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View Full Version : Gun Confiscation in New Orleans

Uncle Grinch
10-18-2006, 09:15 PM
I had heard about this travesty in New Orleans, but until I watched this video, I did not understand the full impact.


Thank GOD for our NRA!

10-18-2006, 11:01 PM
I swore to myself I would not go here with this, but here goes:

The NOPD was not involved in ALL the brutal confiscations as was depicted in Pattie Konie's clip. The majority were "guest LEO" agencies from around the USA. Please note the shoulder patch on the goon's uniform inside Pattie's home. It is NOT local.

The NewOrleans Times Picayune ran a full front page article complete with photos of an old and very frail woman being dragged from her home. She was slammed against the rear of a Humvee with her right arm shoved up to the nape of her neck. The 'guest' LEO "in control" was identified as woman from the California State Police. This "female" was decked out in the best black rip stop nylon Ninja uniform replete with all the gadgets so neccessary to subdue this aged menace to society. Her home was as Pattie's, no flood waters, ample supply of food and potable water. This unfortunate lady's crime du jour was possession of a rusted .22 cal. revolver. A smirking "male" accomplice (also identified as a California State Cop) displayed the confiscated pistol for the media to photograph.

The attitude of these out of state people is\was " so Fg what", I\we cannot be held responsible for our actions. We're just doing our job. That folks was related to me by a local LEO. As he also told me, "those ****** were practicing on the old folks here to do a number on the same type of people where they come from".

I know how volatile a subject this is here, I am also aware that this post may well draw fire to me. Even at the risk of expulsion from this site I will speak my mind in defense of the local LEO departments who were in combat with the drug gangs and thugs on both sides of the Mississippi River while the "guest agencies" had their way with our 'Miss Patties' .

Yours Truly,

Harold Leaming

Uncle Grinch
10-18-2006, 11:24 PM

That makes more sense to one of the video clip comments where a gentleman mentions the New Jersey LEO.

I had to go back and listen to it again to really what he said.

All in all, law enforcement got a bad rep from an even worse political machine.

10-19-2006, 12:40 AM
Hi Mike,

The armed insurrection that overwhelmed the NOPD and other area LE agencies following the after math of Katrina's destruction is a story that may never be written. I can think of no movie depicting the entire breakdown of law and order that one may draw an analogy from.

Yes, Mike, many a good local Cop got an undeserved bad rap from the press. Worse yet, never will the "press" apologise, retract or make right their lies, half-truths and fabrications. "My" cop know this, but she goes on doing the job she loves. Makes an old man proud.


10-19-2006, 12:59 AM
"CastBoolits" ,I do not think, should be a venue for the discussion of what happened 14 months ago in New Orleenz. NRA's role in making right the unlawful and often brutal confiscation of private property by those sworn to uphold the very Constitution they so egregiously violated is.

What those bullies with a badge did to Ms. Pattie should be an alarm to all. There are many people on this earth serving as living testament that have endured and witnessed the horror of the "I was under orders!" nonsense. Take heed.

Yours Truly,


10-19-2006, 06:35 AM
Those who had their guns taken should file an armed robbery complaint against whoever did it it. Ms Pattie still has time to get the last laugh.

10-19-2006, 08:02 AM
I do wish the citizens would have realised what was happening, and started shooting at those confiscating the guns. They knew what they were doing was wrong, and the Secound Ammendment is in place for exactly such purposes.

10-19-2006, 11:10 AM
Home Invasion is a serious crime, and those responsible should be punished to the full extent of the law! Lock them up with the other thugs and let them fend for themselves. Sadists the whole lot.

10-19-2006, 11:48 AM
Excerpts from a recent Time Magazine interview with Marvin LeBlanc, St. Bernard Parish Liaison for the State Farm Claims Process

"I can't remember a time in my 43 years that I've learned more about people. The good & the bad. All extremes. But daily, sometimes only slightly, things get a little better."

The Lt. Colonel - (Dysart) in charge of the recovery of Fallujah has been hired by St. Bernard parish to rebuild our infrastructure. I've been in several meetings with him. Very caring, energetic, articulate, "get it done" kinda guy. He states that in his "career", he's seen no bombed area that comes close to St. Bernard's destruction. The only thing Iraq had that we didn't was blood.

Our gas lines, water lines, foundations of streets subsiding, potholes over night, 250,000 gallons of oil spilled & unprecedented flooding since 1776, has made this EASILY the worst disaster in American History. And St. Bernard Parish had more devastation than any place else - no parish will lose more homes to demolition. And YET - daily - you hear less & less about Katrina Victims & our broken lives.

Currently, there are Third World Countries that enjoy a higher quality of life than St. Bernard Parish.

The federal money came quick & fast for Iraq & yet - our own people - AMERICANS mind you - are having to scratch & claw for every federal dime we acquire in St. Bernard. This is way past outrage.

5 days - no one from our Govt or Military came. Not one helicopter. On or around day 6, the Canadian Military initiated a "friendly invasion", descended on one of our fields, set up camp, ASKED FOR NOTHING but their marching orders on what perimeter to secure, were completely self-sufficient & fortified the law enforcement & parish officials that never left.

Every chance I get, this Cajun Boy will buy Canadian.

Marvin LeBlanc - 17 year St. Bernard Business Owner

Marvin LeBlanc, Your Good Neighbor State Farm Agent

Now my 2 cents:

There are two forms of lying: by commission or by ommission. Whatever form suits the media they will use. 'Time' edited this story to lay blame for a natural disaster on Dubya. How absurd! The real failings were in Baton Rouge & New Orleenz.

What I know to be first hand accounts; on film & documented; in the hours and days following the 21 ft. storm surge that simply ran over the levees and totally inundated both St.Bernard and Plaquimine Parishes come from friends and family in Government, our Sheriffs Dep't., Fire & Rescue, and EMT's.

The Canadians that arrived without fanfare and ado were both Military and RCMP. Being the professionals they are, they ran 40 miles of concertina wire as a barrier to the would-be looters and thugs from N.O. They took positions along what avenues were open for rescue and relief. These men did an outstanding job under perhaps the most appalling conditions apart from the combat in Afghanistan where they served with Americans.

Hats off to the Maple Leaf,

Harold Leaming

10-19-2006, 08:50 PM
I've said it before, and will say it again.
We could never ask for better neighbors than the Canadians. They are a class act all the way, at least in the western provinces. I travel in Canada quite a bit, and have never met anyone there, who I would not like to consider a friend.

10-20-2006, 12:56 AM
Another YES vote for Canadians as a "class act", and belated thanks for their service in LA.

I've already let it be known to my old agency how I felt about gun confiscation attempts in 1992, when I refused to participate in a program of that nature. I don't know what sorts of problems created the perception of need for such steps, but I'll be damned if I would take part in such acts. You are asking to get shot by otherwise law-abiding citizens, and I'm not about to place myself or my citizens in a position where they have to make that decision. Armed citizens are a damn sight more likely to save my life than to take it, in my experience.

10-20-2006, 07:46 AM
Deputy Al i wish our police here in west oz had your out look there are a few but most are not i will leave it at that .

10-20-2006, 09:45 AM
Reliance upon the news media for straight answers and unalloyed facts is not a profitable venture, so I don't want to condemn cop actions without valid info.

If known felons are in possession of firearms--and reasonable cause exists to believe that 1) they have those firearms in a certain place and 2) those firearms are likely to be misused in some way--then I might go along with warrantless seizures of firearms under the exigent circumstances existing in NO/LA at that time. But seizure of firearms from law-abiding citizens under any circumstances I can think of is detestable ON MANY FRONTS, and CONSIDERABLY counter-productive to maintenence of public safety and order. One need look no further than the example of the Los Angeles/King riots and the armed Korean business owners whose establishments were left standing. Oh, HORRORS--some of those business people even used EVIL ASSAULT WEAPONS. Imagine that......the bugbear and bogeyman of trendy leftists everywhere being employed for an intrinsic good.