols at the next gun show regardless of whether or not the pistol functions correctly. Even if the firearm which is at the factory comes back working right, both owners have little faith that the firearms would have the repeated reliability to last. Ammo selection during these failures to function included several selections of ball and HP designs, same issues with all ammo. These are the only 2 Diamondbacks I have heard the owners speak about. Both firearms were ordered at the same time, and they had consecutive serial numbers. Perhaps the factory is taking a closer look at their manufacturing processes. Having heard about these guys problems, if I were in the market for a .380, I would pass on the Diamondback and keep on looking.

Thin Man