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11-01-2006, 07:53 PM
.32 Remington, 24 grs. of AA2200, l60 gr. Lyman 323470, siced .325.


How come the first and last rounds were SOOOO much faster than the other eight? With this much spread why does the rifle still shoot nice, round, tight groups? Phase of the moon? Fluctuations in the price of cumquats? Onset of fall colors?

11-01-2006, 08:49 PM
Lots of factors can influence the velocity of the first shot, especially from a cold, clean barrel. As to the last shot, again several factors can enter in. Have you chronographed more than this ten shot string? You really need to do more chronographing to see if this is normal or abnormal. Velocity variations can happen anywhere during a string. It takes more than one string to determine what is the norm.

As far as the velocity variation making little difference in group size, that is simply because you aren't shooting at a great enough distance for the difference to show up. I've seen ammunition that had quite a difference in velocity variation shoot quite well at 600 yards but it fell completely apart at 1000 yards. Ditto for ammunition that shot well at 100 but not at 300, ammunition that shot well at 300 but not 600. You can have quite a variation in velocity at 100 yards and little vertical dispersion at the target.

Also, what were the size of groups were you shooting, and at what range? This all enters into the equation.



11-01-2006, 08:50 PM
It all depends on where you hold your tounge LOL

I would look at those 2 cases , or the bullets were different some how

I would redo the test


11-01-2006, 09:20 PM
I can't find AA2200 listed in any of my books, but from the data I do have, it looks like 1800-1900 is a more realistic expectation than 2000+, so I would suspect that the chrono data is in error until I could either confirm it or contradict it with further testing.

What kind of conditions? Bright sun....overcast.....partly cloudy.....late evening? It can make a difference.

Not enough info......SHOOT MORE!!!!:mrgreen:


11-01-2006, 11:35 PM
I had a velocity variation like that with 30-40 and the culprit was a long case jamming into the throat. Mis matched cases will do the same thing, say 8 Remingtons and 2 Winchester or even more subtle 8 Winchester and 2 Winchester Western. If the cases are identical and trimmed, what is the case neck thickness, are they neck turned. I got a batch of 300 savage once that had been made from 308 and the case necks varied from right on the money to so tight a jacketed slug would not go in a fired case. Bring the cases over and we'll measue then 6 ways fm Sunday and see whats up.

11-02-2006, 07:39 PM
Well, I'm not planning on taking that old Model 8 Remington to Camp Perry, or anywhere else, for that matter, except out to my 100 yd. range. I might use it next week during deer season, but as long as no one thinks there's anything seriouly wrong with those figures, I guess I'll just keep on shooting it as it is. I thought there might be something screwy with that milsurp AA2200. You often hear of some powders that vary in velocity if used in the wrong cartridge. As for accuracy, I can plunk my 69 yr old butt on the ground, put my elbows on my knees and keep 5 of those .32's in the 8 ring, about 4 inches at 100 yds. The only trouble I have is getting back up once I'm down. Thanks for all the input, and KCSO; I'll be over to see you after the election. I'm busy right now campaigning for our incumbent County Sheriff.