View Full Version : map of states banning lead ww

12-07-2010, 04:13 AM


12-07-2010, 05:39 AM
I'm sure someone here posted that WWs are outlawed (or just impossible to get?) in Texas,
but it's not highlighted on the map.

12-07-2010, 09:27 AM
Manufacturers are not going to run 2 lines, one for CA and NY and one for the rest of the country. They're going to stop using lead to make their production simpler, legislation or not.

This is the twilight of hobby casting. When the humble WW goes it takes the main source of cheap alloy with it. Some will develop alternate sources like range scrap and nuclear pharmacies. A few will buy virgin alloy. But most will give the hobby up.

I've got stores put away to last my lifetime. I feel sorry for the guys that are just getting into the game today.

12-07-2010, 09:59 AM
Morning guys,
I thought I read somewhere here that the Feds were going to outlaw lead WW's nationwide in 2011. Anyone got an update on this?

white eagle
12-07-2010, 04:27 PM
that is lame the whole premise
if there is such a big concern over pollution why not
eliminate cars totally

old turtle
12-07-2010, 04:34 PM
Maybe I am not well informed but I though that lead was much less reactive than zinc. So when the acid rain (from all the power plants generating for electric cars) falls on the zinc ww what compounds do we get in the water? Perhaps the natural solution is rock wheel weights.

12-07-2010, 05:00 PM
Maybe I am not well informed but I though that lead was much less reactive than zinc. So when the acid rain (from all the power plants generating for electric cars) falls on the zinc ww what compounds do we get in the water? Perhaps the natural solution is rock wheel weights.

WELL.....It was good enough for Fred Flintstone :shock:

12-07-2010, 05:55 PM
Maybe they could go back to the day when if a wheel/tire combo needed weights, it was rejected at the factory.

Chapped Lips
12-07-2010, 08:09 PM
appears the EPA is behind this......

Lead wheel weights being banned?
5 posts - 1 author - Last post: 4 hours ago
Subject: Lead wheel weights being banned?*… “We requested that the weights be phased-out by 2011, and we think that is*… It is now impossible to get lead wheel weights here in Vermont.*…
www.trapshooters.com/../thread.cfm - Options

the shotshell guys aren't happy either.....

Chapped Lips
12-07-2010, 08:12 PM
well,that didn't work out as planned :confused:

Charlie Two Tracks
12-08-2010, 08:23 PM
I live in Illinois and although I love my Country, I am embarrased to be living here.

12-08-2010, 08:39 PM
I am sick of the Anti-Gun people saying that Lead is the Source for all of our Ills. Lead is a naturally occuring element. As are most elements, taken in the right quantity it can be toxic. The anti-gun lobby has been wailing about getting rid of lead for years, the people that are whining about the effing condor eating a wheel weight are the same liberal dorks that want to ban our guns.

B. Murphy

old turtle
12-08-2010, 09:16 PM
ahhbach, Well said!

12-08-2010, 10:10 PM
I posted last week they would ban in 2011 got several PM s if you go to the WW manufactures web they say that THEY are going to zinc because they dont want to get some mixed and sent to wrong state.
lead paint leaded gas ???? any questions??? its here guys get it while you can look what happen to the ducks they all died from lead poison had many tree rats and rarebits couple birds several deer die too so soon cant hunt only with a certified rock

12-08-2010, 10:12 PM
Incrementalism is their agenda and the apathetic are their abetors.

12-08-2010, 10:36 PM
Do you suppose that if wheel weight manufacturers quit buying lead, that the Price of lead will come down due to less demand ?

12-09-2010, 01:45 AM
Do you suppose that if wheel weight manufacturers quit buying lead, that the Price of lead will come down due to less demand ?
Maybe, but where will you buy it? Out here, the scrap yards won't even take it won't sell it.[smilie=b:

12-09-2010, 02:21 AM
I am sure someone out there has the answer for this, but I don't understand why lead wheel weights on the ground, (after falling off a vehicles wheel) are more harmful to the environment than lead in it's natural habitat (the ground). I think the whole thing is an EPA job security hype..

12-09-2010, 02:49 AM
Do you suppose that if wheel weight manufacturers quit buying lead, that the Price of lead will come down due to less demand ?

The chinese will still buy it up to put in the paint on kids toys and glasses the sell us.

12-09-2010, 08:06 AM
I am sure someone out there has the answer for this, but I don't understand why lead wheel weights on the ground, (after falling off a vehicles wheel) are more harmful to the environment than lead in it's natural habitat (the ground). I think the whole thing is an EPA job security hype..

And if the amount of lead claimed came off of cars every year, we wouldn't have to search for WW. We'd just take a bucket and shovel up as much as we wanted from the 4 foot piles lining the roads.

12-09-2010, 09:36 AM
We live in the areas here like Galena Ill. Wis. and Iowa where the best lead mining is in the states, All our wells run thought the lead viens under ground, No one has ever died from lead posioning or from casting , There isnt a pile of dead duck or geese on the river banks from the duck hunters, Joe

12-09-2010, 09:46 AM
From the video: "It only take 7 day for a weight to completely corrode and contaminate the enviroment".

My Question: How come the pile of weights I have outside hasn't disolved?

12-09-2010, 09:46 AM
First the paint...Now the wheel weights. There's no common snse left, just "parents" too damn lazy and conditioned to teach their children simple truths like, "Don't eat paint chips." I remember the ads on t.v. back in the 60's when they were trying to get lead paint banned. An urban youngster standing at a cracked and peeling window frame pulling paint chips off and stuffing them in his pie-hole...Jeez! How much does it take?

My dad worked on the PRR and brought home a quart bottle of Mercury to clean metal with one time. Us kids were fascinated by it! All he had to say was, "Wash your hands good after handling this stuff, it's poison! It'll kill you if you eat it, and I'm not digging a hole to burry you in!" (the old man was tough)

Ah, just keep focused on the nfl and nascar. Your elected "officials" will take care of everything for you, from cradle to grave.

12-09-2010, 09:47 AM
Good morning
This all just fall into place with all the other scares politicians dream up to make themselves look needed... As you freeze your toes off remember " Global Warming" !
I wonder how many of our elected know it als are heavily divested in the production of Zinc.

12-09-2010, 10:16 AM
Anyone else notice the lead ingots pictured in the video? They were from the LYMAN four-ingot mold!

Remember when movie theater owners would flash pictures of Coke-a-Cola and popcorn on the screen so fast that your concious brain couldn't see it, but your subconscious brain did? And, for some reason, you thought to yourself, "gee, I'm thirsty" or "some popcorn sounds good right now." -- That practice of subliminal imagry was outlawed.

So, a quick, seemingly harmless flash of "LYMAN" lead ingots on an EPA video about the harmful affects of lead WWs is just planting the seeds in the minds of the American "sheep". ---IF THE GOVERNMENT SAYS LEAD WWs ARE BAD, THEN IT MUST BE TRUE, AND WE MUST BAN EVERTHING MADE OF LEAD SO WE CAN BE PURE, AND HEALTHY AND PROUD OF OURSELVES FOR BEING PART OF SOMETHING...EVEN IF WE REALLY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT! DUHHHHH!

If I were Lyman, I'd be ticked off to see my company name displayed in that video!

old turtle
12-09-2010, 10:22 AM
Who has ever seen a piece of lead "completely corrode". I am not a chemist but I know zinc is much more reactive than lead. Put lead and zinc in sea water and see which one disappears first. These people know nothing except how to fool the public so they can keep their jobs.

old turtle
12-09-2010, 10:37 AM
WAIT JUST A BLOODY MINUTE! I just viewed the video and first the corroded wheel weight is one run over on a rough road. I would like to see a piece of lead put in water dissolve. How come the lead in you battery does not dissolve and run out when you pour the acid out. I know is is acid and not water but put that zinc wheel weight in acid and see what happens. In the event of acid in the ground water such as tannic acid here in Florida we will not need any zinc in our food as our teeth will be galvanized.

12-09-2010, 11:17 AM
old turtle, in a battle of wits we win hands down! Trouble is, they have the money, the media, and the u.n. It's like that movie with Rodney Piper, "They Live".

12-09-2010, 11:54 AM
I am glad I am 71 I am tired of all the lies and soon even if I live to be 90 I will be gone. Without lead and casting I will have to not shoot as it will come down to shoot are eat.

old turtle
12-09-2010, 12:04 PM
oldhickory, I guess you are right. To H*** with the facts, the media and the government says so. Freightman, I am 72 and I intend to stock up on lead and I have a good stock of surplus jacketed to fall back on. In a way I am glad I am not 25 as I think we have seen our best days. How long will web sites like this be allowed? The FCC is working on it I know.

12-09-2010, 01:38 PM
From the video: "It only take 7 day for a weight to completely corrode and contaminate the enviroment".

My Question: How come the pile of weights I have outside hasn't disolved?

I had no idea I needed to rebalance my tires every 7 days...

12-10-2010, 02:06 AM
oldhickory, I guess you are right. To H*** with the facts, the media and the government says so. Freightman, I am 72 and I intend to stock up on lead and I have a good stock of surplus jacketed to fall back on. In a way I am glad I am not 25 as I think we have seen our best days. How long will web sites like this be allowed? The FCC is working on it I know.

Speaking as one of those newer 25 year old boolit casters, this is one of those dilemmas I contemplate all the time. Would I prefer to have missed the internet age but had decades more time to cast and shoot? ...or am I happier missing out on being able to cast and shoot long term but have lived to see technology like organ replacement and 150+ year life expectancy? :killingpc





12-10-2010, 02:09 AM
I just love that I am in the commy state of IL that is Green which on this map green is not good!

12-10-2010, 03:07 AM
Speaking as one of those newer 25 year old boolit casters, this is one of those dilemmas I contemplate all the time. Would I prefer to have missed the internet age but had decades more time to cast and shoot? ...or am I happier missing out on being able to cast and shoot long term but have lived to see technology like organ replacement and 150+ year life expectancy? :killingpc

I PRAY I don't live to be 150 years old!

12-10-2010, 03:21 AM
Speaking as one of those newer 25 year old boolit casters, this is one of those dilemmas I contemplate all the time. Would I prefer to have missed the internet age but had decades more time to cast and shoot? ...or am I happier missing out on being able to cast and shoot long term but have lived to see technology like organ replacement and 150+ year life expectancy? :killingpc
Careful what you wish for! I am 54, I don't think I can stand another 54yrs of liberals, liers & cheats. There was a time when you could trust a govt worker to do the right thing. Now they are all crooks, legally stealing our money in the form of higher taxes & fees to pay themselves stupidly high salary & benefits. We are not that far from the French Revolution circa 2012 maybe? When we all get tired of working & paying higher & higher taexs so govt workers can retire @ 55 w/ stupid pentions & benefits, well, maybe then it will change. The country is broke, the counties & cities are broke & the workng class just doesn't have the will to keep paying for waste & mis managment & incompetence.:takinWiz: Except for Kommifornia & NY, the rest of the county seems to have opened their eyes. There is no such thing as free anything. Someone always pays.

12-10-2010, 03:33 AM
if the force's at work want to ban lead in the USA maybe they should start in CHINA!
that's just a thought. with the USA having over a trillion dollars of debt to them it might help our economey. but what do i know, i'm just poor ole swamp people.

skimmerhead :cbpour:

artifical intelligence is no match for natural stupidity! author, me

evan price
12-10-2010, 12:05 PM
Get what you can, while you can, and stack it deep.

Charlie Two Tracks
12-10-2010, 08:45 PM
That is correct evan price. I also hate the fact that I don't disclose just how much lead I have. There might be a black helicopter hovering overhead watching me type! I am trying to cast all that I have. (which is really nothing mr. guberment man)

12-11-2010, 07:46 PM
This has been a sore spot for me for a LOOONG time. The anti-gun crowd (aka Left Wing Politicians) have been picking the scab off of lead for awhile now- Luckily I have enough Galena to last the rest of my lifetime. A couple of things:
1. Lead is not Soluable in water - You can place lead in water take it out and it will be essentially the same as when it went in. Thus the drinking water is not affected by it.

2. People get cancer from being in the sun. Maybe we should start a ' Lets put out the sun' coalition get some wank like Al Gore to back us up, and off we'll go.

3. Animals don't eat lead. If they do, darwinism is at work and they die (Gene pool only gets stronger)

Maybe I am ranting due to the effect of the Med-fly and killer bee stings. I am going to go lay down with my Global Warming Literature and pray the Ozone Hole doesn't swallow me


PS I hope my Y2K insurance doesn't lapse

12-11-2010, 08:11 PM
Just a quick question. What is the body count at right now from those killed by lead ww. I mean if they are so destructive, shouldn't we be able to see negative effects. It's not like there are bodies stacking up or hospitals full of lead poisoning victims. It's a solution to a problem that we don't have. I am afraid that we have passed the point of no return nationwide, this is just an expression of a greater political disease and our country has bought off on it hook, line, and (lead) sinker. End rant.

12-12-2010, 12:27 PM
Just a quick question. What is the body count at right now from those killed by lead ww. I mean if they are so destructive, shouldn't we be able to see negative effects. It's not like there are bodies stacking up or hospitals full of lead poisoning victims. It's a solution to a problem that we don't have.

Like I said... I am an fair skinned person of Irish descent, I burn when in the sun.
Many people are not fair skinned and can spend all day in the sun. There is a verifiable body count for skin cancer caused by OVER-exposure to the sun. I handle and play with lead all the time and my numbers are low. Other people handle lead for a minute and their numbers are high. Its called genetics folks and unless someone we know weilds god-like power you can't change it.


PS I just repainted my house with acid rain proof paint

12-12-2010, 02:20 PM
They must have used a different kind of lead during the Civil War. I have used a metal detector to search numerous civil war battle areas and dug up many lead bullets [mini balls] that have been in the ground for 150 years. These bullets were hole and did not dissipate into the soil. If lead contaminates the soil so bad then the city of Gettysburg, PA. should be considered a hazardous waste site.


12-12-2010, 03:47 PM
largom, that's scientific evidence and as such has no place in a political discussion...


12-15-2010, 06:12 AM
If you read the text you'll see that the EPA is banning lead due to lawsuits by the far left greenies.

The EPA regulates not by scientific evidence but by lawsuits. I used to deal with the EPA (local, state, federal, DNR, Coast Guard, etc) on a daily basis doing superfund site cleanup. Science, or even common sense, has nothing to do with regulations. The ultra-left enviromentalists, which generally get a lot of funding from the government for lawyers, sue in court about the interpertation of the rules and regulations and the application of same. The laws are written (as one Washington DC lawyer told me years ago) by lawyers (Congress) for lawyers (to fight over the meaning in court). People think the EPA is a good thing. I think it's the most evil thing in the world and only Hitler's administrators had more power (maybe).

But cheer up, Congress has just created two more serpents to save you from the doctors and the banks.

BTW, do you know even if you have a new house (remember lead paint was banned over 20 years ago) if your replace the carpet the carpet layer has to be trained and certified to the EPA's requirements to ensure there is no lead in your house? That training and certification isn't free. Make any sense - of course not.

12-15-2010, 11:30 AM
Evil lead - yes but it is OK to have mercury in your lights and arsenic in your water. Old cemeteries leach out arsenic since that is the chemical used to embalm years ago. Radon gas is present in basements of houses 15 years old and older. That is just the tip of the iceberg. The amount of drugs we consume just drinking water makes us all druggies.

12-15-2010, 11:34 AM
I turned 58 today. I have been collecting lead for 12 months and have a ready supply. The EPA can't "ban" lead.... They can ban certain uses, but God will have a say in whether a naturally occuring element will be unavailable.... There are way too many people in this country with way too much clout centered on agenda driven emotionalism. My father and his generation would not allow emotion to get in the way of common sense solutions to problems. They all learned that lesson the hard way during the depression! I pray for my grandchildren every day because they will inherit this madness and not have the benefit of a country full of our grandparents to explain the way "it used to be".

God help us all! Got to go now, need to find some more wheel weights before they disipate and poison the water supply!