View Full Version : Help with PID controller

12-10-2010, 05:30 AM
Several months ago I constructed a PID controller using Auber components. I have double checked my wiring and am certain that it is correct. I understand what the PID controller is supposed to do. What I don't understand is how it "learns" and how to program it. Would someone please enlighten me step by step how this thing is supposed to operate? I have bypassed the thermostat on my lead pot. I then plug the lead pot into the PID controller and the PID controller into a 120VAC receptacle then insert the PID thermocouple into the lead pot. Please inform me step by step, how i set the desired pot temperature on the PID controller and how do I set the desired temperature differential for the pot on the PID controller. After I shut the pot and PID controller off, will the PID controller remember these settings? If I want to change the temperature of the pot, do I just enter the new temp setting into The PID controller? Will the temperature differential remain the same or will it also have to be re-entered? Please post your replies to this thread, or PM me. Help will be greatly appreciated. :?:

Lee W
12-10-2010, 08:06 AM
The controller "learns" how to control the "process" after you start the "auto-tune". Everyone should be very happy with the auto tune. I am setting up a unit at work using a controller that does not have the auto tune option. PID is a long process without it. (I am on day two..) Anywho..

When you start the auto tune, make sure the pot temperature is just under the set point. If it is not, it will learn settings that are incorrect and it will not work very well.

That being said, once you run the auto tune, the settings will remain in the controller. If you set the unit to 650F, the settings may not be the best for 750F. (They might be.) It is easy to hit the auto tune again once you get there.

Changing the set point is the easy part and don't worry about the differential, the auto tune will take care of that unless you really need to change it.

12-10-2010, 04:46 PM
The auto tune is not needed, just plug it in and turn it on. It will get better and better at controlling the pot to a degree or two the longer it runs. I doubt it will over/under by > 10º on the first try. The controller learns as it runs and will continue to do better the longer it's on.

Use the up arrow down arrows to set your desired temp. press an arrow you will see a blinking green digit on the display in the second row , assuming you have a two line display.
There will be a blinking "decimal point" also, use the '>' button to move that point to the digit you want to change and you don't have to change 1 degree at a time; You change the digit you select.

For the most part the default settings are correct. You can fine tune things by adjusting the parameters but I can't explain what to do in Your particular case like this.

If you wish to use the 'auto tune', you must enable it. The first time you do simply press and hold the "AM" button until the 'am' led starts to blink. come back in about 20 minutes. That's it.
after you run the AT function once it is locked out in software and you must re enable it. You do this in the setting mode and it a little more complex, I need you model number to tell you how.