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12-16-2010, 04:39 AM

My wife brought home some cherries today. They are in season and a Christmas sort of thing to us. I got to thinking today about the differences the hemispheres play in Christmas celebrations. You see, unlike our cousins in the north who are presently up to their collective nether regions in snow, it is summer down here (not that you would have known it today). Christmas day for my family will sart at friends for brunch then the main event will be at Grandads (father inlaws) and a BBQ late lunch. Ham, prawns, lamb, new potatoes and fresh lettuces from my garden and maybe some baby carrots if they are good and ready. My folks used to do a tradition heavy Christmas lunch and in the heat of summer it made no sense at all but Dad knew best God rest his soul.

So, what are you all doing, eating and where?

12-16-2010, 04:50 AM
Hi Jeff,
Yes very similiar start after present opening with a "bubbly" breakfast BBQ of pancakes and bacon and more bubbles.
Then its everyone at our place for Christmas lunch as per normal with Weber Turkey and ham, young spiker venison steaks and lamb on the grill. We too have forgone the heavy traditional lunch with no roast veges but salads and fresh peas and asparagus. Not forgetting my annual feed of Oamaru Jersey new potatoes which I hang out for every year.
Then about four o'clock the dog and I will hit the beach for our 4K walk weather permitting.

12-16-2010, 07:41 AM
On Christmas Day we will be entertaining a young lady from Austrailla at our house.
She's from Beesbane (sp) and has never seen much snow.
She is my sons girl friend that he met while on manovers there in Austrailla several years ago.
My son is in the Marine Corps stationed at Camp Pendelton, California.
Streak & Lobster for supper.

Wayne Smith
12-16-2010, 10:44 AM
We will spend the day with our best friends who are also our youngest son's in-laws, our son and daughter-in-law, perhaps my oldest son, probably their youngest will come down from Baltimore, perhaps with his girlfriend, and I think their oldest will still be in Japan.

Since LOML is allergic to all wheat, milk and tomato products, our best friend's wife doesn't use any refined sugar, and I'm diabetic our diet has changed over the past several years. We are still trying different recipies and ideas.

Menu will include turkey, duck and ham! Beer and/or wine for all who want it.

Day after is a trip to High Point, NC to visit extended family.

12-16-2010, 12:43 PM
Unfortunately, an underground mine can't be turned on-or-off like a tap...it needs at least SOME people 24/7/365.

I'll be working the 6pm-6am night shift both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It's just luck of the draw as to where the Holidays fall in our rotating schedule, and we're accustomed to the necessity. It does COST the company, of course. I'll get 12 hours' overtime (equivalent of 18 hours at straight time) plus 8 hours statutory holiday pay for a total of 26 hours' pay for twelve worked On top of that is mine bonus, which has been running around $20 per hour lately. Close to $1000 for one shift eases the situation considerably.....

All across the country, there will be many thousands of people working to keep things running and safe while most of us enjoy family, friends and good times at home.

Spare them a thought as you celebrate.

12-16-2010, 01:06 PM
Christmas eve we'll have family and friends over. My family has a long standing tradition of not going to church Christmas morning. It seems odd but we have always gone to midnight mass Christmas eve. My mother used to make homemade cinnammon rolls after church so they could rise overnight, a tradition I have continued.
The kids get up, devastate the gifts and I cook breakfast, usually omelets and french toast with some juice and tea. round about mid afternoon we'll get together with the in laws for dinner.

We take it easy Christmas day. It's a day of celebration and reflection. The day after Christmas I always go squirrel hunting. Last year was the first year my son joined me.

12-16-2010, 01:17 PM
i'd think she'd be from brisbane [they have a professional australian rules football team there called the bears].
anyways, christmas was supposed to be spent at work this year, again.
but they don't like to pay us to not work, so i'll be at home all week without pay.
the family will be stuck together in the house pretty much all day, unless the weather is fair then i'll probably go shooting.
new years i'll be on location somewhere in north dakota, and i have no idea where the family will be that day/night.

12-16-2010, 01:20 PM
My wife & I will pick up our daughter at the airport and then go to dinner, i.e., if we can find a restaurant that is open. Jeff, even though she lives in Tampa, FL, the temps. down there haven't been so different than those in my neck of the woods, at least in the morning.

Von Gruff
12-16-2010, 03:03 PM
I will be going down to the city to collect my 83 year old mother on Christmas eve so she can spend a few days with my wife and I. Being on her own she dosent get to have a roast leg of mutton any more so that is the base of our Christmas dinner. With just the three of us this year it will be a relaxing day. Boxing day will be a day at the river to sit in the shade under a tree for a picnic with a willow stick fire (love that smell) to brew a cup of tea and listen to the sounds of the water and the birds. Will take tyhe 22LR as we often see a rabbit up that way.

Best wishes for a safe, happy, and blessed family celebration to you all.

Von Gruff.

gray wolf
12-16-2010, 03:22 PM
Julie and I have no family that is in the area, so it will be the two of us and the two fur kids.
No presents, but we are used to that. Julie will make us a nice lunch on X-mas day.
We give thanks for what we have everyday.
I hope everyone has a safe holiday and don't eat to much LOL.


12-16-2010, 03:23 PM
Hmm. Christmas Eve I'll have the family over for Ham and a Goose I recently bagged while hunting.. We'll have mashed spuds, gravy, sweet potatoes, caeser salad (I make a mean dressing), garlic bread, and a few other things.. after we pig out, then it's time to open presents.. this year we'll be doing it white elephant style.. with the old "steal a gift" option..

Christmas morning my wife and I will open our presents to each other.. and I already told her I am expecting none since I um.. already bought my own... she is getting several things I failed to get "last year".

It is undecided if we are going to my parent's house or to my Sister's.. I'm hoping it's to the parent's house.. more parking, shorter drive.. we will likely be having prime rib with all the fixins... then I'm thinking of going duck hunting on the 26th.. that would require me to leave Christmas night... undecided yet... I have a good blind, so it'll be a difficult decision..

12-16-2010, 03:56 PM
sargenv- if I had a good blind and birds, I'd go for the ducks. My season just about ended last week when most everything around here froze up and the birds left. I'll be checking some small creeks that might be open for any stragglers, but don't expect much.

12-16-2010, 04:44 PM
Gail and I have none of our (combined) family living close by. We went to the coast in late November to see the coastal folks and to exchange gifts. I saw my two boys in October during my anual hunting trip North. SO--Christmas day we will enjoy each others company in peace and quiet! Usually we do not give each other gifts at Christmas, rather we donate what we would have spent to those who need it more than we do. Things got a bit tight this year cause the furnace needed to be replaced but we will be able to donate to the food bank and the SPCA in January. We wish every one the degree of happiness we enjoy and wish all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!!

12-16-2010, 06:03 PM
Christmas Eve My daughters and grand children will vist for the traditional family gift exchange. Christmas Day will be at my oldest daughter's to get stuffed on turkey, dressing, gravy, ham, potato salad, deviled eggs, etc., plus pies of course!

Every one please enjoy the day. Good cheer to all.

12-16-2010, 08:32 PM
I generally work.

12-16-2010, 09:19 PM
For me it will be the first Christmas in a few years that it will be just me, my two cats and small dog.
No presents, no Christmas tree
Will have prime rib for the main meal of the day and most likely sit and watch something on the TV and do some more college home work. Yep no time off for Christmas.
Isn't how I expected Christmas to be but seems to be the way it ended up.
I truly hope the new year is a dang site better than this one turned out to be. Someday maybe I can even figure out just what went wrong and why so I don't fall into that spot again in life, but who knows maybe it is just the way my road in life is supposed to be.
To all of you who will spend it with family and dear friends please remember life is very short and fragile and cherish your loved ones because you never know when or how they could be taken from you.
Merry Christmas to all my friends here at Castboolits and a very happy New Year.
ps Please remember our troops fighting for us in your prayers. They do so much for us and ask so little in return.

Gary Carter
12-16-2010, 10:06 PM
Working Christmas Eve 2200 to 0800, home by 0900, walk the dog, then go to bed. Get up Christmas afternoon to eat supper and visit with the family till they go to bed.

Southern Son
12-17-2010, 01:06 AM
Working, same as last year, but unlike Bruce B, I don't get any overtime or penalties. I wish I had it off cause me an the Missus just moved to a new town where we have no friends or relatives so she will be at home all alone untill I get home. At least she will have the fur kids.

bruce drake
12-17-2010, 03:04 AM
Its a working day for me here in Afghanistan but the wife and kids are driving 8 hours today to be home for Christmas week with the Grandparents. They will definitely overeat and have a great time with the rest of the family so thats good to go for me.


12-17-2010, 09:20 AM
Going coyote calling with my wife like every year. No kids to entertain and it is something we enjoy. Besides, there are waaaay to many coyotes around this year.

12-17-2010, 09:37 AM
Pick up my toddler from his mom around noon and try to find an event we can go to ourselves since all my extended family have opposing schedules nad/or are too far away to be feasible (to make it back by Sunday evening to give him back). Christmas after a breakup kinda sucks, but it'll get better over time. At least I get so see him on Christmas and I got some nice presents I think he'll really love. It's easy to please a 2 yr old.

12-17-2010, 01:26 PM
We will be in Florida with the family for Christmas. Christmas day will be gift opening time for all followed by turkey dinner followed by nap time, then more visiting. Its the one time of the year that the immediate family is all together, a great time together and celebrating the birth of Christ. BTW, Bro & I will go to the range and do some shooting on the 23rd.

12-17-2010, 09:34 PM
Will be spending Christmas morning with my wife and daughter, after opening gifts have a large lunch, turkey and ham. Then around 12:30 leave for work.

Merry Christmas to everyone. Keep it safe.

82nd airborne
12-17-2010, 09:36 PM
Me and mine will be celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior.

DIRT Farmer
12-17-2010, 09:37 PM
Christmas Eve, read Luke 2:1-20 a tradition we started after our daughter was born and continued as the boys were added, Christmas Day, Feed the stock, check the wells (my 7-365) job, say a prayer for the ones who work on all holidays to keep us safe and the lights and heat on, a special prayer for the troops. Spend the rest of the day with whoever shows up to visit us and Dad. Food will be the grazing style set out for who is hungry when they are hungry. We have a lot of frozen turnips left in the field, they bust well when shot and some of the grand kids like to shoot.

82nd airborne
12-17-2010, 11:13 PM
If any of you are in the area and do not have a place to celebrate Christmas, Please come to my home. You will not leave hungry, and you probably wont leave without shooting something. You will be treated like family.

DIRT Farmer
12-18-2010, 01:04 AM
And that Aaron is Christmas.

82nd airborne
12-18-2010, 01:37 AM
Tis the reason good sir.

12-19-2010, 12:40 AM
i wish i was working, double time for 12hrs would be sweet.

but ill likely be riding my dirtbike.

12-20-2010, 07:38 PM
Same thing I've done since retiring from the Fire Dept. back in 01... Settin home watchin a movie.. Maybe go out to the man cave and do some loading since the range is closed.. That's about it!!!

12-20-2010, 08:26 PM
Lots of Christmas workers; I'm actually not even on call....what is this "overtime" you speak of? Christmas Eve services, lunch with friends, dinner with family.

12-21-2010, 12:03 AM
Visiting my 87 yr old father back in VA, then on to SC, GA and Fla to visit the far flung
family members. Lots of traveling, but it is good to visit everyone.


12-21-2010, 12:11 AM
hanging out with the inlaws in down town chicago 13th floor it has quiet a view.
we don't do much on christmas open presents lay around go to the step fathers family get together. Christmas eve in the cuban tradition is the big deal, Noche Buena is full of loud music, lots of pork, yuca and mojo. a good time to be had by all.

12-21-2010, 10:05 AM
Watching the last 3 children that are still young enough to be home open their presents from the wife and I, and of course them telling us what Santa brought them.

Cleaning up from the party Christmas Eve, 8 kids plus significant others for the half that have them and 6 almost 7 grandchildren not to mention assorted close friends and parents.

When did I become the patriarch? I believe it was around the time I became "Responsible"...

I'm thinking I will sneak out to the man cave and cast up some 8mm boolits in the mold that is currently on the big brown truck finding its way to my house as I type this.

12-21-2010, 12:45 PM
Going out to visit my troops at their Combat Out Posts (COPs)- You all have a wonderful and safe Christmas; watch out for the other guy on the road.

Best Regards,

12-21-2010, 01:01 PM
On the eve my wife and I will enjoy watching the kids crack into their gifts. Christmas day will be a feast of barbecue ribs, beans, potato salad, homebrew etc. A hike will follow to burn some of that off. A trip to the range with our 1885's is likely the following day depending on the weather.

We hope you all have a safe and pleasant holiday season.

12-21-2010, 02:11 PM
well not going anywhere this christmas just sitting home with the family will prob cook a turkey and fixins, dont know yet. and as for newyears we will be doing the same thing that we are doing on christmas just minis one person. Of course the kids could have plans for new years im sure they dont want to spend it just sitting around with their old mom.
Everyone have a safe and fun holiday,

12-21-2010, 03:55 PM
Christmas morning will begin with shouts and screams of "Santa was here" (Kids still believe in Santa because dear old Dad is too tight with money to buy gifts;-) )

Pictures will be taken of gift opening while the living room turns into a disaster area.

I will then tend to the livestock while Christmas dinner is finished being prepared. We are having ham and probably turkey also. All the fixin's too.

Dinner will probably be about 1:00-2:00 pm, then it will be nap time. May go to the local range if things work out.

Merry Christmas to all.

12-21-2010, 03:58 PM
Have duty on call all weekend. Merry Christmas to all, a big shout out to emergency providers, and of course those in service of our country.

12-21-2010, 05:14 PM
Going out to visit my troops at their Combat Out Posts (COPs)- You all have a wonderful and safe Christmas; watch out for the other guy on the road.

Best Regards,

If you run into any Kiwi's say "hi" from me. They are easy to spot. They will be shivering madly as they are accustomed to summer Christmas's.

6.5 mike
12-21-2010, 05:32 PM
On the boat working, no such thing as holidays.

12-21-2010, 06:02 PM
:killingpc :killingpc :killingpc [smilie=b:

I'll be working in the Bighouse. My thoughts go out to our combined forces on the frontline this Christmas; may it be a quiet and safe Merry Christmas for you.

To ALL of those who have to work so others can be safe, warm and well fed this Christmas; a hearty thanks and Merry Christmas.

To ALL who have Chirstmas off, enjoy, be safe and remember the Christmas Spirit.

I hope that All of us will report back before the New Year to say how their Christmas went and to say farewell to this year of our Lord, Two thousand and ten.


12-21-2010, 09:24 PM
Hey Jeff,

Well, lean times here, not many presents under the tree but that is A0K.

Wife and I are very happy we are all still together and us and the kids will have a bumper meal with a 7lbs standing rib roast cooked rare in the Bradley smoker along with Lobster tails and about ten home made pies Bigshell (pet name for my wife, has nothing to do with size either...........) will make.

We'll probably have some friends stop over and bring their kids (no grandkids for us) and for the kids we have presents to give!

.......and anyone who doesn't have someplace to go on Christmas? They can always come over, NOBODY has EVER left my house around dinnertime hungry................

Makes me happy just to wake up every morning next to a VERY nice girl..........even if she out hunts me about seven years out of ten.........



12-22-2010, 08:28 AM
Just caught up with this thread.
Janet and I have gotten close to a family up here that has four children. We'll be going over there Christmas morning to take some thinks to the kids.
The rest of the day will be spent relaxing and, probably, doing a little casting, lubing and sizing.

Down South
12-22-2010, 09:57 AM
I'll be making the rounds. The first stop will be at my oldest daughters house for Christmas breakfast and present opening. The second stop will be at my aunt's house for Christmas Lunch and a Dirty Santa Present swap. The third stop will be at my youngest daughters house for Christmas diner.

The wife will be baking pies and a ham for the proceedings.

12-22-2010, 10:04 AM
will have the family here for Prime rib and to make room in the house will fire up the barn heater and cast boolits for all! Clint

12-23-2010, 02:20 PM

Please stay safe and thank you for your service. Come home safe to your
loved ones.


12-23-2010, 02:34 PM
It's just me and wife. We'll wake up late, take our time getting ready, and then go to the movie theater. There's a good steak house in town that's open till 6 or so, we'll eat there, go home and go back to bed.

bruce drake
12-24-2010, 11:19 PM
Currently sitting in the office managing the radio net and listening to some christmas carols on CD so my sergeant can sleep in a little.

Will probably go out and do some guard duty for a young trooper later tonight so he can call home to talk to his folks on his first Christmas away from home.


Russell James
12-24-2010, 11:36 PM
Was going to be at work but am stuck between flooded rivers in the aftermath of "Cyclone Tasha "!

12-25-2010, 12:10 AM
If the weather holds I plan to cast. Low on boolits for 32 mag.

12-25-2010, 03:59 PM
Well, it was a busy old day yesterday. Two VERY excited little girls and their mother was not much better! HAHA. Just a lovely day with friends and family. Even took in a stray. "Tertle's" good lady is out of town so he joined us for while last evening after we put the hard word on him.

Muddy Creek Sam
12-25-2010, 04:47 PM
Spending the day with my Mom and Katie, Waiting for Mom's little sister and watching Christmas Movies.

Just got stuffed with Turkey.

Merry Christmas,

Sam :D

mold maker
12-25-2010, 04:47 PM
Christmas lunch and dinner with the in laws yesterday, and today, breakfast and lunch at my Moms home with all my family and some friends, (19 total) It's the first Christmas without Mom, and there was a somber moment while we expressed remembrances of her. Of course there was way too much food and everyone was expected to make "carry out plates" to take to some older neighbors in the community.
This morning as we prepared to load up to go to Moms, it started snowing for the first White Christmas in many years. (1947) At 3:30 there is over 3" of Christmas cheer, and it's still coming down. It looks as if the shovel will get used tomorrow.
Here's wishing everyone the same joy and happiness I have had, on this glorious day.

12-25-2010, 04:48 PM
Just spent an hour casting until I splashed a droplet into my beard…I heard the sizzle and smelled it, but it didn't reach much skin. First time I ever had that happen. And the mold is OK, too.

Just a lazy day for us. Got back from church about 1:30 a.m. and slept in until 8:00. Our "traditions" have changed now that the boys are both married. (Funny thing how in holiday scheduling, the wives always seem to win.) Even our Christmas Eve roast beef dinner had to be on Christmas Eve Eve so everyone could be here. Oh well, we take what life gives us.

Best to all,


12-25-2010, 04:59 PM
Merry Christmas, all. Having a relaxing afternoon conversation with my sons in town for the holiday... listening to Christmas music and drinking egg nog.

12-25-2010, 05:56 PM
Having a lazy day here. Watching "Battle of the Bulge" and eating snacks. Many thanks to all who wear the uniform this Christmas. Stay safe everyone.

12-25-2010, 06:04 PM
Just had a good Christmas dinner. Ate too much as usual. Between one set of grandkids and right in the midst of the second set right now. Snow on the ground here in Kentucky and I have a good fire going in the fireplace.

Good day today. Sorted and sized some 9mm brass and have it tumbling right now. Had some good shooting with my son and grandson yesterday.

Couple of new Rugers that I bought myself for Christmas.

Best wishes to all of you guys in Afghanistan and if any of you are close to the 1-101st Avn Bn, wish them a Merry Christmas from their old CSM (their first one). My heart is with all you guys over there at Christmas time. I've been there and done that and I appreciate the sacrifice you're making, especially here at the holidays./beagle

12-25-2010, 06:20 PM
Cooking yesterday and this AM - fed 20-odd kin and friends- sent out another half-dozen "go" meals to some folks who can't get out - now watching a light snow with the bride before we open our small gifts to each other - and, of course, reading all the latest on the best site ever, Cast Boolits !! (while sipping a Yuengling)

12-25-2010, 06:28 PM
Currently sitting in the office managing the radio net and listening to some christmas carols on CD so my sergeant can sleep in a little.

Will probably go out and do some guard duty for a young trooper later tonight so he can call home to talk to his folks on his first Christmas away from home.

please allow an old Jarhead to flatter a bit. YOU are exactly the type of officer us NCO's never had as a CO for long enough.
I had a platoon commander who was a mustang named Captain Thomas. He was, by far, the finest officer I ever served under in the decade I spent in the Corps. He knew all his Marines, and treated us like family. He used to buy groceries for his junior enlisted men when he'd get wind of one of them having tough times at home. His wife once gave ALL their furniture in their house to a young married E-3 in our platoon. Yeah, she did it so he'd buy her new stuff, but she didn't have to give the old stuff away.
You strike me as a man cut from the same cloth sir.
There's a cold beer or a hot cup of coffee and a seat at my campfire for you anytime you'd care to stop by.
Semper Fi SIR!!!

12-25-2010, 06:30 PM
Since we went to church last night this morning was a lazy one, visiting with relatives via cell phone and SKYPE online, arond noon had another couple over for brunch, then more visiting electronically. Now we are watching Miracle on 34th St while waiting for dinner to cook. Finally we will open more gifts with our son's family who live locally.

Merry Christmas to all,


bruce drake
12-25-2010, 11:55 PM

I was just taught right as a Private by my first Platoon Sergeant SGT Joe Powers USMC.

Then when I was a Platoon Sergeant, my Company CO CAPT Mike Page was a Mustang.

And now I'm a Mustang and I hope my actions will carry over to another young trooper like theirs did.


12-28-2010, 09:15 PM
For all of those spending Christmas away from home and some in harms way so that I can be safer at home.


Be safe.


An adage from combat to follow . . .

"Better he than me!"


You prove a point, nothing makes a better officer than someone that spent some time as a non comm.