View Full Version : Grouse casualty

12-06-2010, 08:23 PM
Was shooting the .45 Colt with Miha's RCBS 270-SAA boolits when this poor sucker got in the way at around 60 yards down range. Poor guy. :bigsmyl2:

I was halfway impressed with the wound channel at only 850 or so fps.

12-06-2010, 08:48 PM
Nice shot! They are tasty critters. Those birds have a way of making hunters look silly. I spent many a pleasant afternoon chasing them around the aspens and crabapples.

12-06-2010, 09:30 PM
When I told the wife that I had brought a grouse home, she says, "Eeeooouuuuwwww, what's that? Why did you do that?". After I fried it up and she tasted some her attitude changed to "That's pretty good, and you can bring that home anytime." [smilie=l:

12-06-2010, 09:35 PM
They sure can make you look silly...in more ways than one. Once upon a time (just post high school) I was sneaking out to a bow hunting stand in the pre-dawn hours trying to be super quiet. I about stepped on one in some tall grass. It came up with a vengeance and I about ruined my skivvies...

12-06-2010, 10:33 PM
They sure can make you look silly...in more ways than one. Once upon a time (just post high school) I was sneaking out to a bow hunting stand in the pre-dawn hours trying to be super quiet. I about stepped on one in some tall grass. It came up with a vengeance and I about ruined my skivvies...

That's hilarious. My good friend Kevin claims that, once-upon-a-time, he stepped on two different ones (maybe the same one twice) on his way out to his deer stand one morning. That was the last time he hunted. He's not a die-hard, and that incident did him in. :holysheep

12-07-2010, 12:14 AM
Bro-In-Law had a covey of quail fly out of his hip pocket a few years back. I was a few yards behind him, we were on the way back to the truck.
I asked him how many of those flying quail he thought he was actually going to hit with that 300 Ultra?
He thought that joke was pretty funny......after a while.

12-07-2010, 12:29 AM
That sounds a whole lot like what happened to my Brother and I, MANY years ago. We were hunting deer and hadn’t seen a thing all day, not even a fresh track, but we’re still doing the “Sneaky Pete” along an old logging road. Suddenly, 2 Grouse come out of the brush about 8” from our feet and fly into a tree. Yes, I do understand about that skivvies thing!

Well, no deer anywhere, 2 good sized Grouse about 30 feet up in this tree, and us trying to regain some manhood. So what the heck, lets “Make Meat” even if not that much.

I get lucky and with my first shot knock the head off one of them and it drops almost at our feet. Unfortunately, my Brother has a scope on his .270 and just manages to nick his bird. It does fall out of the tree, BUT, it flops around on the ground like a chicken with it’s head Almost cut off!

He quickly hands me his rifle and pulls his S&W 27 and proceeds to end the affair, except the grouse flops over to the edge of the very nearby Steep hill and flops its way down!

Now my Brother is not one to give up easily, so he immediately jumps down the hill alongside the bird. At every jump he fires a round at the grouse, they both take another hop, and he shoots again.

I’m standing on top of the hill, watching open mouthed and laughing! The Opera continues until, near the bottom of the hill, the last .357, yep, number 6, hits the poor bird in the head and it’s all over!

You can imagine how hard I’m laughing as he makes his way up the steep hillside, with his “kill” in hand.

As it happens, we dressed the birds and eventually made our way home, where we shared our bounty, along with pizza, with my wife, who is probably the unsung heroine of the story for fixing our dinner, and ordering the pizza. She really is a gem!:smile:

12-07-2010, 01:25 AM
I used to avidly hunt grouse in Eastern Ohio, arguably home of the wildest grouse in the Universe. I learned a good bit about them and the more I learned the more I admired them. They are certainly a worthy adversary.

I was bird hunting with a couple of buddies. It was rather deep snow and it is STEEP in Eastern Ohio. I stepped in a hole and twisted my knee. That caused me to fall behind (I told my buddies to hunt ahead). It put me in a great position to watch what happened. A grouse let my buddies walk on by, then rose quietly and flew back towards me. It didn't see me and without slowing a single wing beat dove into a snow drift completely disappearing. Seconds later, he poked just his head up like a periscope to take a look around. In the meantime, I had slipped my handgun out, but was laughing so hard I couldn't take the shot...

A good time was had by all!!


12-07-2010, 01:28 AM
I used to avidly hunt grouse in Eastern Ohio, arguably home of the wildest grouse in the Universe. I learned a good bit about them and the more I learned the more I admired them. They are certainly a worthy adversary.

I was bird hunting with a couple of buddies. It was rather deep snow and it is STEEP in Eastern Ohio. I stepped in a hole and twisted my knee. That caused me to fall behind (I told my buddies to hunt ahead). It put me in a great position to watch what happened. A grouse let my buddies walk on by, then rose quietly and flew back towards me. It didn't see me and without slowing a single wing beat dove into a snow drift completely disappearing. Seconds later, he poked just his head up like a periscope to take a look around. In the meantime, I had slipped my handgun out, but was laughing so hard I couldn't take the shot...

A good time was had by all!!


That's really cool! I had no idea...

12-07-2010, 01:40 AM
It's amazing to have an unseen grouse explodes from under the snow! Their wings will leave a "snow angel" in the top of the snow as they lift off.


home in oz
12-07-2010, 02:11 AM
Stepping on a grouse would be exciting.

I stepped on a possum in the dark walking to a bow stand in the dark-that woke me up!

12-07-2010, 07:19 PM
I stepped on a possum going back to the house after an evenin hunt !!

The wife was doing the washing & hollered "what happened this time !"

Anyways better than a water moccisan or a copperhead !!

12-07-2010, 07:28 PM
I always love reading about grice. Someday, I'm going to shoot one on the wing!