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12-18-2010, 11:40 PM
Anyone used this reticle? I was thinking about a Luepold 1.25-4 on my Guide Gun. It seems like it would be a good match.

12-19-2010, 12:54 AM
I have the German No. 4 reticle in several of my Leupold and Swarovski scopes and like it. I like it because it seems more open and less cluttered to me. It is excellent for target shooting and hunting in relatively open country such as my family's place in western Kerr County, TX. However, I would hesitate to recommend it's use in heavy brush or twilight conditions. A plex or heavy plex would probably work better under those circumstances. Your choice of a 1.25x4 seems right on the mark for a guide gun. A VX-3 1.5x5 would be a good choice as well.
Regards and good luck,

12-19-2010, 12:48 PM
I have the #4 reticule in my Leupold 1.5 x 5 30mm scope that sits on my .416 Taylor. Very fast sight locating with no question on what the aim point is looking at.Robert

cajun shooter
12-19-2010, 01:01 PM
I have always thought that the German #4 was one of the best for all around use on game.

Doc Highwall
12-19-2010, 01:04 PM
I have the 4A reticle and I also like the 4.

12-19-2010, 01:56 PM
I have the lighted version of the #4 in my Leo 1.5 X 5 and like it but not as well as the Armson tritium post recticle in the 1.25 X 4 I have on a 338W.


12-19-2010, 03:00 PM
My German #4 accompanies my Burris Euro Diamond 1-4x24 mm sight on one of my Guide Guns. Among simpler reticles it is perhaps the most useful for all-around use. While I refuse to shoot beyond 200 meters, the reticle is usable well beyond that distance.

Hope this helps.
Parenthetically, the Burris, with its 30 mm basis tube and lockable adjustment at a fraction of Leupold's buy-in price - and made in USA!! - is worthwhile considering along with Leupold's version of the same sight.

Just a thought.

12-19-2010, 09:17 PM

Many years ago, longer than I care to remember, Dave Budin of Del-Sports, who was importing Kahles scopes into the country recommended that I try the German #1 reticle. This is the triple post with two heavy square ended side posts and a pointed center post. I did, and all of my rifles other than varmint rifles are now equipped with scopes with this reticle. I have found nothing better for use on running game or in low light. 1" groups are possible with this reticle as long as the center post is pointed and housed in a scope with good optics.

You might want to give this a try on your guide rifle if it is to be used in a hurry in close cover. At one time Leupold offered this reticle, and I have a couple of their VariX-III's in 1.5x5 with it and have sent several Leupolds in to Premier Reticles in West Virginia to have this reticle installed.

I just thought that you might want an alternative to consider. I have not found anything better over the years.

12-21-2010, 12:56 PM
German #4 Reticle


Anyone used this reticle? I was thinking about a Luepold 1.25-4 on my Guide Gun. It seems like it would be a good match.

The Leupold German #4 is very thick, thicker than what they advertise. I lucked out by getting one in a VXII 3X9, so on 9 power it exactly covers 3/4" at 100 yds. But if you go to 4X, it will be over double in size. Is that good for you? If you are shooting in low light and brush, maybe that's great. But if you are trying to shoot groups, a huge reticle is less desireable.

12-22-2010, 01:03 AM
I want this scope for hunting. I can always adapt a target for 100 yard shooting for load developement, or use a different scope.

I see this as quick hunting in the brush, or reeds and possibly at night using a light under the barrel for hogs.

Patrick L
12-24-2010, 09:20 AM
I don't have one, but I want one. It would seem an ideal choice given my years of target shooting using a post front sight. I hope to try it out soon.