View Full Version : Wife's awful upset

01-08-2011, 09:31 PM
Brand new to the forum this is my first posting. I did a spectacularly stupid thing today, chose to use a melting pot with an iffy handle and spilled 10 pounds of molten wheelweights on me and the driveway. Fortunately all safety gear was in place and I came through unscathed. However, I now have a lead coated driveway. Anyone have any reccommendations on how to get lead off of concrete?

01-08-2011, 09:36 PM
Glad you weren't hurt!

I'd suspect that if you can get under a corner of the spill, it should pry up without too much drama.

01-08-2011, 09:38 PM
Have spilled some lead on a driveway while smelting (assumeing is is concrete). Get a screwdriver under some edge enough to pry it up to the point where you can get a good grip on it w/vice grips etc. Should not be a problem to pull it up/off/whatever. If driveway is asphalt, you probably have bigger worries, not to mention repair of the asphalt. :groner: Good luck!

01-08-2011, 09:41 PM
Might try an icepick first to get the edge started. Then a screwdriver, etc.

01-08-2011, 09:53 PM
Years ago, a friend bought a new Lyman/saeco furnace. His wife had the carpet installers in to re-carpet the living room the week before.

He set up the pot on a card table over the new carpet, and plugged 'er in.

Just after everything was nicely melted the telephone rang and he rushed to grab it He tripped on the power cord.....

AFTER the NEW new carpet was installed, his wife started talking to him again...once in a while. Twenty pounds of 750-degree alloy makes quite a statement in the middle of a new wall-to-wall rug.

Be glad that your incident only involved concrete!

01-08-2011, 10:15 PM
First glad you survived the lead bath. Now you know why we stress safety.

As for the lead on the driveway.

Suggest you stand close to it while SWMBO lays down the "NEW" rules.

When she's done it ought to be soft enough to pick up with your fingers and "peel" off the concrete.

Then be glad you weren't burned cause the only thing that will tick SWMBO off more than what you did is having her find out you cooked a fair chunk of your hide at the same time!

Oh and go by a Lottery ticket you are one lucky guy today!

01-08-2011, 11:36 PM
I suggest a small bunch of flowers ( Allways good) unexpectedly this week will go nicely..Nothing to large...justaw small bunch of the kind she likes. daisys are very colorful....


01-08-2011, 11:37 PM

01-08-2011, 11:40 PM
Not as bad as the wife melting Tupperware in the open . She forgot to check the oven before pre heating it Did it TWICE. The smell of melted plastic was in the house every time she cooked in the oven. The cure was to get a new oven........

home in oz
01-09-2011, 12:41 AM
But if the WIFE does it, her amnesia goes into overdrive....

01-09-2011, 12:57 AM
Do you live in an area that freezes? If so, next time it gets down in the 20s go spray the area down with the garden hose. Let it freeze nice and solid then go scrap it with a sidewalk spud. Save the scrapings and reuse the lead when the ice melts out.

01-09-2011, 01:07 AM
No married man needs to learn from his mistakes because his wife will remember each and every single one forever. They might put it out of their mind but will never gorget.

01-09-2011, 01:15 AM
No married man needs to learn from his mistakes because his wife will remember each and every single one forever. They might put it out of their mind but will never forget.

Aint that the truth

01-09-2011, 01:23 AM
My wife once left a pot of wild meat stewing on the stove, and went next door for a few minutes (ya, you know a wifes few minutes). Was probably more like an hour or more. When she returned, the house was full of black stinky smoke, the pot was dry, and the meat/bones etc. was a charred black mess in the bottom of a ruined pot. She had the house somewhat aired out by the time I got home, but it was a good month of airing (it was in the winter in Ka.) before we got rid of the smell. I occaisionally have to revisit the incident with her when I do an occaisional something stupid.

01-09-2011, 02:02 AM
i put down a piece of sheet metal especially when smelting.
under my casting area is a piece of scrap carpeting large enough to contain 20 lbs of lead easily.
i'll burn this someday when i need some alloy there's gotta be at least 5 lbs in it already.

01-09-2011, 03:20 AM
My wife once left a pot of wild meat stewing on the stove, and went next door for a few minutes (ya, you know a wifes few minutes). Was probably more like an hour or more. When she returned, the house was full of black stinky smoke, the pot was dry, and the meat/bones etc. was a charred black mess in the bottom of a ruined pot. She had the house somewhat aired out by the time I got home, but it was a good month of airing (it was in the winter in Ka.) before we got rid of the smell. I occaisionally have to revisit the incident with her when I do an occaisional something stupid.

That sounds like most meals I cook!

01-09-2011, 03:49 AM
Welcome to the CB forum, glad you weren't injured!

Did I tell this one already?

My wife's giant Tupperware salad bowl (you know, the one they don't make anymore)
was on the stove.
Sure enough I turned on the wrong burner and made a new hole in it.
It's OK though, there must be 200 lbs of plastic bowls & stuff in there.

01-09-2011, 03:55 AM
i married miss right than found out her first name was always joe gifford

Down South
01-09-2011, 09:37 AM
When smelting lead I'll set over a couple sheets of cheap left over paneling that I saved just for that purpose. All the splatters land on the paneling which saves me from scraping the splatters off the concrete floor.

cajun shooter
01-09-2011, 11:34 AM
It would be a good thing to do as SWMBO watches you place some old plywood decking down before you smelt any more lead. I would also sit down at the supper table and say honey I'm so blessed that you were not next to me and that hot lead did no harm to you. I would not be able to live with myself if such an event took place. I also want to say you were correct in being upset with me. I know it was out of your love for me and you did not want me to be hurt. I will change things from now on. (Read this and then tell me if I'm married or not) My wife is over my shoulder and I want to tell you guys how sweet she is when I do stupid things.

01-09-2011, 12:32 PM
A good stiff wire brush could be useful loosening up that lead.

01-09-2011, 06:09 PM
Is asphalt a good flux?

01-09-2011, 07:48 PM
The solution for lead stuck to concrete is more lead.

The large splatters pry up easily. The small ones not so much.

With these, pour a little molten lead on the splatter in a ball.

It will adhere to the lead and removing it will peel off the layer from the concrete.

01-10-2011, 12:53 AM
The solution for lead stuck to concrete is more lead.

The large splatters pry up easily. The small ones not so much.

With these, pour a little molten lead on the splatter in a ball.

It will adhere to the lead and removing it will peel off the layer from the concrete.

That is a good idea,... I will give it a try... as I have a few shiney spots on my aggregate driveway..
I have used a pressure washer too,.. comes up nicely in most areas..just get some high pressure water under an edge, and it comes up..
Don't know why the few spots arent coming up..I will put some more lead on them,... and try again..

01-10-2011, 01:48 AM
Tony, you have lead spots in your driveway? Imagine that. Oops, Sorry.

Baron von Trollwhack
01-10-2011, 08:53 AM
Maybe you ought to spend quite a bit of time reading about the casting of boolits before you try again. What you did is in the Darwin Award class of follies.


01-11-2011, 10:48 AM
say, "honey I'm so blessed that you were not next to me and that hot lead did no harm to you. I would not be able to live with myself if such an event took place. I also want to say you were correct in being upset with me. I know it was out of your love for me and you did not want me to be hurt. I will change things from now on."
Practice it a few times first, so you can say it without looking at your notes (and without giggling or coughing)

01-12-2011, 08:01 AM
Welcome! If it does not peel then scrape it. Or grab a spray can, Honey i fixed it! lol

Been there done that

01-12-2011, 02:06 PM
Not as bad as the wife melting Tupperware in the open . She forgot to check the oven before pre heating it Did it TWICE. The smell of melted plastic was in the house every time she cooked in the oven. The cure was to get a new oven........

Are you sure that was an accident? She may have just wanted a new oven.:rolleyes:

01-12-2011, 02:55 PM
I use a sheet of 1/8" luan plywood from Home Dept. Lead will stick but comes up easily with a putty knife as it is very straight grained.

Tom W.
01-12-2011, 03:48 PM
It would be a good thing to do as SWMBO watches you place some old plywood decking down before you smelt any more lead. I would also sit down at the supper table and say honey I'm so blessed that you were not next to me and that hot lead did no harm to you. I would not be able to live with myself if such an event took place. I also want to say you were correct in being upset with me. I know it was out of your love for me and you did not want me to be hurt. I will change things from now on.

That sounds like some some of the manure that comes from the male gender of cattle, thrown out there to get young newlyweds into trouble!


01-26-2011, 08:57 PM
Appreciate all of the advice (both lead and relationship wise) guys. As for the lead a cold chisel under the edge of the thick portion and peeling it with pliers yeilded a lot of salvagable lead. A couple of hours with a pressure washer and then a shopvac got the really thin foil like stuff. As for the wife the best marital advice i can give is to marry a women that will put up with your "stuff" and everything will work out fine, besides if i don't do something spectacularly stupid at least once a year I'll get the bighead.

01-26-2011, 10:20 PM
Just leave the lead on the drivway, it will not hurt anything.

Tom R
01-27-2011, 11:49 PM
my lead pulled up in one piece.

01-28-2011, 05:42 PM
Spray paint it with copper colored spray paint. The crackheads will steal it by next morning.

01-29-2011, 08:48 AM
I'm amazed your wife ia upset about a little lead in the driveway. My wife might notice it if it blocked the entrance to "her" parking spot, but that's about it.

I suggest you get a couple of project cars and tractors, maybe start building a good sized boat in the side yard and practice some chainsaw carvings of large, life sized mammals. Her tolerance level for spilled lead will go way up.

02-02-2011, 11:24 AM
It would be a good thing to do as SWMBO watches you place some old plywood decking down before you smelt any more lead. I would also sit down at the supper table and say honey I'm so blessed that you were not next to me and that hot lead did no harm to you. I would not be able to live with myself if such an event took place. I also want to say you were correct in being upset with me. I know it was out of your love for me and you did not want me to be hurt. I will change things from now on. (Read this and then tell me if I'm married or not) My wife is over my shoulder and I want to tell you guys how sweet she is when I do stupid things.

I've wondered what would happen if I told SWMBO, if you are so perfect and never did anything wrong, then why did you marry me?
As I said I've wondered about this, but am too afraid she might tell me.:groner:

old turtle
02-02-2011, 11:32 AM
keybo, WHAT! and loose all that lead. I am sorry to say that you are most likely correct in regard to what would happen. I must say your idea is good thinking for getting rid of some other unwanted items.

02-02-2011, 11:41 AM
I can guarantee you two things:
1- You ain't the only one that has done stupid stuff like that.
2- That's one thing you will NEVER forget or do again.

I'll be the first to tell you that I've done enough stupid stuff for any six people here and I ain't ashamed to admit it. "We learn from our mistakes" and "Experience is the best teacher" is undeniable.

I'm sure glad you had the presence of mind to "safety up". That could have been real bad.

old turtle
02-02-2011, 11:44 AM
+1 Jim, I picked up a hot ingot once. Afraid not my only stupid mistake over the years.

gray wolf
02-12-2011, 03:33 PM
I get the flowers first, way before I start anything new or old.

Old enough to know what I know and smart enough to know what I don't know

02-12-2011, 10:37 PM
I suggest you get a couple of project cars and tractors, maybe start building a good sized boat in the side yard and practice some chainsaw carvings of large, life sized mammals. Her tolerance level for spilled lead will go way up.

I agree. What a wimpy thread. Spill some more lead. Tell her it rubs right in. Clean driveway means nobody's doing anything worthwhile.