View Full Version : Which handles?

10-30-2006, 11:28 AM
Ok. I just got my 1st 4 banger Lyman mold. I have some large handles but they are too thick to go in the mold slots. Which handles do I need to dig up? Thanks

10-30-2006, 12:26 PM
threett1- Lyman makes a different set of handles for the 4-bangers, Midway has them, didn't check other places. I also see them occassionally on eBarf. Another option, (low-cost), may be Lee 6-banger handles with some modification. I've never done this route, but from reading other threads it seems like you can modify Lee's handle to do most everything. I'm sure someone else will chime-in if this modification is either impossible or plausible. Hope this helps.


10-30-2006, 09:44 PM
Appreciate it Klausg. Would like to know if the Lee 6 will fit because I feel a 6 banger in my future.:-D