View Full Version : Large Lino Buy Help

hickory kid
01-12-2011, 11:54 AM
All I have a chance to buy about 4000 lbs of lino some in letter form but mostly in ingot. How can I tell its lino when its in ingot form? I have only dealt with ww and pure so this is all new to me.

01-12-2011, 02:50 PM
If they are factory ingots there should be numbers on them. If not lino melts at a certain very specific temperature that I can not remember right now.
I'm sure someone will chime in with more info.
Lino is great for making your own alloy with soft lead or other alloys. Most shooting doesn't require straight lino alloy. Good trading or selling stock also.

01-12-2011, 03:00 PM
Linotype ingots have a glassy smooth surface and feels very hard.
If you can get a sample to test you could check the melting temperature
and phase temperature. Its melted totally liquid at 520 degrees or less.
Also I get a wavy surface on the large ingots.
The Specific Gravity willl be 10.24

01-12-2011, 07:31 PM
Linotype is a eutectic alloy meaning it melts and freezes at a single temp. It doesn't go through a "slushy" stage like wheel weights or other alloys will. When cooling it should go from liquid to solid all at once very quickly.
It's melting temp is 464 F, provided it's true lino. (84% Pb, 12% Sb, 4% Sn)

01-12-2011, 07:45 PM
Most linotype is 4-12-84 but there are deviant formulas out there and if the person that made ingots simply skimmed the dross without fluxing , the eutectic properties will be lost and the melt temperatures may be a little higher.
Thats why I reserves to say that it will definately be liquid at 520 and I should have been less conservative and said 490.
Also not everyones thermometer is calibrated the same. So if its not melted at 464 degrees , don't panic. It may still be good lino.