View Full Version : Tinn Norge?

12-26-2010, 11:29 PM
I finally think I have found some usable metal at a local thrift shop. I found a decent sized decanter (I think that's what you'd call it), probably weighs 1/4 lb. It is easily bendable by hand. On the bottom it says "TINN NORGE E23". I guessing this would be Norweigian tin? I'm going to weigh it once I get a decent scale and start alloying it with some stick-on WW ingots I made. They are really soft, easily scratched with a fingernail. I just need to weigh everything out so I get my alloy right. I'm not really sure what how much tin I should add to the ingots to make useable bullets for my .45 ACP, velocity around 750-800 fps.

Oh, I paid $1.70 for it, by the way.

12-26-2010, 11:55 PM
Also, I found a couple of these but I didn't buy them because I didn't think it was pewter. Now I see the exact same thing on e-bay listed as pewter. Is this the real deal? If so, I'm going back tomorrow!!!


12-27-2010, 12:03 AM

These are aluminum not tin, beware.

12-27-2010, 12:10 AM
Thanks! Yeah, they felt like aluminum, which is why I didn't buy them. Then I look on e-bay and they are being sold as pewter. I thought "man, thats just my luck..."

12-27-2010, 12:23 AM
Wilton Armetale is not pewter. None of it is. Its all armetale

12-27-2010, 04:43 PM
Yeah I got a bunch of those Wilton dishes from my mom's garage, been in there for years. Either I will sell them on ebay, not as pewter though or make a trade at the scrap yard for whatever he will give me in lead.


12-28-2010, 11:12 AM
Tinn Norge is Norwegian for "Tin Norway". I've also bought some of it that I have melted down into 1/2 lb bars.

Season Greeting from Norway

12-28-2010, 01:30 PM
Thanks Norseman! I thought that was what it translated as. It'll be melted down here soon...

12-29-2010, 10:09 PM
Paladin, at only 750-800 fps, you should be able to get by with just about pure lead. 5% tin should probably get you up to 850fps or more if I recall correctly.

Good luck and let us know how it works.

cajun shooter
12-30-2010, 12:20 PM
Wilton Armetale is a mix of 7 different metals. They are located in PA. and are highly sought by collectors as one plate of the Queen Anne collection sells for over $50 new. My wife has over 60 pieces. Some such as serving bowls are over $200 so I don't think I would sell it to a scrap yard where you will be taken.

12-30-2010, 09:54 PM
Steve, I look to pay $2-3/lb for pewter items. That's over the course of a whole days scrounging. I've got a bit put away so I can be picky. When I got started I paid a little too much for a few items but once I got a stash I started putting the heirlooms back. About 25% of the time the seller decided it wasn't that valuable and it would follow me home. Happy Hunting.

12-31-2010, 08:37 PM
I know a spot I can pick up a 55 gallon drum full of pewter. Gotta find the time. I'll pass the good fortune on to you guys once I get it. I doubt I will be melting it down. I will just crush and put it in boxes and sell it for what it weighs.
I trust this place, the fellow who buys knows his metals. They also use a Niton analizer.