View Full Version : Problem loading 45-70

10-27-2006, 10:04 PM
Has anyone run into this.
Cases are new, necks expanded enough to allow the base of the bullet to just start, no sheering off of the bullet when seating.
After seating the bullet, the case is bulged by the bullet on one side.
I've tried bumping the bullet lightly while rotating the case, no go.
Applied mica lube to the bullet, still no go.
I've never had this kind of issue with straight wall pistol cases.
Any ideas?

10-27-2006, 10:26 PM
Yes I have had the same problem a few times. Makes an ugly cartridge. I attributed the cause to loading bullets of .461" in cases sized to take .458". I don't understand why it happened but it happened only with the larger bullets. Hopefully someone has an answer.

10-27-2006, 10:52 PM
Obviously something is misalighned, first on my list is the shell holder, pull it out and put a shell in it, and look at the bottom to see if the primer pocket is centered. Sometimes a small bit of grit, crud or cleaning media will find its way into the shell holder, preventing the brass from properly aligning with the die.
Other possabilities are a sprung press(older "C" types), a nose profile that doesnt match the seating stem (allowing the bullet to start crooked) and a die not drilled in the center (rare), and at least two other things that will make me look foolish when the real culprit is figured out. DM

10-28-2006, 12:29 AM
A combination of a "too large" bullet and a case with case mouth thinner on one side can also cause this. The solution for this is a custom expander no more than .002" smaller than the bullet.

Lee expander's are easy to make as they require no threads. Pat Wolf offers these in her catalog (she is now Mrs Lee Stone). I failed to "book mark" her website unfortunately. Maybe someone on here has her new address (the co-author of the "Trapdoor Springfield Book". The real title is "Loading Cartridges for the Original .45-70 springfield rifle and Carbine".

I just found her new address:


Anyone with any interest in Springfield Trapdoors NEED this book. Excellent reference, with drawings of expanders and LOTS of data on loading to the original specs.



10-28-2006, 11:17 AM
Happened to me once. I was loading .357 Mag ammo and the Lee expanding die was out of aligmenment/off center. I expanded and belled the cases with a Lyman and the problem went away. Same cases, same bullets, just a different die.

I salvaged the lock ring from the die and pitched the rest into the trash. Last Lee die I have ever bought.

10-28-2006, 11:36 AM
I have found that happens from the nose of the seating stem not matching the nose profile of the projectile.
In Midsouth Shooters Supply catalog I have noticed that with the RCBS sillouette molds a seating stem can be ordered for the seating die. There might be enough variation in them to have a close enough match for reloading other projectiles.

Jon K
10-28-2006, 11:54 AM
Lyman "M" die will expand uniformly, that may help you. If you are putting a heavy crimp, and alignment or die size, may all play a part in causing the bulge on one side.


10-28-2006, 01:51 PM
Thanks for the replies;)
I crimp cases in a seperate order, so this is occuring while seating only.
I just seated another using a flat piece of metal that I rubber banded to the press just to see what would happen.
Still get the slight bulge on the case when seated.
Process of elimination, I'll try another shell holder as D.Mack suggested and report back.

10-28-2006, 01:57 PM
I just noticed the same problem on some cases I was preparing the necks on with a Lee neck expander die.
The Lee expander and the Lee bullet seater are similar in the fact that the 'plugs' inside that do the work are not threaded into anything. They slide up and down in a cylindrical area, and the fit is not extremely close.

I think the 'plug' is able to tilt a bit to one side...causing an angled alignment with the case mouth.

This is not a big deal for me because the cases will get fireformed, and then never neck sized again.
But, to cure the problem, I think a switch to another brand of die...one in which the seating (or expanding) stem is threaded and locked in the die body...is the answer.

But, all is not lost. You can get a powder compression slug from Track Of The Wolf which will fit in the Lee die (costs 3 bucks), and just use it for that purpose.

charger 1
10-28-2006, 02:03 PM
Has anyone run into this.
Cases are new, necks expanded enough to allow the base of the bullet to just start, no sheering off of the bullet when seating.
After seating the bullet, the case is bulged by the bullet on one side.
I've tried bumping the bullet lightly while rotating the case, no go.
Applied mica lube to the bullet, still no go.
I've never had this kind of issue with straight wall pistol cases.
Any ideas?

Depending on the die set you have,there could be as much as .005+" interference. I havent seen a die set yet that properly expands to accomodate cast,or even jacket for that matter. I make my own buttons so that the boolit will almost go in thumb pressure

10-28-2006, 09:25 PM
Tried the RCBS shell holder, same issue.
The brass is .002 thicker on one side, which could be the source of this problem.
I'll still order powder compression slug and see if that helps.
Thanks again gents for the input;)