View Full Version : Congresswoman Giffords shot in Ariz

01-08-2011, 05:06 PM

01-08-2011, 06:25 PM
Watching it closely... wondering about motive The Congresswoman was doing a meet and greet at the store

So far no word as to who or why.

However aren't members of Congress, state or federal, supposed to have some kind of security??

Where were they??

01-08-2011, 06:30 PM
Sad state of affairs.

01-08-2011, 06:35 PM
often they use local security, state troopers etc. and one or two advisers from the service.

01-08-2011, 06:45 PM
I've seen posts out there that already blame the shooting on Sarah Palin and the tea party !One poster said something to the effect of "if they can't win an election, they'll shoot 'em".
A fruit loop did the shooting, but no matter his background, it'll be used against gunowners.
She did win election over a tea party guy, but she'd already served 2 terms and was a "Blue Dog" Democrat , so probably not an anti 2nd rep.

01-08-2011, 06:50 PM
I sincerely hope this woman will be ok. As far as the anti-gun nitwits.............well that was going to happen anyway.

01-08-2011, 07:02 PM
Here we go. My second thought was the punishment for some wacko doing this kind of thing is not and will be not horrible enough to prevent it from happening.

If they catch the perp they ought to make an example out of em.


Crusty Deary Ol'Coot
01-08-2011, 07:05 PM
Just an ol'coot's opinion, but they have the jerk and the trial and burying should be over in 30days max.

It is a bunch of bunk that known guilty parties go on and on with trials etc. at the tax payer's expense.

Get rid of the jerks NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot

01-08-2011, 07:06 PM
To my mind, this was an act of pure cowardice. Political assasinations (or attempts) are not new.......what IS new is that the victim is a woman. Other victims included a child. Absolutely pathetic, pointless and cowardly.

Ms. Giffords is evidently a staunch supporter of the second ammendment and stronger border control. She, and the other wounded/dead deserve our most fervent prayers.

The perpetrator merits only disgust and loathing.

01-08-2011, 07:07 PM
I pray she will live and be OK, no matter what her political party persuasion.

At first, I thought she might have been a Rebublican and shot by someone upset at the switch in political winds. Now that I find out she is a "blue dog" Democrat, I wonder about the same thing.

01-08-2011, 07:13 PM
I couldn't agree with you more Mr. Coot:

I say; immediately after the trial, (assuming our wacky legal system finds him guilty) take him directly to be euthanizing station.

Of course we know that's not going to happen. He'll most likely get a lengthy prison term; during which time he'll also get free room and board, free medial, free dental, free legal services; and if he's in the "joint" long enough and he's so inclined, he'll also get a free college education.

This will most likely be followed by a lucrative Book-Deal and possibly Movie-rights. He'll probably die a wealthy man. (I use the word "man" loosely)

The rest of us have to pay out own way; and his.


Dan Cash
01-08-2011, 07:14 PM
I pray she will live and be OK, no matter what her political party persuasion.

At first, I thought she might have been a Rebublican and shot by someone upset at the switch in political winds. Now that I find out she is a "blue dog" Democrat, I wonder about the same thing.

Punk seems to have been a left wing radical; mad at the Congresswoman for opposing Obama on health care. The left and evidently FOX too are walloping the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for all they are worth.

01-08-2011, 07:21 PM
Yeah, it was just said on Fox News by some douchebag former aide of Charles Schumer that "This guy should have never had a gun, and people like him should have never have guns" or something to that effect. These morons are going to use this tragedy to point the finger at gun ownership, as usual...

Oh, and they were saying the shooters one of my fellow Afghan vets. Fuggin great...

01-08-2011, 07:27 PM
The sad facts, it's some 22 year old kid named Loughner with a facebook page that saw the meeting 'tweeted'. He's in custody, he opposed Obamacare, it a right wing nut. He also shot a federal judge and a child to death, injured others.

01-08-2011, 07:50 PM
Not a "right wing" nut, according to people he went to school with, actually a liberal lefty - which matters not as apparently from his insane ravings on the net, he's a schizo who probably shoulda been on drugs. Something just tipped his last sane brain cell off today. Sure, truly crazy people probably shouldn't have guns , but the progressive folk out there think anyone who wants a gun IS crazy.

Idiot on TV just said she was shot with a "low caliber" so she has a good chance of survival as opposed to being shot with a "high caliber" .

01-08-2011, 08:23 PM
The two things that popped into my mind right away were....the Tea party is getting blamed for this and...noone with a CCW permit at a mall in Tucson? Maybe there was but they couldn't react for any number of reasons, it just struck me as odd is all. It appears she doing very well though and doctors are optimistic for recovery.

01-08-2011, 08:53 PM
Reported that his online profile says his favorite books are Communist Manifesto and
Mein Kampf. NOT conservative.

BTW, some lefties say Nazis were 'right wing'. TOTAL propaganda. National SOCIALIST
is what Nazi stands for.

TV claims temple shot pass thru and that she is expected to recover. .22 LR??


01-08-2011, 09:43 PM
TV claims temple shot pass thru and that she is expected to recover. .22 LR??


Reported as a 9mm glock.

01-08-2011, 09:44 PM
the brady bunch has already jumped on the band wagon. no matter what weapon one of these wack jobs use, the morons want a new law. a lot of years ago, in l.a. I think, not sure but some one used a crossbow to kill someone, yea, you guessed it, a law banning crossbows. Ed

01-08-2011, 10:12 PM
Just finished watching a press conference given by the officials on the ground in Tuscon. At least the Pima County Sheriff gave a long interview while the others managed to say a few words right at the end.

The sheriff salted all of his remarks with an ongoing rant about the 'vitriol' on radio and TV...and those who make their living doing that sort of thing. It's plain that he believes occurrences such as this are to be expected as long as that kind of 'freedom of speech' is allowed to go unchecked.

This is Clarence Dupnik, a Democrat who vowed to refuse to enforce the new Arizona immigration law.

If it could be proven that Sarah Palin gave the shooter his pistol, Sean Hannity taught him how to shoot, and Laura Ingraham drove him to Tuscon...I am certain that old Clarence would be deliriously happy to be able to report that.


01-08-2011, 10:39 PM
That's what I got out of that press conference too Charlie. The 72 year old sheriff spent too much time "politicizing" the tragedy with his own personal opinion. NOT something you do as a public official at a press conference. You just give facts/answer questions. He needs to retire.

01-08-2011, 11:01 PM
This is probably going to make me HUGELY unpopular around here, but oh well. . .

Quite honestly, I'm more concerned about the nine-year-old child that was killed than I am the federal robe, elected official, et al.

There have always been loonies going all the way back to the days of King Arthur and beyond. There will always be loonies.

And let's face it: Right now, ANYONE from Congress, the Senate or the White House or any of the three branches of government is about as popular with the American people as a raging case of syphilis.

You can argue until the cows come home if someone voted "moderately" or "was a friend on these two issues" or blah blah blah.

Fact is, every single sitting member of the Senate, House and White House is responsible for the absolutely dismal condition our nation is in. They broker deals with each other, they trade votes with each other, they defer to each other, they spread the pork around, etc etc etc.

Aside from the nine-year-old, I find it even MORE disturbing that the government is responding the way it is: Obama sending out the FBI Director (Mueller couldn't find his butt with a map, flashlight and methane probe); Boehner is screeching that "an attack on one of us (Congress critters) is an attack on all of us;" Justice Roberts is waxing about Judge Roll--but I'll bet anyone a donut that Roberts, prior to today, could not recite one single damned case that Roll ruled on. Yet, Justice Roberts waxes about "how wise a jurist Roll was" and other such stuff.

I have not heard one of these Congress/D.C. types say a damned thing about the non-government people killed or wounded unless it was political, and even then, you have to look for their remarks even acknowledging that "mere, common people" were also killed/wounded.

Quite honestly? Aside from the nine-year-old who was killed, I could give a damn less one way or the other. Most of us on this forum face the same risks of having some five-time convicted DWI/DUI drunk-driver hitting and killing us while we're driving; we have a greater risk than Congressmen to of having our homes burglarized; we have a greater risk of having our kids/daughters assaulted than do Congressional employees.

Congress and the White House have no idea what life is really like. Today, they got a dose of what the rest of us deal with on a daily basis. THEIR reaction will be to try and restrict our rights even further in order to protect their privileges.

The way our Congress and three branches of government have been conducting themselves the past few years, the state of the economy, the number of unemployed, the number of foreclosures, and the below-13% approval rating they have. . .

Yeah, the shooter was a loony-tunes wacko. But people are getting fed up. Quickly.


01-08-2011, 11:15 PM
My wife just told me that the 9 year old had just been elected to the school council. Her neighbor was going down to meet Giffords and volunteered to take her down now that she was interested in politics. Damn shame.


01-08-2011, 11:32 PM
Hadn't heard about the 9 year old. Lets all say a prayer for the 9 year old and family and friends, OK?

01-08-2011, 11:35 PM
I find it reprehensible that people refuse to face the facts. A person tried to press his ideas on the public by trying to murder an elected official. He did this with a gun. The gun doesn't have a brain or emotions, the perpetrator has them. With our judical system, he will probably be declared delusional and put in a "treatment facility" for about 2-3 years and then released. It is a national shame that we the sheep can't even take care of our own business and process this individual to a proper societal judgement where he can't possibly endanger any one else. God bless America for we surely need it.

01-08-2011, 11:38 PM
I'll stand with Recluse on this one, the elite got something today they deemed themselves immune from and will lash out as us with venom.

I saw it myself,, as if it was scripted,, but they wouldn't do that,, right?

01-08-2011, 11:49 PM
Lotta validity in what Recluse posted. "Some NUTCAKE" has been pulling stunts like this since Day 1. That is one of many risks run by members of a free society, and you can only manage it--absolute prevention as a practical matter is impossible. Acts of this nature are despicable in any event, ESPECIALLY since this coward killed a little girl during his sick quest for 15 minutes of fame. It's a real shame that some CCW citizen or law officer didn't plant a firearm's contents in the creep's brain housing group, so we could be done with him.

What is truly ridiculous is ANY assignment of political skewing to this animal's actions. He and his co-actors are just thugs--and/or psychopaths--and/or sociopaths. I don't give a rat's derriere about his motives/politics/aspirations--he just needs to be dead. Any effort deflecting that end result is wasted energy.

01-09-2011, 12:25 AM
The victims and families of the victim's are in my thoughts and prayers. Especially the nine year old; that sickens me to the point of wanting to vomit.

I won't say much politically, and Ill spare everyone my personal opinions; from what Ive seen on the news, Pima County Sheriff Dupnik has already spread enough opinion and politicking for us all.

Well, I said I would save my personal opinions, save one..

I will suggest that, at most, thirty days pass before we start hearing talk of the 'Gifford's (or insert victim's name here) Law' that bans handguns, high capacity magazines, assault rifles, repeating arms, self contained ammunition, gun powder, primers, bullets, boolits, bows, arrows, broadheads, hatchets, axes, chainsaws, hammers, forks, butter knifes, ect., ect., ect.

The anti's have been waiting for a crisis of this magnitude and public awareness-they wont let it go to waste. ...add in that it was government officials who were the victims, and it ought to fly through the house and senate with a fury, and be signed off by ol' Barrack faster than you can say, "What Constitution?!"

A tragic day indeed, and the fall out will be even more so, both politically (let's blame Palin, Bush, the Tea Party, Republicans, Gun owners, ect.) and legally.

01-09-2011, 12:31 AM
Okay, I can agree with that. Politics aside and all, he was standing 3-5 feet away when he opened fire. Means he wasn't going to miss. The little girl makes you wonder about a lot of things. They say he's mentally unstable.

01-09-2011, 12:45 AM
Gabby was my congressperson. Although many in the media are characterizing her as a Blue Dog, my own characterization is that she was a Bad representative. She would hold a Town Hall, or whatever (I attended some), listen carefully, take notes, be attentive, and say she would do what she could - then go vote according to what Princess Nancy told her to do. She voted straight party line over 90% of the time. Granted, she supported the 2nd Amendment, but I see that as pure survival - she knew that if she voted against it, her days would definitely be numbered in the House.

It is reprehensible what this druggy lefty did. This is not the way it is supposed to work. And I believe there is more to this story. I haven't heard EXACTLY what his weapon was. It will be interesting to look at all the rounds that were captured by innocent bystanders, and see if they all came from the same gun.

01-09-2011, 12:57 AM
Echo, from my understanding.. the firearm in question was a Glock 19 (9mm) and he had a Scherer magazine, well, at least one, which if I understand correctly, holds 30 rounds.

01-09-2011, 04:37 AM
It sounds like what this proves, is that everyone should carry.
When Palin had her public luncheon here, she was asked if guns were allowed. The answer was yes of course. In my way of thinking no one is apt to start shooting when they know the majority is armed, even a mental case is likely to think about it more.

01-09-2011, 10:21 AM
Count me as worrying more about the Nine year old and other unrelated civilians killed or maimed by this nut job than the Pols and the Judge.

I feel for all involved (sans the nut job) but the media and the overly grandstanding Sherriff from Pima are taking more than their fair share of time over the Congress woman and Judge.

It turns out the nut job was a noted Pot tester! I suppose that will be his defense? Blame the Pot?

I say: Make a good new rope out of Hemp and hang him after a fair and speedy trial ..... which ought to be no problem ..... there's enough witnesses to crowd a large court room!

Three 44s

01-09-2011, 10:35 AM
I say: Make a good new rope out of Hemp and hang him after a fair and speedy trial ..... which ought to be no problem ..... there's enough witnesses to crowd a large court room!

Three 44s
What he said, except I believe an eye for an eye is justified in this case. Let em use a firing squad sans blindfold on prime time TV!

01-09-2011, 10:44 AM
I agree with Recluse on this, I think this kind of thing will get alot worse, when the left thinks they are losing they will go crazy.

01-09-2011, 11:26 AM
The more I read about this whole incident, the less it makes sense. The media and the liberals have conditioned America to become a nation of "emotional" response, in case you haven't noticed, then to vote or act with our hearts.

But there are things here that I don't understand, such as:

• Giffords is reported to have been shot with a 9mm, of which the bullet "passed through her brain."

Not sure how many of you have seen head shots made by a 9mm, but your chances of surviving a 9mm tunneling through your brain are practically zero. The energy of the round, the size, the exit wound, the amount of surrounding tissue damage, etc, all combine to make this a fatal shot.

I know. I've seen far too many of them from my days in law enforcement.

Perhaps Giffords was shot by a .22LR? Perhaps there was another shooter there? Maybe the nutbag (Jared Loughner) had more than one gun?

• The nutbag, Jared Loughner, is also reported by the Pima County Registrar's Office as having cast his vote for Obama. Now, how would the registrar's office know that? How would ANYONE know how I voted unless I told them?

• DHS has let it leak that the nutjob, Jared Loughner, may be "linked" to the American Renaissance, a wacko extremist group. Now how would DHS know this if it weren't spying? Or, did DHS simply throw this out to discredit the nutbag, even though he's already discredited by his actions?

• It's been brought up here as to "why somebody in the crowd in gun-friendly Arizona, didn't aerate Jared Loughner when he opened fire?" My take on it is this: When is the last time any of us went to listen to a liberal Democrat politician speak? I haven't, and never will, therefore that will be one less legally armed citizen there.

I suspect all the canonization the press is doing on this "conservative Democrat" is going to backfire once the emotional rhetoric settles down and her unhappy constituents begin speaking up.

• Why have we not heard about or from Giffords' husband? After all, he is the most political of all beasts ever created in the military: the astronaut. Why nothing on him from a media who loves to milk these things from every angle and for all it's worth?

My biggest concern is for the young nine-year-old who was killed. Here was an aspiring young woman full of hope and dreams who was going to listen to and hopefully meet her political representative. I can put the labeling aside for young people as I'm just glad they are getting involved, even if I disagree with which party they seem to favor.

But the rest of the ruling class that got caught up in the senseless violence that the rest of America has to face daily? I couldn't give a damn less. At every step and turn, these elites, as 45Nut so appropriately refers to them, have done everything they can to ensure that we, the people, become victimized by lunatics and career criminals.

Now, they are getting a dose of their owned damned medicine and I have zero sympathy or empathy for them.


01-09-2011, 12:04 PM
I've been following this closely and have great sympathy for all who were hit but in particular the family of the nine year old girl.

Having lost a child I know what this family is going through. I also know nothing will make this better, nothing!

As for the politican's?

Well every time a shooting happens they cry like babies. Now one of thier own has been hit and I expect the elected officals to "suddenly" develop great skills in making things happen in Congress.

To bad they couldn't get this motivated about the economy 2 years ago!

I also wonder about timing and location of this event? What are the odds a"Loon" picks a Democrat, a woman, a state that is highly controversial, a recently hotly contested election involving the same Democrat, and a sadly lackng show of security at a public event?

Can hardly wait for the "invistagation" to reveal the truth of those involved???

I hope no one else succumbs to thier injuries and I wish them a speedy recovery but the bottom line here is the Congress woman usually had no security at any of her public appearances.

A poor decision based on the current condition of the nation. It doesn't change what has happened but you can bet "Big Bucks" even your local dog catcher is now going to have Secret Service coverage.

I'll end this post with an obvious question: why is it this country always seems to close the barn door after the horse has left?

01-09-2011, 12:34 PM
If you look at the YouTube postings, which are black screens with white words only, the
guy is totally out of his mind. These several postings are very obviously from someone whose
thinking is very deranged. I was struck by his repeated use of a page structure where he makes
a statement sentence, then a second related statement and finally a conclusion, pathetically
mimicking a logical argument. If this is true, and then you have this additional fact, then
logically we know this must be true. The words were nonesense, yet no doubt he imagined that
he was writing something with great insite and something able to 'prove' and persuade. He
repeats this pattern with ever more lunatic and nonsensical sentences, over and over.

Clearly a loon, and I suspect that we will find that the police had had contact with him, since
soneone this nutty would seem essentially certain to attract attention. I wonder if the police
chief was trying to deflect attention from the dept failure to have him held for observation or
treatment. If he was known to be mentally ill, he should have not been able to purchase the
gun, but while this sounds really nice, even if unable to buy from a dealer, he would have had
access via theft or the secondary market.

Crazy people have been causing mayhem since the beginning and will continue to do so, as
has been stated. Too bad a CCW civilian wasn't there, although my guess is that it was over
in about 5 - 7 seconds, pretty difficult to react soon enough to stop much of it. Before the left
turned out most loons and closed most 'mental institutions', he might have been institutionalized,
but now the insane roam the streets.

A sad situation, but in the end, less preventable than a lightning strike.


01-09-2011, 12:53 PM
I think this guy had NO clear politics. He went where the wind blew him if it provided him with an excuse to act out his psycho-homicidal fantasies. Born sicko? Or made that way somehow. No pshyco-babble excuses from a headshrinker can explain to me his willingness to harm or kill a child or anyone else. His parents have some explaining to do, they of all people should have known he was a risk to the public. This whack job was intent on watching people suffer and die, and any reason would have sufficed.

01-09-2011, 12:59 PM
To seems the shooter is a loser, doper and nut. No politics involved, at least from any rational perspective. I am praying for her recovery, those others injured, the family and friends of those killed. A real tragedy.

01-09-2011, 01:26 PM
Call me paranoid, but...

These shooting incidents seem to happen with an almost artificial regularity. This guy was clearly 'confused'...and quite visible about it.
He is one of many that exist 'out there'.

I sometimes find myself wondering if the anti-gun crowd doesn't keep a few of these nuts on a string all the time...and 'turn one loose' with some extra nudging when things have been quiet for too long.

Since this one didn't commit suicide immediately affter the shooting, perhaps we can learn something from him...about the 50 year-old guy that Sheriff Dupnik is looking for.


01-09-2011, 01:28 PM
Quite honestly? Aside from the nine-year-old who was killed, I could give a damn less one way or the other.

I will include you in my prayers.


01-09-2011, 02:13 PM
I agree NuJudge.

I believe some here need to step back and take a deep breath.

01-09-2011, 04:19 PM
None of the victims deserve what has happened to them in this case regardless of their political views. Remember they are victims, all of these victims will be in my prayers.h

01-09-2011, 04:34 PM
Bottom line here is that when our political representatives can't go and speak to the people who elected them without fear of being shot and maybe killed then America has sunk to a new low.
I don't care her party, I do care the stress her family and friends are going through right now and the sad feelings for all those who died and were wounded by this shooter.
I do care that no one was there to protect a person who is part of our national government so this event did not happen.
I do care that the media will put a spin on it that has nothing to do with the truth.
I do care that we as a nation have sunk to such a low that we seek to point blame ahead of worrying about those that have been harmed.

01-09-2011, 04:41 PM
I care quite a bit several people died and more wounded. I do not belive anyone of their lives are worth more than the one beside them, unless it was the little girl, hers was cut very short. All gun owners, shooters and even non gun owners will likely be affected and lose some rights and protection because of a very deranged person.
I do find it strange that in a very gun friendly state that he was not at the very least wounded by someone in the crowd. I wouldn't expect anyone to have been quick enough to have stopped him before most of the damage was done, as it was probably done in a matter of seconds, but am very suprized that he wasn't shot, by an onlooker.
I am also suprized that there wasn't at least a deputy there, most highschool ballgames even have an officer present, maybe they were all out watching for seatbelt vialators.

01-09-2011, 04:49 PM
I wonder what firearm owners will pay for this stupid event also and try and hope calmer heads will prevail in the end.
From what I watched last night it was not uncommon for her to do this kind of thing and sometimes several times in a weekend. I would think with all the threats and other stuff that she had been dealing with I would have wanted some kind of security if not for myself my constituents safety.
I want to see her recover and go back to Washington DC and do some more good for all of us.

01-09-2011, 04:55 PM
I'm sorry for all, but the Arizona rancher that was killed by illegals a while back is just as important a life, but the press doesn't concentrate on guys like him. I see some of the other Reps are already talking about how they can increase THEIR security, while not giving a rats behind about us common folk, whose best defence is a gun in hand. The 9 year old just tears me up. Not only will they use this to forward gun control, they'll try to use it as an excuse to control the internet, so all us poor ignorant folks with guns and Bibles can't be steered into domestic terrorism !

01-09-2011, 05:27 PM
Left wing Daily Kos targets Giffords and others.

01-09-2011, 06:51 PM
Call me paranoid, but...

Since this one didn't commit suicide immediately affter the shooting, perhaps we can learn something from him...about the 50 year-old guy that Sheriff Dupnik is looking for.


It turned out the other guy was a cab driver. He had driven the shooter to the store, and the guy stiffed him on the pay. He went to collect his money, but was not involved.

Charlie Two Tracks
01-09-2011, 08:29 PM
I don't know how well this fits in here but.......... Quite a few years ago, my neighbor had a foreign exchange student stay for the holidays. One night, I went over and was talking to him. I asked him straight up, why they didn't revolt against their government and free themselves. I explained to him how myself and millions of others had sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy. He looked at me and said that it was illegal to have anything sharper or longer than a butter knife. Too many people scared and ready to rat you out and very poor communication. I understood what he said but still thought they should try.......
We must not let our weapons go no matter what. I hate seeing these shootings happen but if the guns are gone, the knives come out and then they will go after them. IMO

01-10-2011, 12:50 AM
Even here in Australia, we are on the receiving end of the media with every so-called expert analyising all aspects.

Some of whom do not like the announcer interupting their diatribe to ask a question.

The receives all of the media attention and yet today, as I stood near a checkout counter in a shop; I observed a local drug dealer buy 300 deal bags. When I ask him how well they sold through his shop he informed me 1000's a month and he know what they were to be used for.

Where were the media............................................. .................

01-10-2011, 03:47 AM
No new low here, Teddy Roosevelt, Lincoln, Garfield, and a lot of other politicians have
been shot over the years. Many by "anarchists", which this loon would probably fit in
with real well. Old tradition, nutball looks for someone to blame for his life being a total
disaster, "figures out" that it must be that somebody important is "keeping him down" (this
guy believed in mind control, it is reported) so they must "fix it".

Trying to stop this is like trying to stop lightning. Can't be done.


01-10-2011, 01:30 PM
I care quite a bit several people died and more wounded. I do not belive anyone of their lives are worth more than the one beside them, unless it was the little girl, hers was cut very short. All gun owners, shooters and even non gun owners will likely be affected and lose some rights and protection because of a very deranged person.

Judge Roll was an outstanding jurist. His loss is MORE of a loss (to me) than the loss of GG to the congress. Of course the loss of the 9-year-old very special girl is terrible, as is the loss of the other 4.

I do find it strange that in a very gun friendly state that he was not at the very least wounded by someone in the crowd.

The folks gathering at her meeting are heavily-loaded with her leftist supporters, and so the likelihood of someone carrying was reduced. Conservatives have learned that asking her to intervene in support of conservative issues is a waste of breath, and so don't attend, to any degree. He WAS wrestled down within seconds, and there were heroic deeds within those very few seconds.]

I wouldn't expect anyone to have been quick enough to have stopped him before most of the damage was done, as it was probably done in a matter of seconds, but am very suprized that he wasn't shot, by an onlooker.

I am also suprized that there wasn't at least a deputy there, most highschool ballgames even have an officer present, maybe they were all out watching for seatbelt vialators.

The candidate did not request any security, and I don't believe she had any personal security with her.

01-10-2011, 06:25 PM
Have heard that one of the folks that assisted in holding him down had a CCW, but as the brave 61 year old lady and another man had already tackled the guy, he never presented his weapon. He did go TOWARD the sound of gunfire, shame he wasn't closer initially. I think someone already remarked that the crowd here would not be as likely as a "Tea Party" crowd to have numerous CCW's present. Already McCarthy from NY has introduced a proposed magazine limit ban .

Green Frog
01-10-2011, 06:38 PM
Not a "right wing" nut, according to people he went to school with, actually a liberal lefty - which matters not as apparently from his insane ravings on the net, he's a schizo who probably shoulda been on drugs. Something just tipped his last sane brain cell off today. Sure, truly crazy people probably shouldn't have guns , but the progressive folk out there think anyone who wants a gun IS crazy.

Idiot on TV just said she was shot with a "low caliber" so she has a good chance of survival as opposed to being shot with a "high caliber" .

It was reported today that the Facebook page was a fraud, set up after the shooting. They spelled his name wrong, even! It has since been taken down.

As for the "low caliber" handgun, do you think they would admit that it was the same "effective" round being foisted off on our military and police so widely?


01-10-2011, 07:05 PM
Does anyone here on the board know anything about this?

The Cholla Jumps

by James Kelley

Jared Loughner is a product of Sheriff Dupnik’s office
This is the report that Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been dreading since the tragic event on Saturday January 8.

The sheriff has been editorializing and politicizing the event since he took the podium to report on the incident. His blaming of radio personalities and bloggers is a pre-emptive strike because Mr. Dupnik knows this tragedy lays at his feet and his office. Six people died on his watch and he could have prevented it. He needs to step up and start apologizing to the families of the victims instead of spinning this event to serve his own political agenda.

Jared Loughner, pronounced by the Sheriff as Lock-ner, saying it was the Polish pronunciation. Of course he meant Scott or Irish but that isn’t the point. The point is he and his office have had previous contact with the alleged assailant in the past and that is how he knows how to pronounce the name.

Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff’s Office was informed, his deputies assured the victims that he was being well managed by the mental health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County. Amy Loughner is a Natural Resource specialist for the Pima County Parks and Recreation. My sympathies and my heart goes out to her and the rest of Mr. Loughner’s family. This tragedy must be tearing them up inside wondering if they had done the right things in trying to manage Jared’s obvious mental instability.

Every victim of his threats previously must also be wondering if this tragedy could have been prevented if they had been more aggressive in pursuing charges against Mr. Loughner. Perhaps with a felony conviction he would never have been able to lawfully by the Glock 9mm Model 19 that he used to strike down the lives of six people and decimate 14 more.

This was not an act of politics. This was an act of a mentally disturbed young man hell bent on getting his 15 minutes of infamy. The Pima County Sheriff’s Department was aware of his violent nature and they failed to act appropriately. This tragedy leads right back to Sherriff Dupnik and all the spin in the world is not going to change that fact.


01-10-2011, 09:50 PM
Sounds like a good explanation why Sheriff Dipstick got so instantly political and was looking
for somebody to blame.


01-10-2011, 11:05 PM
I can't help comparing the actions of those who tackled the shooter with those of the young students at Virginia Tech . Young folks are taught from elementary school on not to fight back nowadays , so they watched Cho change mags several times. The 61 year old lady that grabbed the magazine in Arizona comes from generation that understands things differently.

01-10-2011, 11:42 PM
I first heard about this through an email from AZ-CDL (AZ Citizens Defensive League) which I'm a member of.

My first thought was for the complete recovery of the wounded, then concerned over the recently passed legislation SB1108 which we fought so hard for . . . which by the way states that we do not need a ccw to carry a gun as we see fit, providing we are legally allowed to own a gun (proper age, non-felon . . .) we do have ccw's here, but they are not required to carry concealed.

GG was my representative, what I mean to say is she won the district I live in, I did not vote for her, the last election was very close, she got in by less than 51% of the vote . . . she also voted for the health care plan . . . she was gun friendly.

Even though I did not vote for her, nor would I waste my time going to one of her gatherings . . . I do continue to pray for her rapid and complete recovery, same for the other victims.

This morning at the elementary school I work at, we held a special flag ceremony, where the whole school met around the flagpole to discuss this tragedy. We have a bunch of 9 year olds, it really made us stop and think . . .

01-11-2011, 02:56 AM
I was wondering why it was that no one jumped the guy sooner. I believe that the people were awe struck and in shock or disbelief. It takes a few seconds for the " DUH!!" to kick in for people that have not dealt with life and death situations before.

At first I was thinking that people who could have intervened were fearing for themselves but thats not likely the case for all of them.

The "DUH" and disbelief moment is real even for veteran police. A few years back on an accident scene late at night a car blew through the scene at 70+ mph. The car would have taken out a state trooper except that a firefighter saw it coming and pulled him out of harms way.

Now 4 or 5 LEOs were just standing there agape for several seconds when someone said " hey , your the cops. Go get him " . All the sudden the lights came on in the trooper and he ran for his car and caught the teenage punk. So by this account , I know that the "DUH!" moment is real and can happen to anyone.

01-11-2011, 01:23 PM
Received this via Email.
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Leftists Attack Parents Of Murdered 9-Year-Old


How low will some people stoop to play at partisan politics by exploiting the weekend’s tragic events? We’ve already seen the bar set pretty damn low by elements of the media and some public officials, yet its hard to imagine how much further anyone can go than to verbally attack the parents of the slain 9 year old Christina Taylor Green.

Yet this is exactly what sometime AOL writer Jeanne Sager does in an article published today on parenting blog Cafemom.com.

“Seeing the couple on Dateline NBC last night, my first inclination was to grit my teeth and ask what kind of parent is ready to go on national TV 24 hours after the loss of their child?” writes Sager.

“The same type of parents who paraded their child out in a book about babies born on 9/11/01? They don’t deserve to be parents if they’re going to use horrors for their own gains.” she adds.

Exactly what “gains” are we talking about here Ms Sager? Their beloved child has just been shot dead. What in the world makes you believe they are gaining anything?

“…watching the Greens so exacting as they spoke of their daughter, so unfeeling. What, you couldn’t even summon a tear for your little girl? Everywhere I look, they’re talking to the media. To Fox News. To USA Today.” the disgusting slop continues.

Obviously Sager missed the entirety of John Green’s appearance on Fox News, in which he defiantly fought back the tears to convey the message that this awful but completely isolated and random event should not be exploited to revoke the core freedoms protected under the first and second amendments.

“We don’t need any more restrictions on our society,” Mr Green said, adding that sometimes our continued freedom comes at an awful cost.

While Sager stops her attack short and admits it is “completely unfair” and that she “feels sorry” for the family, it doesn’t prevent her from ending the piece with the question “Did you find yourself wondering why the Greens didn’t get off TV?”

The Greens are not fitting neatly into the script for those so called “liberals” that are happy to exploit the cold blooded murder of a child for political grist.

Presumably, Sager and her ilk would have no qualms with the TV appearances of the Greens should they have demanded the immediate passage of laws to make perceived threats a federal crime or to introduce hastily thrown together gun control bills.

These leftist vultures are the equivalent of the hordes of rightist neo-con hacks that professed hatred (yes, actual hatred) for the 9/11 victims’ families who opposed the subsequent relentless slaughter of thousands more innocent people half a world away in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The fact that their despicable smear machine has already ground to a halt in the wake of the revelation that gunman Jared Lee Loughner was a left-wing, pot-smoking liberal, rather than a flag waving tea party Sarah Palin supporter, is one blessing that the still sane can count.

Perhaps the only other is that in amongst a barrage of shameless partisan exploitation of another tragic event, Americans have been reminded that in the face of danger and darkness, there are still those who believe in preserving the values the nation was founded on, rather than tearing them apart.

01-11-2011, 07:36 PM
Jim that is why in political terms the "left" is used as an insult. I would like to say these people do not have a clue but am leaning towards they are just EVIL . That includes katie corrupt the news.

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot
01-11-2011, 08:24 PM
WEll Said Jim!!!!!!!!!!

This reminds me of the father who has spoken out so well in the months/years after his daughter was kill in the Colorado school shooting situation.

And yes, I believe the left wing liberials have no clue, some of them to the point they would probably open their homes to this scum from Az. who should, in fact, be tried, convicted and dead within 30days.

OH, Let us pat the poor fellow on the head, treat him kindly and the poor misguided fellow will soon become a model person who you'd just love to move into your home or at least next door.

Probably make a good husband for your daughter. BULL!

Get a clue people, some folk are bad for whatever reason and just need, at the very least, to be confined with large piles of hard rock and a heavy hammer!

This is not a case of did he or didn't he, the facts stand for themselves and should be allowed to quickly convict him!

Keep em coming!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot